V L..- . U R.T PRI. VOL. III.-NO. 160. UNIVERSITY OF MILCHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A GRAND AFFAIR. The Freshman Banquet Passes off in a Blaze of Glory. Tne Sophs weren't in it. The threatened sophomore inter- ferance of the annual freshman banquet, which was held last even- ing in Granger's hall, did not materialize, and that event passed off most enjoyably to all who were present. The rain evidently kept upper classmen away to some extent, and the few burly sophomores who did come around were huddled to- gether like a flock of sheep and looked longingly towards the the building and respectfully to- wards the guards who were protect- ing the main entrance. They pre- sented a very forlorn appearance indeed. The freshmen began to arrive about half past eight, and a little after nine the literary exercises of the evening began. President Choate opened up the banquet by briefly reviewing the history of the year since the class entered the University last fall. He then in- troduced the class historian, Miss Effie Danforth, who narrated in a most pleasing style the various achievements of the class of '96. Miss Danforth was followed by Mr. A. H. Tuttle, who proved by his delivery and wit that the class had made no mistake in its selection of orator. The class prophecy was read by Miss H. E. Dryer, and the futures she assigned to various members of the class caused con- siderable laughter and amusement. The only one who did not respond was Miss Collins, who had the class poem. It was rumored that sie was spirited away by some soph,- more girls, but this is not known for sure. At the conclusion of the literary exercises, President Choate handed the affair over to the toastmaster of the evening Mr. E. M. Holland, who without very much cermony bid the assembled guests to "fall to.' At the conclusion of the ban- quet, the following toasts were re- sponded to: 'Ihe Class-----B-- -- --- ---- H. B. Otis "Ta Perish Never." The Girls-- - - - H.S. Goodell "He who despises woman is a fool." The Faculty....--...0.. G. F. Greenleaf "A penny for your thoughts." The Boys----------------------Miss R. M. Tuttle "Young fellows will be young fellows." TieIndependents- ----..--H.0. Hoyt "Independence now, indindependeice forever." Thei Fraternities-.-.--....eNormanvflowers " I could a tale unfold." Anmi: Navter..----.......w. iW. liKerr "Dear to-day, but dearer to-morrow. , Mr. Holland made an excellent toast-master, havi ng at his command a great number of stories and inter- esting anecdotes. On the dance program there were twenty numbers and ten extras. Honors were paid to Terpsichore until about fire o'clock this morn- The chaperones were Mrs. James It. Angell, Mrs. P. R. de Pont, Mrs. Morris, and Mrs. Keating. In Her Majesty's Honor. The Canadian club met last night in the law building and after an in- teresting literary program, decided to invite three prominent members of the Dominion parliament to at- tend the banquet at the Cook House on the 24th, in honor of the Queen's birthday. A debate was held: "Resolved, That it would be in the interests of the Dominion of Canada to sever her British connection and become an independent nation.'' This sub- ject would tend to show that a great many thinking Canadians favor national independence instead of annexation to the United States. Lecture by Prof. Scott. Prof. Fred N. Scott will lecture next Monday before the Inland League, on "Some Pictures Worth Seeing at the World's Fair.'' Prof. Scott will have fifty stereoptican views and the lecture will be of par- ticular interest not only to the mem- bers of his classes, but to everyone. Literary Societies to Contest. The Alpha Nu-Adelphi contest, which was postponed from last Satur- day, will be held to-morrow evening in room 24. Prof. McLaughlin will be the presiding officer, and Miss Volland will furnish the music. Following is the program: Music, Miss Volland; oration, J. B. Brooks; declamations, F. B. Reynolds and W. Klingler; society papers, T. Stern and F. W. Newton; debate, W. W. Griffin, F. S. Hinkley, J. Dearborn, S. R. Cook; music, Miss Volland. U. of M. vs. Northwestern this afternoon. THE FRESHMEN WIN. Sophomores Go Down Before their Rivals in the Annual Field Games. { ,,, , ' m Yesterday the freshman and soph- ' 3 TE omoes nmet at the Athletic Field n ju/ g :'BDEa and decided the question of superi- DETROIT, MICH. E T ority. The result was in favor of the freshmen by the narrow margin of two points. The day was a de- cidedlypoor one. Rain fell through- out many of the events, and the track was.in poor shape for records, nevertheless much good work was done. Some of the records do not I 5 indicate the ability of the contest- when yeiiwnt use Lateet Retrepeian svies ants, as in several events the entries of &, t 1 ye$1or$' SiShoes at56 s to51 a pair less than Ann Arbo prices, send for Catalogue to were all from the same class. This seu -was true of both sprints and long distance runs. ReH .iiit CO Among the new men Geary made 101lI83-185 oiW00 e A A . the best showing. He jumps in splendid form, and will certainly make some good records in the 9.. hmond Straight Q t. Ne. 1 future. Martin showed up in his old CIGARETTES. time form, winning twenty-two a igarette smolers whe points for his class. arewi al glingtoay aiittie Probably the most interesting charged fo the ordinary fiadt Oigarettes, twill 8In event of the day was the two-mile Tots BtNo superior to is-bis is-s ison by~ -. all others. sih bicycle race, which was won by The Richmond Straight nutbo-Cigarettesare made from the hright- Finch by a wheel, in the excellent est, most delicately flavored and highest ost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This is the Old time of 6:31. ''he nish of the 440 and original Brand of straight Cut Cigarettes, and wan braught eat hy no in the yesr si75. run was also close, Bradfield win- Bewareat t iitatons, and oerve that she ning from Holt by two feet. Brad- TenatEiotIsaNery paahge. Of the Ameriran Toacceson., field also won the hurdle from Mar- Manufacttrrs, - - Richmond, Virginia. tin by a stride, in the excellent time of 271. seconds. In spite of the disagreeable weath- er a fair number of loyal members of the two classes, many of whom 0 were ladies, appeared to cheer on their favorites. Following is a cons- plete list of events, and winners: 100 yards-Chapman, 14 Campau, 2; Bradfield, 3. ''ime 11 seconds. - 220 yards-Chapman, 1; Geary, 2; Brad- field, ,i. Time, 25 seconds. ' - - 440 yards-Bradfield, 1; Holt, 2; Evans, 3. Time, 57 3-5 seconds. 880 yards-Holt, l; Woodruff, 2; Swift, 3. Time, 2:41 2-5. One mile-tolt, 1; Evans, 2; torton, P J KINNUCAN, 3. Time,5:42. 220 hurdle-Bradfield, 1; Martin, 2; Geary, 3. Time, 271 seconds. 1 M ERCHANT Two-mile bicycle-Finch, 5; Aaron, 2; Dunn, 3. Time, 6:31. Running broad jump-Martin, 1, 20 feet; Geary, 2, 19 feet 8 incises; Cof- fin, 3, 19 feet 2 inches. Running high jump-Geary, 1, 5 feet 3. inches; Martin, 2, 5 feet 2 inches; AND 1MPOR'IER o Coffin, 3, 5 feet 1 inches. Standing broad jump-Martin, 1, 9 feet 10 inches; Coffin, 2; Horton 3. FI .~ 'N 2'OOL~ETS, Shot put-Mitchell, 1, 31 feet 6 inches; Leonard, 2; Hanford, 3. Hammer throw-Lyman, 1, 66 feet; 5 W. FORT STh, Lautner, 2; Mitchell, 3. High kick - Martin, 1, Geary, 2; D ' Crane, 3. D tr t i igane