ViJc. of W~f. Niai(. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Cllette ytae. by THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscriptionsptic'al'l0 oper tear, iavariably iadrace Single copies 3 renta. Subsceip- tiotns may bec left at the office o1 the Dottyv, at Stottlet's, witch any ofl'the editoet xr authorizedlsolicitors. o tticatitans stoauldlteach the oalte by 7t o'loachke. .aftIheycare to appear the aext jay. Adtdreaasall mactter iateaded toe patblica- ax clo te acnagitag Editor. All buattesa commutntticatioans sholataalbe teat ta thle Busai- nessoMaagaer. THE U. af ta. DAILY, .THE U. OF M. DAILY. INTER-COLLEGIATE. SPRING STYLES, 1893 lhe i nter-collegieate football asso- cation yesterday made taco import- aeaa--'-aaylia aaoaao a lceO lEta a'aae la~a aaatllaea ant chaaaaes to tihe football rules. Leathes.. The texst is tbat the Ire for goat mus1t be orsaxte froth a poinat opposite - -7 tile place swbere it swas carriedt across tile tinae. Ittewat n01 always easy to SEE511]150-NIIIW 48 SOUTH MAsIN STREET. deride exactly swhere tile ballseas carriecaaross tbe lane. 'Fhr secotnd c'-'''',r iT IT h Q pkri~d rulte faciltates the play by maktng P I tr LI I'Ijj GSL . a etiyoffive yardls forthoe Ioucoh- ' I1jne. lng of tbe ball whtile it is in tIbe hanads of the snapper back before it 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. is actually in pllay. I EDITORSn ldjr jucn I'A x l laaa a I < a' ta 9aAtla .-ateI alala a f'iV 's'r'Fi' t1. m ir-1L" , A t'Ala1oila'jitolu ax7 ' lllaxaatl'aaafAa~laa . W Cl lIal aaa ",aaGx ala lax lal a'e laa arle le..a1ly 1I 3 6a' a a a a. a. 5 i~tr t" l Il'tI3 il' Ilt 1 .. 'd1111 ill" .aaaal "aeh'aa r laaa llar axlxalx' "a I. Nai lllli,"'l ae'.. 1 lilijalIatfil' Cll) 'llleltll'it1.1(1 ' al(la'aga'lea a' tatrd in'ca'x a aaaaaa'laaa- aaax a ycoaa. > 5 e Scaxpareuae oaaaarLal), tlaxlcairbxri a a 1 1'.lc t itf. 4 111 xItlit.Sa' Illsx 0 . larl'lS l a '-j A g0. '- . l x ls100 .. 1- 'a 1,SiIltT. Ill oll111hat'e1.'111.'l the sL111111DaINaG}Il SCHOOL''aaaiaaaaBaliaaaN'EaS.1 13v or li lSeeate)flaYtied rai an bady ti- E ; diyi & F"StrdyBenii einr No,. s a l :I d 0015 'a .... 20t. l silllit oiaceled to b lI cR0011 aen teSenireyaiCtlirilgautsi ra t~r w ro cotx.; 0io a(iiv tal11 1 xtM ae- ifllrt l1m a' sie:' 1cyalSau vit 11ityaaii""- ta alas A ad aweknpdvtefat GWN SUT cisrrcaaoslp tc sen ie ' 'll tilne flatactialtax, s ev, e.'c~ xi AAO~sad ito tdnawi el t ,naxu tt u