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May 12, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-12

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VOL. III-No. 1S..
Another Journalistic Venture to he
Launched Forth Next Year,
Devoted to Hum-or.

The leader is - a story, 'Fronm the 'TIS AN IMPOSITION.
Anxius eat" b Mis MbelFreshmen Reserst the Attempt of i
Cotton. Tihe keen humnor, rigor of Sohmres to Advertise
Theirh Banquet.
expression, lepth of insight into Enut
'on gate cature antitlgifen i's'sintersegI


Thltatest idea ittU.If. A. u -HT attat r tiCtle Unto ists tU1IiI -I
isatitut is a proposed ntw fosrtihtly Idaai neeto hssoy r
paper to lie devoted stsrictly to the u tnusait intese daswnsittsoty
interests to.fIU. ofNi fius, wit wstintg tias beconte so a i
antd humitor. Titese hatt nevrhstr esciitha' n rtt ical rt.irs i ' ' 1c
at wsort or rncogti/~edt expottettn t Iirics "b iss oi "ii V a i
icre., andtt h ie irottotersiftthets a
palper feel certatinsh thatthre is a lou I ui iils to'd. In I I p ot
goot iheld. The Hiars-ardt l am poss it lire; 'Mi s 1 iblI.N ll
ansd Yale record listetatreadyos- n- astte 5 iltstory htdassii
tablisihedi nationalstreputlatios is tuet 'if t "Iss a -110
'The presenit plant are for a twrelve astisnteresting accoisitiolier sojorn
iageipaiper conssiderably larger thsans iniSicily. '11Rise Seat oi S ivsh
Life. It trill be ptrinted ott good CapnTvIiss Marion Pat'tot's story,
stock and pnblishted in ast attractive shsowrs unsusal freshness, beasty,
fornm. Original. engravinigs antd car- and rigor. The plot grosws out of
toons will be presented in each its characters instead of lining built
issue, all drawvings and contributions nit arossnsdthtenm. TRithiler prose
being furnised only by U. of M. articles are "Wishka Sketchses,'' by
students. The price still be about M\iss MIasde Cailwell, ands the nyns-
so centis a copy or $z a year. It is
expecteni that the first numssber tiill posinsiiott the representattions of
tie issusedi ottOct. 55. ivomsessott the Inlander isoardl.
'Ele studsen~ts whio art' pushing this It vesie Miss Caldweill cositrib-
cetterprise are those twho sane had stes tsro poems of cxqusisite atnd
psractical experience its cartoonist" vivisd descriptiost. 1'l'o a Violet,
ansd jourstalistic work. Amnsthie I
editors srill be Geo. W. IHarris, whto by Miss tiolnmes, listratsgist thte
has beest cossneclesd twiths sarious essesne of poetic beastly. Miss
newrspapers, Robecrt L.. Wagnter, Hlt Mabel P. Rouse has to brighst
iH. Smiths, J. L..Lorie, atnd \V.I;. soenms itt a lighter teisn,sand Miss
BIoles. Margaret Stockintg concludses with a
Contribustionts are hem"- arranged
for front other experietncediworkers chtarminig little faiscy, ' 'laisit of
and artists in college. the Aplio Blvedere of the .'rt
One of the chsaracteristic features Gallery.''
of the newv paper twill be its finasncial I-
backing. A stock coimtpany wiii beI Wilt It Be the Ninth?
formesi and too sitares at $2.00
cacti tiill be soldi. A sutbscriiption 'ilse secondti iomte gasmse its theinliter-
paper is alreatly its circulatiost collegiate series twill be ptlayed st the
antong the studlentts and 37 shames Athletic Fieldi, Saturdaity, Masy i13, isitih
itere takcen itsoste afternoon. This Northwssen. This gamte trill gire
trill assure a cashi basis front the 1? lise iomse tetmits chnceittoe try their
ginniing, lisecsit a left hanted pitcthier before
tt is the pusrpose to sell the slot .. battinigtPriest, of Corsnelt. Griffiths,
to those students into are interested the Ntorthwsesterns pitcher, is site of the
in college journtalism arniintotrill best amteutttrs inthis counstr-y. A per-
be contributors to the lisper. 'Tese sonlal letter just receired trom Evnc-
stock holders twili elect the editorial slons states titat Griffiths wras sickcon
hoard on nmerit, including both frat lis adiy of the Miitnesota gamne, wicih
nien asnd independents. This feature accounsts for the defeat. This wiii be
has interested several memsbers of the lst ganse played cit the home
the faculty in the newv publication, grosinds before wre meet Coriselst
and front present indications it Ithacsesasd will douibtless tie rell at-
seents that from the first issue it trill teinded.
assume a prominent position in U. The batting order of the tovo teamns
of is. journalismt. is as foilowes:
0NHNYSTEtst'eatN. 5. tsr M.
The May Inlander. Bassnl. f. Crassforid, e.
IHessdriks, e. f. Wetll, 5 1.L
HmIaer, . . 5. istier, s. s.
The May Inlander, whtatever its Oariffih, a- Spurstey, -5..is.
deficiencies, effectually demonstrates Nicwisias .. 1t. i- Salnatzr, r. f.
Heywrosod, cn. Jeffris, 1.is.
that there is literary ability of a high Sheappard, 1.1). Pearsont,3. i.
order among the undergraduate Msi'lay, S. Ero-slani, a.
Ele, r. f. Shields, c.f.
women students of thte University. Sits., t'astta,. Saut., Rusasell.

