THE U. OF M. DAILY IBftSEB1ALL;A F/NE DI8PLAY GENTS' HALF-HOSE NOTICE! At 42 S. State St, Ii 10or H o ig, tiaPaos Special Sale at NOBLE'S en Sat, f~JIiVois,~.15 cts., Six for 75o cts. 13 ets., Three for 50 c-ts. Chooaes nd Ciga, All Elegantly Finiosed and Richtina Three Styles, Four for $,,'1.00. Tone. 35 cts, Three for $1.00. 50 ets., worth 75 cts. '~CALKIN'S. J F _________________ Ex h ~ tra value, Imported troaghs Boston Commission House. All Shaso, Black, Tant,',,-U.EI.a-onLee , n LV . l l IIG IilUb1t; UCdlUl'. I Browns, Etc., Etc. MOORE &ETMORE, BOOK STORES NIO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _________________AND CORNER OP STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. A ITL~tT AIThILHIFOM3 SoU7ENII!1 Oi ANIN n1:BO?1117-1:D T7-UTIY7EE.SITY J>TSi £, on7p, TENNIS GOODS AND hIAMNMOCKS. Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. And Many 1&~ Other 110' Makes S crinanco let1 LE RO NS at t rO REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY alb, 'Clipper -lrantd" Solid meat Tomatotes tot $1,105er Ii "Dolphin << << - 1.15 r 3"IRiversitde cc " "cc< "c1.20c 3 " tmpuash, - - - - - 11(1 r 211 Winslotw Corni, - - - 1.li5 '2 " Primrose - -- --'1. 8 " 2 " Lake Shore," - - - " 1.50 Anad all othter Canoed Godos at proportionate paice ot doz. cG cc c tc Gt tG CG 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. i Will You Look At onr Show Window? It tolls il's owit story about GUITARS AND PRICES. UNIVERSITY NOTES. PttOBABLY Ttn tEVrtt Ste tender vse -aesprinted wronsg. Thse wards were speelt awry. Somse esocking rate had surenl hatd A flttttein that pi' -Willianms Weekly. See tine gasme this afternoon., Prof. Chatmplin trill lecture to tlhe laws Monday. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., Hon. «. L. Wiloon will lectore 51stMaintt Street. its the tudent's lectttre series, Wed- nesday night, May 24. .XLIGHIGAN GEN TRAS. WV. Norton, M~. A., '92, who -L R has been practicing late in Chicago, Time Table (tRevised) November 20,18S:1.o EAST. 1). 11. WEST. a. m. is visititg friends in the city. Mailt---------4 25 Chtcago Special _ 3 08 Dane Enpeas-S-St3 Day Exareas . it82 Heywood, who last year played N. , imited-S-TO128Mest _- el93 N. Y, N. S... mited --9595 on thse '92 lit teans, will catch for Niagara Patio 5i'1 It 27 p. m. a, m, ChcagoaEx,,ress. 2 19 Northwestern this afternoon. CD. N. Express-5 10 0. Lt. Exptresos-5 S48 AtlanticExroess.-. 05 Chi. NightC En,9515 Prof. Mecemn has prepared a list es. N. Express--10401Paeific Express hO 27 0. W. Eros O. .W. Doeno, of questions on Bills and Noteo for G.P. & T. Arent, Chiclago. Art. Atn Arboar. __________________________ the acconmmodation of the class. FIRST NATIONAL BA. NK Miss Stella Brown, of Lansing, OP, ANN ARBOR. is visiting with haer friend, Miss Peatr1 Capital, St'. 13. Sarplsur and Profita,$,0Wll~. Trasacsts .a genera- tanking business, Car- Robinson, lit '96, for a few days. en enahatte"e said, lettera at credit procured \ar'SheansadMors for tavelrs aboad. P. BACH, Prens. h~,Sehns n or~ S. W. CLoARSONCsshier, bookstores will hereafter close every DANCING and DEPORTMENT. evening at six o'clock, except on Saturday. GRANGER'S AA DEMY The National Republican Teague Thebuldng peialy uitb Mr Ganermet Friday in Louisville and among includes his family home, and contasinstba the officers elected was Julius C. finest and kent srranged rooms ear instruction l to beeaoud ilathe State. Travis, of the U. of M., who cap. Offies.Csnter Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST. tured the secretaryship. - Send $125,$,aor $3 50for Sam- Cornell downed U. of P., Thurs- pie Retail Box h express o f5t .Pis ~? the BEST CANDIES in Americ.a. day, by a scoreof5t2.Pis Pat ap in elegant boxes and strictly pare. Suitahle Carpice agrt game, only three prepad. Rfer o hits beinlo. g made off him. Cornell's Tr ionc _ adres,. entire team put up a gilt-edged field CICAGO, ILLINOIS. game. l An inter-collegiate oratorical con- test, represented by Williams, Yale, Princeton, Rutgers, and Brown, will be hseld at Newr Haven in June. A press club, compsosed of edi- tors of college papers and local rep- resentatives of the press, has been organized at the University of Min- nesota. Under the manageenit of P'rof. Stagg it is expected thtat a strong team will be developed at the U. of C. The nesv ball field adjacent to thse gynuasitum svill soon be ready for use. Prof. G. W. Patterson will speak tomorrowr evening at 6:3o before thse Young Peoples' Vespers, at St. Andresv's church, on the topic: "Thse Moral Responsibility of Ldu- cation. " The debate recently held betwveen Stanford and Berkeleyon the ques- lion of the annexation of the Haw- aiian Islands was won by Stanford, nanintaining the negative side of the question. Tomorrow evening at the First Baptist church, tlhe pastor, Rev. A. S. Carman will discuss the sub- ject of "Anticeptics," with refer- ence both to their medical and their moral use. Work is progressing rapidly on the new S. A. E. fraternity house on South State street. The corner- stone will be laid in a few weeks with the usual ceremony, and the house will be ready for occupancy on 1October a. Call on Wint. Fulde, thfe Tailor, opiposite the Lawy liidilig, 0il W~illiam-st., Ilrst door wsptof State-st. Cleaning, repsairinandsspressing done neastly. Stits to ordersa specialty. All eark first-class. IF YOU WANT 10 33uy anAarm Clock or have same Repairing done go to Wilt. Arnjoldk, 36 Main Street L(ARGE H1-O1USE WITH SIX LOTS a -TA ltage hsaewtisthat twety larte rtttmt,ansixalalosr atlesa taot tone-htalf Vieofisttttostlofhome.A sery larealtl. salsoty in N..1 sap~e.Ltargo hasllass thsirtd floors fotr dasste htsll tsr tillia-rdlrooms. W asisl matlesssnreellenst slase tor Society hoste. Esy paymnts. Cttl at 56 NVest Liberty Street, S. KRAUSE, ANN AR1slon, MICrI. ___ALL ON-- G. H. WILD The Leading Tailor, tat Fis PssSprssng-steSassstter Sssit,TIrouser , Fasncy VetsterOvercost. Ile csrrisothse mtssslcompleptte tcite city at No.12 E. Washington-St.. Near Main. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Praftta, $I-,,00&. oes a general Banking business. Pays is- terest an Saving Deposits. Baa safety Depsit BSoxes for Rent. E. KEMPF, Pres. F. B. BELSEE, Cashier. Sank avna Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. aN CONNsECTION, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. 35E. Washington St. J. S. TBOJANOWSKn 3S Baths for $5.00. hi