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May 15, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-15

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VOL. III.-NO. 16t.


IT WAS THE NINTH. M1ewiliis2, Sheppard. Bases o bis-by
Griffiths, s; Macticrran, 3. Siroc a out-by
Griffiths, Northwestern's Crack blailPhernin, I; 1)y Grifiths, It. Passerd Pils
Left-hander Went to Pieces -t-rawtoad, Heyweood 2. Timso'twofouIlis.
in the Eighth. (Tm irse. 1V. Daly, of 1)troit.
Dr. Herdman's Letture.
Blad weather andi the poor ptay
ing in the :Minnesota-U. of M1. amse Di. Herdman addressed the imemi
kept manoy away from the Athletic beirs of the S. C. A. Sunday morin-
Field 1last Sa turday. Tihose per- ing, oiltile subject of ''Scientific
sots marie a big niistatke. They Metthodts Applied to Chriaty. "
imissetd seeiing for seveis inniings oine;Amnsg other ttinr e ad
of tte ienbest pitctiers bafldeereiiru~e science antiCthristiaiulthaee
witnssedl oilthe thonme groundls.inever asntagonizeeachothr. el
Lntii tile eighth, oer boys coull div Iious to tse advenit of Chiinityii
abssolutely nothing with Griffithis. science had no foothiold. Sicisic
Tile best batters on tse lean stsouck is the oiffspring of Cihristiaoity, ansd
viii as often as they cause to tile a msutual helpfuniess tinsisairked the
bat, but in tile eighthi andi ninth progress of each. Observation, lhp-
they seenmed to find their battin pothesis anti verificatioti, slie up
clothes and the ball then weist alt the method of science.
over the fild. H-eywood, U1. of M. Christianity is more than than a
lit '92, caught a good ganie for syteni of ethics or ttseology. It is
Northssestern, and Bass niade a a tife, a tiving germ, which consing
fine catch in teft field. into msan transforms himn. Christ
Mac Pherran pitched a fiue game, cisose not ignorant men, bitt men
striking out the most nien of any trained in their tine of svork, for his
pitcher on the home grouisds tiis audiences. Mien who could decide
season. The fielding of the home whletiser his denmonstratiois were in
leans was ilecidedly loose, tise worst accord with natare or were due to
errors being bad jiidgmnit of balls. superhuman poweer.
'The batting record stilt holds. Scientific niethsods base beets sery
Spurney leti in number of hits, ise valuable us verifying the stateisents
and Shields both getting three-bag- of the Bible. And science being
gers in left field. Following is tihe tile offspring of Christianity msust
omplte sore:consequently be nsore or less nub-
omplte sore:servient to it.
U. OFCAl. Alpha Nu-Adelphi Contest.
AIti13H aPO A E Room 24 was well filled Saturday
2 liUevening, at the Alphia Nu-Adelphi
Ster S _____________3 2 00 contest, with ais appireciative audi-
topri ,ii-------------3 2 0 3a1-i1 ence. The prograns was signally
smelzer r ________________4 1 0 0 o itnteresting ithroughsouit. 'The exer-
---------i-----b-- 2 cines weere opened by a vocal solo by
Meactierba, v ------ -- -40 Miss Volland, after whbics the pre-
'Yiel~ds, c _t ---i---s------51.1 3 0 siding officer, Prof. AMcLaughlin,
- - - -- - introduced Mr. J. B. Broolks, orator
hotl ------------- t----- 1 5 1 7 from the Alphsa Nit. lM r. iBrooks
spoke wills good volume and empha-
a oRliiwFITE1i'y sin on "Duties of Citizens.''1\Mr.
-- . F. Wilcox, of the Adelphsi, spoke
Biss, 1. . ..------------- . 10 on "The Profession of Law.''Thse
iletidrieks, c. C------------4 2 1 o c 5 declaimer frons Alpht. Nu was Mr.
Iatitey, a2ii----'---- 0 0 3 0 F. B. Reynolds, who delivered him-
6rifllths, p-------.. . . ..__4 00 self well. Mir. Klingler represented
tic Witiatiti, : b----------5 505 0 0 di Hi0s
Hteywoodt,. . . . .ill--------4 1 00thse Adephi. Hsubject was "A
Ele, r. f-.............--------4 0s11 0 Little of Everything." The society
Maclay, s. . . . .n-----------5-4 a01 ;o papers by Isaac Stern and F. IV.
Sheppard, 1 ----t.--..__.___-4 00 io51Newton were very novel and witty,
Totls-----------. ----__i 44 7 hand kept the audience in continnual
Tuuiuis. .as4 4 1 5good humor.
SCOsEc Bv INNINGS.Tise debate on the "Gladstone
_________________________Home Role Bill was ably conducted
1 a23 s45a67a s by Messrs. Griffin, Hinckley Dear-
U. M____ so___10 o 0 a 0 s -sn3born and Cook.
northwrstars.5 _-_1 0050050251-1 4 The Judges on the contest were
Profesars Dewey and Taylor and
Earned rues-U. of M,.. 8; Northwesters, 1. Rev. J. WV. Bradshaw, whose report
Tiras-base hits-Spurney, Shields. Stales showed 86 points for the ApaNo,
bsases-Crawford 2, Rich 2, Spitzaer, Sparney . ,ph
Swetter 3, Jelterie, tPearson 2, SMacPherran; and 8o for the Adelphi.

