c~.of ~W$i~ Pulci aed Daily (Sunadays exeed m) darin the Cailece aytat, Pby THE F U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION E'DI'TORS. C'. A. ttNteISO, Lawit'9'4, MtanagingtELditore. P.K.ai tai'., Lieatt. 't9,1, Assisat ll. A. diii I,Lit. '94. Assitant. iC.it.Ittit,t[it. 951 Athletic tdit-. S. tW. CURTIeSSt. P. Gd.tLit., Busntest Maitager. tW. N. t'itet'e, Lit. '96, Asetisttt. H. B. tilatitat, lit. 'Pt Assistantt. L. A, Strtauss, 'tat. F]. J. Been, '93. R. (0. Atttt..'t5. 'MEIeaCAL.. J. L..Lorie,t1145 ('.N. Sowers, '93. tlailie E. MeFaielatad. E.. .Mit)titidate, 'Pt. .THE U. OF H. DAILY. goodI resuilts tare been attained frontm thte meetings of ltce Westernt College Pdress association. College press associaticcs tettd to produce thact E..&l tnity and isprul (eAC'corIV cwhich shcouli exist bettecen all college puliciations, a restult that cannot be TAN I It -;OES-Pices, $3.50, $4.007 5.00. attained i nt ciy otiher maniner titan 48 SOITH MAIN S3TREEFT, - - ANN IAR[Bl throtigit orgatnizatint. We htopte to bte able to publishlthte prograttt'in SP'yJ'yI"lf7G' A SpIrtd fuill in a fete days. SP1TG t ine2. T he DAILY cwililibe represented at the meeting. 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO iOR. tL. E. i7"itiitat " t tRO tect tt ASt I eeopttttt.t bIe it I th t iee ttef're :ttci.in. banrie S'f urlc setationf.osfr'sAidP Opte.m r RA t teLAIGSHOOPBINESS sng Itr. ( c It g o t f tt ' taetct tbrcvra etc at cret ttttag lcith ;lttntcate rHQyRROrSrtiet'. ltittHOUtt.nip e tetedervilttLa cact ori. 'aGeore iec, oei telycitihes us di frsveaw e ar nt .-fientetildi nneac ers largettndsan~lc;101NCc sOTatHi. tinly htiili M ietip ra tiri ~c eitailm O nl-rai m dil lctre; .atrdy Lve 'A rct, i n atr . . Still aildiExtrae'....... .. i atl. it i d'ma1101'orthand grdnaaeslaltiethee esii:ono$400 $5 . t alan alteti''iatt ...... ap bte. ) r x re tly s ry at ci i a.elt lleecillet o if t e ie tttiev h '1 'xpnss catty iwekiipiat au-Ci ri G Sa1tt 71. f. '' t Ciht Prodaat- frntic e ec yen tinuc" w ailsoteam- d ape, ie.i orse n ni-Tld ny al xc1 Eve I to adtre poett fte spas-ccetsreneed(icy yadvialiy, Al D ty ei'i:'. Gn.i-P'ass.lil t . LclAet vi gorously Iproscuee. Ac 'a resiult, FOE SALE BY ALL, DRUGGISTS. nat aiterson twas scenothi le fette t.Y.~ 1~ ~]ti. or r'iliroiai trace, iiiiCs proimliity HENRNY H A UGC, ? W? t!it Ditbo Saturday. I cerS I"r' JUSTil'utli'i t, ~Acii tl V Ron C3 . StateSt As a.tinee xhibition ofl biseball ]Ya. ~ jl~G~r~U ,Lauti" Te"uius aijd J3ase playicg tile irst seven i tittilisof23Y'as.n Catus I Saurdacy ' diii"cccerta.itly )lartii CITY'LAU'DRY, l Gos to eat ''ie biltyof il? reitto M. S-abott, N. 4 N. ourth 5t. to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k: bet leaii~o i'(a o~--A Olt WW"ITE VOlE Ci1TALOGUK fintd allckids01fciiives was p (ii t it seee let itntScturday's gilil , antid"~ ________________ lice resulitcwas eminiently stidafac- ANN ARBOR RENTSCH-LEFS, tory. (Griffitsbhleift lianttw irler, 1 - LAUIPLY Co. otoqgrcpheps laeorta odopotnt T .TN a7C.to Ily their luck cwitih a left itatid 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. tul'.\01103is pitcher before meeting Ptriest, of; E. sS. LFVIS. - 111ANA GER. Corinell. If ltle batting record of__________________ oar traim, cith Griffiths in tite box, NOTICE.Trt STooE1NS indicates anythting, it means lihal --- - - - andid tizensi. Doan't send aoit ofttotacitfCr Catity atitttyoutacangectitst ac caoti at R.1E. we iioito tcae nuci toitfear froeoiiltlyr &.Co.'s. Wd's tCcharge latessile, bhit C This Space iReserv-ed tile glte it toi rai, and Chat is atne-hair'. Hat and Cornell 's ieft itanded pitchter. anmn n n ai aht tlitattcte dayaitnight. 'iiie cannual mteeting aof the Western College Press Association ciii be held at te Unieersity hotel, Chicago, MAay 27. To titis meeting ciii conte the representatives of all the leading college publications int tce ceest, for tite purpose of discuss- ing matters of the greatest import- ance in college journalism. As lice history of lis association, cwhicih was organized through the efforts of tice mantaging editors of the DAILYv in the spring of iSca, cvilsihow, Woodw adAdi.tant Sltaitetet HETPROT, - - MICHIGAN. R. L. JOLLYJ..& C®., N'o. 25 outh State Street- Thitisacee ter ed'uiii-tti HOT LUNCHES GA INI) OiEiA 11IiPI. Andl the very choicent Cantlies 48 SOUTHI STATE STET''. VICTOR CYCLES You aull knostem. SIM. STAEBI.ERL'S Cycle Emparium, 11 W. Washingtsn St. GIBSON, PHIOTOGRAPHR NO. 12 W. HURON ST.