THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST HERE'S A SNAP.--Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Asstmeni of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in the City. Lincoln Bennett & Co.'s GIenuine E'ngiisih Doiry lts, ail coors 34AVE YOU SEEN OUJ1 NEMI[ SPRING STOCI(? and this season's shape, that are said all aver the Coiled Statssati$5-en, for $3.00. Tits is less than cost. but ynu taintkitch at that. Tr;CLaw r~l }nai~r f nt nr vrnt ~r nl--tTnyPie WadhamS 4. Ryan or & 4.R eije. --tWE rr-w+ Ann Arbor, Savings Bank PTOIE'W4L OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! 1:1, riso 0, n rbrMe.Caia tck.B00 Surptas,.W1t,00. N.4 AT UONSRET -4 oict zt h 5 5 ot (irganizndundetheGaanerat Baning Lawi cecctspTorta i 1t h 5 t c ' o thin stain. Reorivent teposits,, hontand tioii. 0I0. AA~tO.s5it, ot;Cs il~ vao" seells ehangcon the principal itinaescfthe Unoted Siates. Drafts cashed upon propter 4J~~X I N ~ aH RU' dentteations. Oiceors:s -XHEAGS- CiltsoTlAn M oss, Pres.,1'I jo FR -INa 55. ID. Rissnctisr, Vice tires, I 05555 ii :,Ty Oa ss I ]4t(the1 JO+j +(rj °L7 11. I I 7 As. ahir A oCLIFTON - HU S o.E zWHITMORE LAKE. L ii DANCE HALL with PIANO. ni t P liner' ;y s e'n, na., 3ne., SO. Womttn's, 300. iesnzeeshoe / ~ I. l.sAHIIri,- ttttll tIIItSh. ttitttlitttSE OPANY,70 Chas coySt, loston, Mat' _________________OF1 )1 I. CA1LEcIIDAiI. criticisedt atncd iraisedlTennsonll 'it, i.ittilieis 1011 Ntei nt~t'n a.freely, buti always jutstly, filding in ciof t.imitaa trk a~s wlseino tbrtiht sick;t N A L Sian' ts EiAils i Os-- selpii Cosntesti. svcll as a syat- FINE PHO F"OGRAPH-S, BIalt,- isy i 1Stt' rcsitt. -' ,isoto o . ~i'pathsetic toitnd;,anti inlois pocetry' a ART GD DS Ncwessi chlltio'cocknt. jwes akoetsnos well ansimasic'. ise MILLINERS AND ARaGOD! im, Msty 1-it .ii. c, atoi cy l~t le cctre seas ititersipersedt sithogems 30Es uo tet itii I. toi S t i~~ait of iboetry qttotedl for tine putrpote of :. ._ S II o.,o,, EDas ' Further Developmensts. F Mrs.ChnpotaeTnys, H a~tt7aTZN so tte man, isumatnatsd tiserefote H itt,iOt en s . 6great sdeal of aotisentoet w sas fautlty, andtistnotcPheiy a secludedo o YOUstTRAsic creatced yesterdiay by tite bturlesqute poet. 'rise lture closesd Sit tine cl osdgers wich twsere scattered tsroadl- potOe s l''escnSa A 0 eieor & Soy east all soer townt. iEs-ry oae, sokea by tihsi PoetILatureate shset Q-toe ws tsintg, a fittng conclutsicotto 000 costi Hosse. evetn thse freshmtentlook ttiotnit a sishat frotsfirst to last, tadl scetnott ________________________________ato exceiietst jokhe, ans copies of thse exceclcat portrayal of citaractot. Excelsior Laundry, 20 EIdtt1'H L ON OIIISET I. sstststtis eret. A. . COVERT,I'crtts. .011 Yo5, h.,s 9 o ts..-isinntssstt wro \ G rSt itt tAY 1tarY Wits A Great +RACKET+ 19 Prices~ We ate noerittgasur entire starts of LAWVN TENNIS ant SPORTINCTGOO(0116at msantufacturers' seholesale cs. Atllitew Rackets incudedO. hootMtss 'llCANEsc. dodiger are its great sdetmatnd as curi- osities. It seemtafialtthe joker itn- tendcedl to save thetmnweelti rculatecd, for cotpies seere setot by moail to thte leaditng frateraities. The IDetroit Tribute, in itt account of last niglt's bansquet, qitotes several chtoice se- lectiotts fromthtlem this mtortoiag. ThereC are mansy surmtises as to swhere thne dodlger' canoe frouin, atnd tine general impression is thsey or- iginated, of course, in thtetmincds of sonte wily sophomnores. Othoers thinthIat thecy canme from Detroit, bat thte probability is thnat they score printedl rightt here in Ann Arbor. Tennyson, the Pont. ROSINESS LOCALS. Lt.i.-Smati lsl d ill it ll tis t crosss, btweents tstste strct tndt oslt offiie. F-itndir isleaise s reti D to 1I 1Totsost.-tIL Lots't.-(sse sof ( ilstsry Ctttsittiluia los. lFitndetr wilt pleseo leatve a1 NVtlsee s itissssestore satdlreceivence- ssarits-1611 Lt so', s- utZ smal old pitt illteshacspe of a cross, betssntipostosffice tisiltatste street. i nt tnd leeretturnttots3i4 Thtnopsont street. 't To Itt on . nsfew fsurniisedrosoms itt pivate iotiseconventiettto the Worttl's1Ftir. Ectrsiotttpairties (tf fromo 10) t 13ncant rbecommodatedlfosr tntrmatotf one. wsekkor lotige,tt50 centts per tlay Itot etchnelprstntt. This after nor god ater Juttne 15th. Adi- chess Albert D. Richt, 175 Deasrborns, roomittI, (hiteago.14 101 L' IIUS, just ntsrtht of thte 1ost- offcItis the best lhacks, carriages, aind htorses ttn the ctty. 'Icy hint, tf 1 sit SALE, oratins exchtsange for prop- erty tit Anns Atbot, t first-elass stole Matns Wexford Co., Michi. Folr t sA11r -Victor Pneutmatic. Nnew.ICall it 411 So.Ingtalls, betweens 7:30O andl t 0 p.i, os Satursday cmorning. UjtM A NpGC HATS. GOOD SPEED'S FULL AND Co~mPLETE LINE SPOERTING SHOES, JUST RECEIVEDf~. GOODSPEED'S1 17 S3. MAIN STREEST. GEO GE ATHRl Iast evening a pleased audience La~fl1L Wfhlfl, listened to M~rs. Ormestotn Chant in her lecture on Tennoysono,hefore thne Unvrst 20 S. State St. Unity Cluh. 'The speaker carefully Booksoreanalyzetd the late poet's character, 22 as it is picturedl in itobooks. She