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May 11, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-11

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N, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893.


FRIDAY'S FIELD DAY. triecl their luck against the 'Varsity THE LAWS DEBATE.
The Sophomores and Freshmen boys with fair success. sWithout !Once More the Jeffersonians Win
Will Meet on the Athl etic doubt the scores will hr (nose in sit' from the Websters in tne
Field, Tomorrow,. ftsscgnc Joint Debate.
The second annual field and ti r i ci vtefrack ieof The second contest betwreesn theE
meet betw ecisthe freshmassoasd the series iviths'94 lit,1sesstlSNMi feffersontan and Wi eter societies
sophoore ctasses ws bei elt Ii I 1 1 otioss iigis15t r Conslsiret took piace last evieiio, is the lar
the athtie(fietittoni orrow. A hlarg sir lecture room.
nZunsn cr ofIiimen hasve hcesstra:inig i-Ttie tirogrssssiconi~nsered ishsasn

, stissiifor irrersi:
tisiC eveits, lit isl

5550055 list
iaug g-onri

le rordlssiozChin",nis si
aitaited with is i sintsits wil
Maisnissswitlpintsbtily makiie a recoird
fiii tthi brisil antiaidsitviio110is>
best to raise liii olrd markin i the high
kick. Cranse, Austin, and ATexan-
der hare all been over eight ansi a
hal feet us the isole vaiult.
Conssiderable interest is msanifest-
crd by both classes, and doubtless
many5 loyal suppsorters of bots sexes
wvi tie ciiihandi to ceer their favor-
The gaines wiii conmmence at 3:30.
-Fotlowring is a comsplete list of

A' .sosa, soit
Su :1ytists c cissi
ftioli o i m o t111s)eents f t
in tereing ann ov te Iiiscovnies
maycieyxis eenince Mllr. Weeks
ias beves tersuwtfhisnivnvelti-
gtsof t heeos ovens ents of thisislo en
sorgaatfpe. hoscexcwingear
iiiteretiniiad novle isoveris
organfspeea hst a itbae to hear

110yairdls-to itt, it ifntilC airnaiitie fitlier relsort. The maeetinigxwiii
Chapman.si ta helin room E, at 7:30 shsarp.
221) yardis-BradfildiiiampisastiClap- Si
manit, Swift.
Jiss yards-Swsift, nniitll olt, Ryan, Senior Class Meetisng.
oily, reund.itt mAttHthe '9- class nmeetings yeslcr-
Evas, bs y ~teiiid o~tKy lldsy afternoon, tse resigitationm of
Mile ritt-Smsithi,HltEvasTshorpse, MissMerritt, as iprophseless, seas ac-
Fresiind, 0 iseini cepted, andt Miss Mann B. Btedell
21hurdcet- radildi Alexandser, chosen in 11crtplace. A long dis-
(testry, Martn.cussion followedt in regarri to the
Tsvo-moile bicycle 1iFichiWoodruffil, casassmn. b ili a
D)augfherty, Duiii, Aarnols sesen.Amto a
ilsining bioasd jump-Mattin, Geary, made that the conmmiltee te inmtsited
Hlortoin, Kinibal Coffin, Austin. 1o fiftenmhiunsdred dollars, and that
puninigh jiutitmisMrt ini, Auistini, any money collecteri above thsat
Htorton, imstilliiGteary, Quarles, amount shlir be refuinred to the
Statnding biroadrijum'p-Martiii, Allst. coistributors. Consideration of liss
Kimbll (tiy tis astmnumotion ivan not conspieteriwentsais
Wolcott, Hton. arijosirinmeint was taken unstil todlay,
itamomer-LaunetLynmatniHardling, at z1:13 o'cloick.
Auistin, Itasford, Lewsis, Ilickmn.-. -
Slot-Hatrding, Smitti,9 sitetilso Hant-
ford, Lessis, Mitcthell. Jeffersonia 0 Society Program.
I'ssle vauilt-Cranse, Alextsnsder, Ausstint. The foiloswing psrograms will be
High kink-GeastyMt isKinsball.
Msiier.given at the Jeffersoiats Society
-- "-+-this evening: Reading, W. H. Long;
Inter-Class Schedote. declamation, E. I.. Johnson; essay,
A.AV. Lockton; society psaper, L. H.
Time class baseball ganses this Harms; speecs, T. R. Biest; biog-
year promise to be niore interesting raphy, H. D. Messick; debate,
than ever before. For several weeks "Should Civil Service Reform be
tast all the teams have been prac- fuirtther extended?" Affirmed by
ticing faithfully at the Athletic Field E. E. Chandler and Gno. Leonard;
and camptus. The three junior lit denied by AV. T,1'. ebb andf V. O.
teams and the 19I law team have all Coltrane.

sefin] c r ini sssn i
}ruicc layte jeherotiiaibes. 7.c
E. A. Fish began the discussion s=,
andr very aibly itnsistedi that titereb
would conic econoimical ansi better ga
service,ansdithse posverful ootopo- 101 153 5.0- uiuiu suiI Are
ties wvoulsi tinthus tint cdown. j iIlltilluA
Mr. C. Tisaxion denied that better
execuition wvouhlh result from govr- I T1TC Srih
ment cotntroliant refustiertthin claimis r.. ss. 1
of economny. Mir. tP. At1. Troy elo
au1 igaurette oktsu ees who
piuenstly re-establiishedithin shattere y asss l r fto Sueauite
of thin 1Sttnisre lts t uss-ri-
arguments o teaffiomtire, andi Irusuir sth, iriit led
was follomvedh by Astr. 's'. C. iteenl-tunsuueriourSr
knapwho emaned, n aditio todust its 1 vs ttes ae ssssseeefromthe bright-
hscol1nacLt, that governm~lent con ts tltn Lef gon in VirinaThi s he Old
trottened o plitcalcorruptlion ad Orignal rand of Strais5,:cut cigarettes,
an ia bogtnot, us si te year nS the
atnd that thin state siiisulrho tiothtinge ~anus sitr amiiosand nrserethgeth
the inidividual can dho. Thse ALLtEIN iiGINTERIBraeh
OfteAmericas TobaccoscCs,
trof. Anies, Rev. Tedroxw anndlW. Mnufactrs - - Richmend, Virgisis.
's". 'ssedenmeyer actedi as judges, and
on a compa rison of gradns thinaf
firmsative ivas given 1085 points, and
thin negative 1097. Q
This gives the chanmpionships for
the year to :jeffersonian, atnd it also ,
held thin hoisors hast year, antI vowvs
to sustain this record 'its thinfustute
For the Inter-Class Gamnes.
Te Athletic btoarsd has adsoptied a I ________________________
very tiortant atnndemuchneedd
rune, wvicis will tend ho do aivay P. J.KINKUC.AN,
sonsewnhat with thin fenling of uncer- I
tainty in regard to class suprenmacy, MER.CHANT
whticth tas heretofore often been felt,
even after thin chantpionships banner
has heensawvarded. Bly this rtile lime '1TA~ILOIR
captits of class teams ace requlired,
to hsand to the WVarsity manager for i AN I rWxo
posting, a list of the players expectedi
to take part in eacth gamue, and alt :,7 -F7O
protests from the ohpingt~ team
omust also be filed at least twvo days
previous to the ganse. No protests SB V\7- FO 'RTSL
wilh be received after thin gamn has((
been played.I Detroit, Michigan,

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