-THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'N. of 1WF. Tad(L. Pubhised Dty (Sundas excepted) during the Collee yr, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subsription price $2150 per Se, ivriby indewn ccosinle opies 3 cents. Subcrip- nons noay tbrleft at thc offccetof the DALY, no Soset's, with sy of the editort o nuthorizced solicitor. Comomunicatiotts should reach the offiec by 7 o'clock P. o. i they nrec tsopper the net ay. Addtress all mttr intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All tusines comteunications sosuld be sent to the Buni- nes s Dnssie. THE U. o . DAILY. Ann Arhor, Xish. EDITORS. C. A. tlt'sa'si,tosi+4,. ltssgisg Edisr. F.10K. 'P~is'.,Lit. 'lsd. o iotss. Isis :} ' ii't~tE~,i t.'i I 'cliisisut \1.N. tl )A sob II.'of Asithe ticit 11ces. C tt13. it crai t , Il Toeaty Princelnrian Hss1d1a exta, utlfda, iic isf~1r'kettet wih es's TisSi n'0 ac fltr full,011 the innetsof the edorialr hraor icl eisnecontesdtl. IN ailecensse ofone ofisueoanx cihnes. appeaedsanwsli toralrj- posing the publishinig of personals in a college daily. We cannot agree with or esteemed contemplorary in this matter. On tteotier hanit it sterna 10 10 tiallpersonals, if tf the right kind, dd macit to a lie col- loge daily. There are certaitn classes of personals, however, which should not appear in ach a pahlication for the reason that they are not of inter- est 1totie average college student. ToAORoew afternoon occurs the sophonmore - freshman field - day aports, swhich promise to e of ex- ceptional interest, not only to the rival classes, ht to all Uivrsiy stu~dentis as well, since many of the menfO promlinent in atitletics in the University will compete for honors. In as mducih as tie annual 'Untiverity field day is no ear al hand, and ac many of te contestants tomdorrowv wiill take part its it, every student interestedi in atlhletics shlold attend and encourage the contdesant. ing classes will ide glad to followv. Wily woald it not he wine for thse present juntior law class to emulate the examtple of Yale and establish an annual puhlication nest year simiilar to that puablishdc at Yule with so macit success? Intlids manner ecery rmmder of the class could hlave a melmorial ovhich in after years will Ite treated with a great tdeal of satisfaction. The class sholotd take steps, immediately, hy electing a hoardi of editors, looking towvard tile puhlication of sach an antlual, whtich no douht would prove very popular. SPRING STYLES, 1898 Surases tothu sta evcr'sh own n the SHO I tMre1 0 oe. 1s.t ,ansutndtPatest SEE SHOW tytxttONV. 48 SOUTH M1AIN STR1EET. SP1RI1P SU1JTITGS. A eplndid 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. N.,S E Ilistt -'l,- sslslstsicsesTosssscsnt~sssucasgsn '.f ''''aii.i'iii liss { 1.' I l I Iiii jil Ac 'hu II Ill\ S tY t a v It i i sssi lsilassteossso aloess.ptos'Iso i 'I Issl6 i 'ii'i-ti'Sn 't' l h tcl itfrs rIj s jtit i i iy et ur p.;aturd aysenig ec, tin. sot sI. M ll zsis rsi ...t..isi-','. tl 1I5su ll t ii'n'II',iila Ic , 'its) 1'sas lv it 1- 1 -:i;sote~dgaiae l eue oiin; 1 .5 n tel Illi ssssss ii I I' tste,'andcoatisieWatt I .ttst 'ii °hts penset Mtw2.X~psri.e'vnse is e fass ay. 'ri pet lCt It ttotand'List5ofstlll IIIVI EU orate's O linkiesi hattftle ta body i to po itionsrw et o week, add res s vN . M.5 a1 EN II I II las 1I N t coot .; parls renlewseesgiy astotivtsality, tand enlivstate funtttionts. - - - . av . v siatti .Vasa'. Aget. 01ocal Agen't. Decriptivetpamtphltcfree on atpplIetointto10 Ir Li= Idr" " JTV AN Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- dence, RI. Iteware of Stubstitastes undIitalstonts. Ad ttIt SE Is101- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. __________________ _____A . C. so ittssqac "VBt-o,, HENRY HAUG, Wrsgh/ t)-Dilson,Co Teachter and soloist, Guitar, Banoand an0s- and IOrtiCB c arnI'qcl nC. dolts. Studio at WILSEY'S MUSOIIROOMS, Rooms 3ItSSho tell Gt mia fimjLaWn Tennis aqd Jase 2] Years in the B~usiness, Jpa11Goods. CITY LAUNDRY, MM. Seabot. No. 4N. Fourth St. ASK OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. This 511pacescvd tot KG. SMITH) SONS & 60. WtoowartAve aStatI's ett DEIT' , -tl-lMICHIGA. ANN ARBOR 8IEAM L.KJITDRY Go. 2$ SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. N 0 T I C E.-T1o STUDENTS andi Citizetts.Don't send nat ofo totes for tCandy sshea yost can getijuntans good at It. E. Jolly & Co.'s. We donst charge fur style, bat give it to ,yost,anod that is one-half. Hot anod cotl lunchles st all hous of thte day and night. R. L. JOLLY & CO., No- 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the very choicest Candles I* TTTLE'S, o 48 SOUTaH STATE SlT'EET. 'VICTOR CYCLES - You sll know s'thosis. 4 1 1r. aSTA mI.ER' S I Cycle Emporium, 11 W. Wsitgton Si. C REN TSCH LEE, Photog~rap her, CIORNEaTT, AIN AND IlIIuONtSbTS. Tliis Spnce Resvoced fis thue GIBSOJN, Ph'OTO GRAPIIER NO. 12 W. HURON ST. EsVR'Y class inl college has anmhi- lions to gain stotoriety hy establishl- ing somte precedetwthich satcceed-