i)od,;°rs eontainmo- the toitowin(; >:


eliing w-iely dtis striutdis the
'si' gronsts rs
aii I.i5O
iUGTtT 5. THsssc sR's'-.
'il, iFa- t-. (.. in t -e asi.
'A Ire iisfl f i INt' ic I s- ir'
2). 111: ,tN. 55. Kerri.
(IIs, Ms niti
"Wh'er-e iiyou lhoneat-on?
'The Frtint, NoS a i oiers.
:.h' u lcbed-r"h i rlts , I11. S,(iiiistrii
'ri os-,i-nTustle.
'0, wha Isis :in
STie Class, 15. it. Otis
tiWe are s" it" is thin iske'r,

Wen voss i'ssi-"sss5'ii'er -t't51 lttn ts
tutan .5ti," imprice's, s4-itt tio'isitt~retoi
501, 183-185 itisitussAss, AvF.,
ie9'hmonti Straight Qeut.
No. 1
C igasritte '-sokersttwsr
- r. , r" ethasi n theatiit
td itrgriitiiesi indi
"1 Tt't. lft 'vii superior to
iii axrS liTs otesteltri
Cut No.tt isetestare msaenfrmsthetright-
es~t, mo~st t i'sety flavred nSsd hisghsest cs

Grea atracion.%*iseuash.-Cishoantes
sue tosruntshie Ottcl.--Ose-;s pits aby Plsi
U., sodyar rdt.-The Deesi i be tirse i-sil
elist'.-l. stirt a ssrchs at 5 a. ci.-Gn miial-
tnletnitib -it-ae i lteam.iu

All ins itisdAtmii iiIci -ssuod Lo f rssits lirs in ViStrgita. tThis isit
NWisesthlistabose appeasredi it crest- te st miat~j~is nd oservena,
ed gatcossstertsatioss snd isdigsi r aea-st biel5ois neerypakage
lin m sgte tFreshmuent, andnh ianf fthelitrAme'rites Tobaccos Cs.,
tios istngitasttiutes.- - Rithmndir
cry's for vengeance are heard on
every' side. 'Tetreshmnen ancuse
the boitiomsores of beisigthuenesign-
ers of tite dastardly outrage, wilie
thue bophonmores disclaint the allega-0
tioss asid claimustisat it is a great
schsenseoriginatedh by ltse Freshmisen 5
to advertise the banquet, boost
isenshers of butts classes are inclinedl
to attribute the article titlher ho thse
juniors or Seniors, vito they chains, ' - -
ivoulni like to see snintter-chats coin.
F~romrspresent nevelopmnits lte____________________
DAtILYcannot tell iwserethlistarticle P .K I1U ..1
originated, bit thle innilcations are
tisat lieSt oplis. are at list bottonm of
the affair. I* MERCHANT
Mr. NV. W. Neswell, of Cambridge,
Mass., trill girt a free public lecture T IL
on the subject of 'Folk-lore,"
Monday evening, May 15, in Roonm
24. M~r. Newell is the secretary of Atoo altos IER 0
thte Anserican Folk-lore Society,
and one of the foremost Anserican FS _ L Z
specialists in that field. He gives
the lecture gratuitously for the sake
of his science. The lecture will be 55 W_ O 'D T
given under the auspices of the
University Philological Society and
will begin promptly at '7 o'clock. Detroit 1tihigl

lac tikt


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