-THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,. nounces ~~~~thait the event will commence 777I z = = = ',I. of 'M .'Taitu. precsey t h0 -itsteight, and wishes t. ________that all whit are to attend lie present Pubisabedi Daily (Suna)-sr exet-edt)dincg oil tilme. The reasons for biegiiinig at--- the Colliege tycer, b this holly are that the class-day exer- THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATICN cises, the banquet atnd the toasts will _________________all constime cottsiderable timeitid it ___________ ____________ is tiecessary to ecotnomize ats imtili TAN STIGES. -Prices, $.O, 5.O),tQ .0 ARANxNeTS have beesn.tade ttil ('as possilili'. Atboiit ifty tickets, represetnting an 48 SOUITiKu> MAIN STREETu, - - Almn ARBOR whereby the DI t rv swill tave a ittendlance of a hunditred, hive been representative at the Wtord 's Fair. stilil. 1and atitost etnjotyable time is an- jkii l;. P. josverwh hso charge of the ticihlited iby ill. A kdi '. o i.xlillsilloaleno iThe r esiltitses to toasts will lbe seven uI G SU T P S tT. f \I exii~i wll lok fterour itniber. st(il in addition to thisLi . interests. So far as we knowe, the regular priogriami, the class historian, DAIY s he necoleg disinorator, poetess, and prophietess will 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. Dxivis te onycolg dailyit read their plroduictions. the country to he represented at the__________________ World's Fair. K T LD OINGxi;to the crowiedac ondtition of oir coliumis today, we have notlidES, space to properly review the May J?1fiCO L G)'% : a 1a nuniber of the Inlanider, the tiroof- AiL ii.- B _"i -x-- t-ctattal 1 ia i sheets of swhicha came in lte. 'this N.i'1 sass ot 1211ti S fln tilineet a~ epsartr t Iii lit it Aita hut iiiibriso ilosa i ret 0 orsford s Acid Popht. Its teLEADING SCnOOL OF BUSINESS. tug. the articles are all swritteni by the 1i itpbilig;eninesteacers;laeti tt enlitiINt0 MI co-vito. Next iii lath 's ii -totber xwi l lhave nsa-ilit liir-sev-etal yeats, lot romIil lectureti~tisaaturday evenainga.t tllti tsecs ~ t0a opentheentre ear o merialigtaduiiattsintgteca Nsa. ht. iPa i~titiuArii r aca'.G tl l:iii tolly ii imy prlatice, bat fiiInvIInc o demand;i-ix hoatiliihad gri adtte iseues positions; Na. 5. Mail aild cae .t-xi.ii be h liidto mnti L Nfriendly (lji nal eIasedilCOtiider it siilerl li~ri'.gxg vpnes$2ta$2t.5vek iniate eami. ON S1I rs.tlry is-illATrLOGUE andlistlif Studensilloxiivakeycircumastanlces 11110of the liest nerve c-aepastioatnsiaomatiek-to ee,aaddrss Nit. 2. fltill andi Paisentg-r*.. .12it i. In tonlics that esi-issi'o. Forminttal cx- P. R. CLEARY, Feei. Nii. 5. ilaitilndxpsevvv ..... v t :is.Ii No. ii. nler TtdAccomodtio ..rlel.- n ths 5lcso 11I1« tleet al'tll 11111v1 xliii etitSYEie I - wIN~3Ud'- t- : TIit 1)1lan, described in aiiothier tem.it. dnI-I ~ ( imIn'e'I mm-i ii i ii ' ti i :ioteclet n i eieFrt ls n arne i oeomrdiy ~cp uca' vol i, of pblishlinlg a ltaiglltyey itli ciil olCTFrtLbi 111W r~t t'il Other tra~ins 5 1 eC p mity anll alhihitizer. It tititrislit's anliti vig leyOhii aI x x t oiiallx-ehiifasxttilorates the tiread brain atd odoly, ii- L oy' & Feiner. fItn. asvs.Sigeit. 1 at aS Aeat, sworthy of tie mnit atlibIeral supplhort enivietis the funtilotis. froot the stdents. 't iitti such a S. 1 mC M A Y puablication theC coaiiribaatioin of the Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- UI. of th -to the literary anal jour- (5RE ],EIt' L At. oiNTa stilt nalistic w5orldl sould Ibe ai t axt -11I11 N SAL BY LLDRUGGISTS. Ixete. At Ilis ari l ale lke.FOR SALEiBYWALLiDRUGGI ptublicteoesisunixeri'a ndhsilty the .Mof tilt liberali HENRY Al'.UGSi I ITt. and tere sote astacoythei.Olloin.teilioa'v t~ nteIuice aot securing thxe itnanial '1supporalt CITY LAUNDRY, ileessary tol Itl tepubIlication MM. Seaolt Ro.4 N. aourth St. ASK 0(ZA WRIZ.TE SFOR CYALOIhGE a d. 15111 liv thacee italiSslip});' l into~ otr colomns isreceittly wst-imoiahit lea votour rcadiers oh ilehathati the )Iisi boonig tihe candidlacy of certain tien for office. If any one laos fornied such an oiiniotn, let hint iissuade lhintself of it inmneadiately. It is thte aim of the nmanagement of te lDAILv to nmake it noit-lpartisan irt college politics, and any items sthichi tenal to bias opinion in sutcha itatters sail1 be strictly excluded front our columns. iWe believe that the selection of officers for colege organizations should be made on thie mterit of hhe men competing for thte honors. Sn this way, and itt this way alone, wihh the best resuhts be attained. Let the office, rather, seek the nman thau the nian the office. The Freshmen Wilt mEat. The chairmatn of tie conmtaittee hiv- ing its charge the general arratige- menhs for the freshiant bhianqutet, an- '.PhiSp a cervdfo F. GSMITH, 8SS &O. WoodwtardtiA. aSot StetSa, IDETRIOIT, - - MICHIGAN. AN N AR BO0R SILj ,rTLr'UNTPIYv Co. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. NO0T IC E.-- TSTUDNT nid Ciizens. aDo vtn tit' t sndo t tianlit- Candy talasi yoiucall gct jlatas Clioi altR. IE. Jotlly .C 's. Ste dit't chiai-e frIti ylive, hut giivii yoaunttatoe-hialf. Hetanai i'iolaahsatialiousofthieiday andtiight. R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South State Street- HOT LUNCHES And the very choicest Candies .TUTTLE'.S, 48 SOoUH STAT STRIEET. VICTOR CYCLESj l'~l andusthe ht I 15!If. STAEBLER'S CycleEmpsriim, 11 W. Washington SI. REfNTSCKLER, hoto jrcpher, C(iilNP-il'1.5IN tANohiltRoN i". This Seal-a nRe--eval foathti (itANhi OPERtA not-SN;. -GIBSON, PHIOTOGRAPHR NO. 12 W. HU1RON ST.