Will be Held at the World's Fair,
Chicago. Beginning Monday.
July 17.
Its the category of sworldi's con-
gresses to be hieldt durintg tile int-
ier in Ciiicago, tse congress of
college aisd tnis-ersity students swll
play aaiehiart. Arrangemlents
hiace been conipleted foir the cots-
gress, tinditile veeik commntcing
Jliy i7tinslien-Ilchiosenl as the mosdt
convenient time for the mleetiing.
'The puirposes, anniounicedithie lpre-
limnlary oulinte, by tile clhairmlan
of the comimittee, are three-fold:
1. T Io proniote initer-iiiversity anin i-
ternastionial sttideist fellawsiiip titriugli-
out the worldi,thsisaeeking to foster iin
thse social life of thse world tbhat bretidthi
of vies'sald sympathies which atut-
dents gain thirough their college aind
usiversity studies anadasociatiotia.
2. Tbe advaneemeist of such itter-
eats as thsestudeists have its commoni,
andsc the organizations of suchl tn inster-
national tissocitations of college and
uniiversity studenta.
3. 'Ta gathser inifornmations regairdinsg
the condlitioti, charaicter antd spirit of
college aisdtuniveraity life in diiterrent
cottitries, tandsito obtaini usefisl kiossl-
edge ots other interestinsg topics frcoin
the stuidentstanldpoinit.
'rie title chsosen for the congress
is opportune, as students of all na-
tionalities will dlock to thse tWorlcd's
Fair. The interest of U1. of 11.
tudents should be awankened to this
project, and as ninny should pla~n to
attend thsis congress as can possibly
do so. As soon as definite arrange-
ments arc nande, annouincement of
thlens will be nmade through tiese
Will Maest in Chicago.
Arrangements are alnsost cons-

stien trotwanitthetesict MetropolianSo tales
of$(It, ;>, I$4 or N lioel at 50c ti $1 a pair less
thiss Ann Arbo pricrs, srnd tor Catalogue to
10i. 183-185 wlOlltDWA AE.,
9jghmond Straight Qtit.
No. 1
Ol Cgaretto Smaokersah
are willing to sar a tit
isore than the price
cha rd tor the ordinary
L tradse Cigarettea, will find
Tes is AND superior to
sit others.
The Riohmood Sirsight
tCuttNo. ICigarettessaresmadetfromathetbright-
eat, lost delleately slal-sodad higbett cost
Osod beat gross ini Virginia. Tbis is the Oldl
and OrriinalitBad of Sir.ait dotdigsrettos,,
andlwassbrought outliyus inthe year b81.
tieware at irritatioiss, ad observe thatsttue
fir same as beoaw is as evoerpaokage.
01 the AmerecsnTobiacooCo.,
Manufactures, - - icholinsd.Virginia.

pleted for the annual meeting of I___________________
the Western College Press Associa-
lion at the University hsotel, Cisica- ( .J KINNUC.AN,
go, M-ay 27. 'Tbis association, as isI
wecll known, was organised during MER.CHA.NT
the spring of sSg t, largely through
the efforts of Ralph Stone who was
at that time msanaging editor of the TAILOR
DAILY. 'Tbis years meeting prom-
ises to be of unusual importance as AND ItMOtiR o
there are a number of questions to
be discussed which are of the greatest
interest to college journalism. Pres-
ident Stone has not asyet, fully
announced the program to be carried 55 W FORT/I S'.,
out at the meeting but will do so
this week. Detroit, Xichiga n.

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