*F/A1 DI8PLA YGENTS' HALF-HOSE Ew D1 N T C E! 42 S :: S "1 1 a I Aica, WViItHacI, {;;z ldces ar, 5 3a1Special Sale at INOBLE s. Fvauaoensorie0115,ktc 15 et's., Six for 75 ets. 1S ets., Thiree for 50 ct. Choco atsad Ciga;, I All EIematly iishecd and ich in Three Styles, Four for i, 1. 00. Al CA.LKINon sc. t5ets., .Three for $1.00. t)0 ets., w orth 75 et. AIF L K I ! S "Extr vaue. Importedlthrougih Boston Commnss-ionHouse. All Shades, EMcl- Ti-s WILSEY, - The Music Dealer. I browscs.Etc II. 0 E&WETMOREBOOK STORES NOB- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ______ ____ANiD CORNER IOF STTASS. cI111IAM STREEMTS. TENN IIS (GOODS .1I)D IAMI IOC KS. Y G0 T Go il c ound Complete and Our Prices as Lowv as the Lowest. ~s nd ~j~~yREMEMlVBER THAT YOU CAN BUY O jh T, >lit. "Clipper llrnl]:c' Solii meat Toruatoes-cfotrC$1110 - \ \1cces"Riverside " "cc-c '. cc 20 cret'doz. of t )MPANY. I UNIVERSITY NOTES. Fitzpatrick was at the Athletic Wf ill You LookONus sicia. Field yesterday. Hle scnt Rced out At teist ofcCthemnsthcrownilri ar iitfor the 220 ihurdlles itsfomIthat is At Our Slhow Windosss? It tells Icstoadseons A-.lIgazec sitthat pile btieve ,dma ii) Owrn stry uotllt II t esasi-licthat sever hnas potentbiv- E. l. Goswer left last ssigltt for "Tsmr lsleto g15 ive itttnreceive. hcgot ac f leI.o -ItTAhi Chiago tirakecharge o h .o AGITR Sophomore - Freshmans field-day M. exlhii. lie will represent tlhe PRICES. at four o'clock, Athletic Field. D~iva h ol' ar The juAiNrAaws1willtpaORtAN CO6 Tihe folloswing '96 Smen have bhens TheEjuNiorAlwsOwilRplay heO',6requested to nmeet at A'iahr's for rr outhMainstret. his on the campus tomorrosv morn- lag at 9:30 o'clock. menasureensts for suits: Guthsrie, A pupils' recital swill hbe given hy Hovey, VanDeventer, MicKenzie, ICHI CL T L th Scool f Msicat ewbrryRussell, Baird, St. Clair, Alexainder, Titan Table lIlac seilNasemlier c,1sc. I tall, to-nmorrosw at Iswo o'clock. TopBitn EAST. i. waET. a. in. nayl C.------- Chc rei-a5 05 Wdneday The Volunteer hand will Isold a N. S. Li,,iitd 5-- '1- s 2 ail -t Ill esuted as fotlowes: Illinois z m etn55i eein t sevis N. Y, Lmtd___94 5 . cartd__Ir F)") Ni ai 1aln I II, No'clock, inNebryHl.Ms Nigr al p n-1-7Ciao s Cc,r-is. ta Nortlswesteri S8; Wisconsins., Grin- ' NshryItl.Ms I). N. EpC, 51_":;3 G . Express1 -3 nel4o.Allen isittspeak on"'Work anmong Atlatic ECc In in t3 5 ita Ii.Nieht Eu _'9I5ih116 O (a. Isi xpress ___10h4J5ciic thstrs 15 it, The Jeffersonianisand WXehster so- Chiniese of Ilhe West''anrd there 0. W. RUess. s. H. W, tisris, will he sinai .I>si '. cA-cal Ciagao. Aimrlr Arbor. cieties swill play a hasehall gameotgne g hy Iswo young ladies he Athletic Field tonmorrow morn- finns China. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK Kn at nine o'clock. The nmeeting of thse Choral Union OF' ANN ARBIOR. Captlt51tt.tJ. scrplusa nai Profits, $3l,5lo.I Earl D. IPahst, lit '93, left todays last evening, to decide tile question eTrasnactsa gons. tetanskiCniacuinesannao-a!for the East, to attend the sixtieth of going to Chicago in Junse, seas so foa teralers abraai. C BACH PraI convention of Psi Upsilon, to he slimly attended that it seas tlsought S. w. CLaRKaSON, Cashier. ' -Iseld at Dartmouth holge est to gv up tetiepcal DANCING and DEPORTMENT. The Inlander for this nsonth will as considerable difficulty has been be ready for distribution tomorrow. met swills in securing definite rates G G E ' ACIADEMY~~\ George J. Cadwell and Harry Wor- from the railroads. The uildn de areattending the annual Alpha At yesterday's session of the legis- includas his tamily bame, and anntins the Delta Phi convention is New York lature the reports on tlse women' finest and Cast arrangedl raossfCr instauctio~n tii be foundn in liesate. City. gymnasium came up as a special Offite, Center Entranee, 6 MAYNARD ST. Prof. Stanley will deliver two order. The minority report, pro. - send$125, $2, or V 50 toSa- lectures on the Boston Symphony viding for the erection of the gym- pie stetail lisa by express at Orchestra program ntecae I the BEST CANDIES in Ame5rical.m inthechpel nasium from the fund received from stpittepue.gataoxeard d aadTlsursdaynxta Farityapuree.giantbse adoradnxta the one-sixth mill tax, was substi- FRESCNTS. Express charges ~pm All who otmlt t prepaid. Refer to a ii C sicago.o contep la e t utted for the m ajority report, and Try_ Gitae.Ades tendingth concert should be pres- referred to the committee of the C.1.2OIStHCate tetiser, the 1 CHICAGO, tnt. ISwhole. Call on Win. ?Fulde. the 'lTailor, otpposite tte Lacy Bnilciig, oil W1,illiamt-st., first dioir -crest of State-st. Suits tosuiter a specialty. All ,nrlc Caist-class. IF YOU WANT TO B3uy am6Alar= Clook oirhava saomn Repairng done go to W' iti ArlI)la 36 Mains Street A li -rarseiti. nith ' otlitit wt-uty ri rom.m i ltifolr -.:i ttabouiti one hiu '' iiricn firs ticiiostiitaiiie. Ac-nstetiyf~,na.. l'rniii-ty in Ni I chtiiic. I ia-ce hillii on iti /56 West Liberty Street. S. BIIAUSIE, ANN Autioiz,. Mien-. CALL ON-- G. H. WILD The Leading Tcailor, FoauFtiaeali o ir aiasir Suit.Trosetr::, miit icomtplelutelock ilh iyatr No2 E. Washington-St., Near Main. Capital,1$5,000. Surrcln, and Profits, $1M,O0ii. oes a general Banking business. Pars in- terest sn Saving Depsits. Has sarety Depsit Boxes tor Bent. R. KEMPFFees. F. H. BELSEE, Cashier. Sank oven Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. IN CONNECTION, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. S0E. Washington St. J. R. TROIIANOWSK1 305 Baths ror 15.00.