-THE U. OF M. DAILY. c '- anelisow poorly tbe funds lsave been -J{" expenedce in niany cases, giving rise Pubised ~ aly ~aulas xcetei) urngto suspicions of misap~propriation. shs Cs mlee ye, b v tlsi g of this kind wiil be THE U. OF Mi. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION obviated by ttsesise plan ado)pjtedl by tlse literary class of ninety-tbree, N+ *^ whuichs will scrve as a p~recedlent to 'ME RQU PULISHNG OUS. future cla'.ses. I1 thte editorial yesterday regard- InadSnfr Uivstyss ing. oar representative at the World's Lln tnodUiest a in not lost a ball game Ibis season. lFair, tbe types nsade us say L. B. Thrae34ntisfo Pic- osve fo B. i. osvr, amisaketon in thse spring handicap games at for whsichs Ibe editors of the DAISYthUnvriyoPeslai. are not responsible.teUivriyofPnsyvna TAN SIIOES -Picesl,4;"3.50, ,$4.001 $5.00. 48 SOUrll MAIN S'rREET, - - ANN ARBOR: ,sPiR IPG s'cHII tGs. ALpkine 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & C0. IT is gratifying to thse manage- nient of else IIsLvtbat tie Alumsni Weekly is meeting swith saucs a warm reception frons the alusmni. We are in receipt of a numbiler of letters whtich sihow tbat the alauni are tab- ing an active interest in the projiect. T]lhere is sio reason swhatever wrhysee cannsot segisspblcatonnext fall with a suscsriptions list of sone thioss- sand. T' si, iullIsorce us thie circuslasr, dis- tribsited broasdcast th roisghsosut the city, ansis published veriatimu in the lAs sV yestersday,ws felt by every stissent in cosseenwithllsthse possible excepstion of the freshmssen. It iusnt be audmittesd that it was oner of the' sisreswsest sceese thlat ins been "sprausg'"fssr several years on thse "unfortuesslcass," at tbe tinse of tbeir festiviy 'iVScs'.r) ss isent s 5 sewclearly that we isasvegosod men isn track and field spurts V ie teto jtinior lit casssin siiake sauls recosrssi miany of yesterda y's, die itudslnt body of tsseU of M.usnivy rest as- sussedi of a gsosdIstisck ''tsssto reps- resenth nt he introli i se contlests. IstImusst be ressssis s rcc also that thse bent smen wvent in 5a nssmber of eventls, whsichso.' neces- sity clefeatesdtiheir chances of meak- ing big records in any. let all the men wbo sid no ivell is) yesterday's games, trailn faithflsfsly for thse next twvo weeks, and Mlichi- gan swill send a team to Chicago of whsicb every stsudent may wvell feel proud, a leans that will win, a glori- ous victory for Ibe yellowv and blue. 'rss plan adoputed by the senior claiss for regsdating tbe expenditure of thse fundis arising from thse class tax is certainsly a wine use, as it as- saves thse members of the class that there will nout be a wasteful expendi- tare. It cannot result otlhersvise tban beneficial in that more seniors will pay the tax wvith expectation of shsaring the-'pro ratn rebate of all funds collected over fifteen hundred dlollart. Every one knowrs what Itse experience of former years has been MI1. Fimjist miIIATn tAN,('edsarville, N. I., Sas sof Horsford's Acid Phosphate. "I hsave useds it fssr several yeasrs, nsot ossly in my5ptrastice, bsst iii isv owcsis- sivislsendsssonsisisder it5und5er sall cireusssstasnies sose of thse lest nserve' tsunics thsat Ave pssesn. Fsor isensbslex- ls1'ssstissu or sovesrsworkI it gives rses cii srlsstls ild iventothsvessntire Us teti." A most excellent inst srgS eabie tonic iande appietizer. It snourishses ainisvig- orates thse tired brasiisassdtbodey, ims- pasrts rensewed essergy sanl vitlity, atnd I NES5 YTOLEDO ~~ ~ 'imscardS in effectSunssday.Apii23i, 1.)3~. De)ataurissofviTrains atiAnsArboir. Is tee LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. sing. goodidisli neiiss; speiorr k; wvell spin edradng ~ eisiS~S open the eire viar;commecialgradatens in rea t NoR. . 3 )taiis rAdts Arorvess' . 5' EiioI-.as demandshor~sth~'iangatss allssecugpositins;iiN. 5. MiiasiadePssinAr*......i sii4 lis~ug vxpesesg$2.ino $2.75 per wevkin ivatsefami-GsINSOUTsH. 'vie. riNxwaCAALG nesdeist ofStudessns taes po~sitiis o eekitisweasd~sidrss No. .)Sii iisi ssensve*. 55 1 :a. P. R. CLEARY. Pes . 1i* .sia silid Ees-"'.......ct ip, n. ___________________ N.is.TileiAc ommoAdaiis~ionsi... t;i00 a.n r ~$2,003 $3.00, $4.©0,'$5Q . Cea siNdard Time. * WI Si r )'v'iand isitiii between Atilt u Ass o' ale it F, o irst Clss andstWssrrssitesl 111 iisis s oiy, dally,lvaeptSundayisi . N I EPlvery'Way. Oth5ervtrins daily i xcetiy daviS y IWi. 51It.NN5JC, Ri. .5. uETNIsccii. E Doty & Feiner. iGen. Pass. Arest. uSmsai get [I L i sitsivensusthes functions. ~ Rumford Chemical Wonks, Provi- dence, R. I. iiv,are oiSsties ods I i ati ns. k551 ' I;CI.i 555t Ni'.S D FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ______________________JV_____lbA1(1. Du