THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Z C.of 3za. )ci. Pulshed flaily (Sunays excepted) during the Collegey ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION fsbscriptiotprice $2.50 per year, invariably in advance Single copies 3 rents. Subscrip- tines may be left at the ofice of the DAttY, at Stoffietas, with any of the editors or authorizedt solicitors. Commaunications shottld reach thte office by 7 oclockhP.aM. if they are to appear the next slay. Addrssa all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All bustness comsmunications ahottid be tent to thte Busi- noos Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Anns Arbor, Kics. EDITORS. F. E. JAsseycE, Lit. '93, Msanaginig Eitor. E. J. fOTTWAY, Jit. '4, Assistant. C, A. DENSON, Lit. '91, Assistat. W. E. titLLto, Lit 15, Assistant, L,. Il. W141TEHF A, t. '91,Business Manager'. W. W. Wcnstcs't',Lit.'94, AssiitInst. A. INV. JEoFRIsos, Lano'93,Ac-istool. J. 1R. Ait EItts Medilte9l . V I' 0 'Sit . ,'94. 9i W11 IC. soLa i-. l V.A AY C. N. Sot l' 11s .Tdlii'91 patriotic of the university men. The homeopathnitc department has beetn sufficiently wide awoake to secure a represenstative. It teems entirely unnecessary to urge a ile- New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. There is n~othling like a SLIM FIGURE to put it itt tmotionI. partmsent with ttvice tihe numsber of We have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We the one msentioned above, to awoaken Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fitne Footwear, Boots atid Shoes. from its lethargy and show a more -W.A.HR c M LL R lively usniversity spirit. 4S SOUTH MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICH. A POINTER. ' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North I- eir atterson, the great jour- x .Michigan Railway. ais, tvho is engaged by the S. Timte Card in effect Suntday, Augttst2110. gaged epartuire of 'Tcains at Ants Arbor. A. to lecture here Feb. sith on N tOtTsljnoyn M\otney and :Morals," is to deliver N G1 2a o the World's Fair dedicatory oration. ' Na. I. Pasosgr Ants Arbitr Accom...12 0no We cmmed te S L. . curs toNo. 5.Ciare MailiPasosettger . 4 We cmnied te S.I.. corse o ~No. i01. Toledtt ad Owoosso (Sttay only)l.. .......... 9 2a.oil. the attentiots of the students. A Is the LADNG SCOeOOF oBUSINESSa.?,Mag No. I0<3. Toledo and Owonso Suntday 051.0 full list of the attractions for 1892- good discipplise; supriorwor; wellisuppiedireading ( 011000UT. rom;dalylictures;Sasturdayreeningereceptions; 93appeared in Saturday's DAsILYvopen theentire eaomercial graduates inagreat No.2.TioledotMaiiExpress ....11 3' 9J l deman ~sorthadgraduates all secure positons No. 4. 'loledo Mull Expresso...... at.8 7p. io. and it seems that the simple an- li,-agexpenses$2.2t perweeohinprivate f0i No.:6. Tletdo AclommtsodattiSo... 1)S a. i. nouncemnent of the nmes should bheP. R. CLEAR., ' No 0.Owosso adToledo (Situny enuhto assure the mngr that otlyl--...........723 sp. n enug anges We Advise Students to See Central Stndiaird'Time. tUniversity Hall will be jiackedl0t9o * Trai inosIndi6runs betwert'ntAnintArboIr ano ^ y 'Tleo noly, daily 'exceplt Sunda)-~. the stalls on each uf the nine or ras. D o (vy.e"" 1 terTrirnss110112, 1031, and 14cerulieteno7'i- llendsltwossro Sundsl- 'only. IRduicedlFare-. 510W-i. S'R F ~ E H0 _ othr Itriicns daily ercept Soenayn '______AV S.. I ONNiT' 1t. S. OGREENWtO11), TENNIS -SHOES - IN - STOCK. lest. Iwo. Aget. .iii-lA roi. SlAioARnTsceIIANSL. at OUR FIRST DEFEAT. C ,. STEcARTrrOnfiOti- 7.1. Nit as br~Et ,ltcI. A :. WeBcreceivedt the followeing spseciahl ' STCI)ENTS, SA-E TII-.Ii " YOIf IONEY' AMN) I11V\ Wd. telegram.-l '.115last nsoght: iri t"itni- 1011 IIN A'(). 1'q ii, Oc't. 17. _______, [ THE"eo" n6LIHIH Hose. U. 1; M. DA 1l,: -\-Minnea~polis 10, Miehilgani G. Mield- AT l1fE-- ADVANCE OR RETREAT. egar's trans ssakcs a hard ight. Htayes 'resideint Angell's annual report andiiJewett tacklcdextra well. Sander-QT D N 'DC(T T '-DL Q AT T to the board of 'Regents is attractingonSll, itnifwtrk at stoppl~ing rusIht. Ilard- ° J~L1'iL .i wide attenion 011 account of its abil Ilugn1111110to play. Michigans canniot hold Minsnesota center. Roined a111 Girek, Lathi, French, Germoan anid all College Text-Books, NVew ity and common101sefse. 10The -throug~h gamiel, atssid in no110culdi- 11111 Secolld-Ihand. troit iiatiers are piarticularly impres- tioll ior end runss. ~an-i foughlt game.(y/ dand swe shall nut he snrprised if Game loed at six. 11. (G . I.AW AND MEDI~CATE BOOKS a d-epartmlenstfour 111s1t'ra-iliate -- .1.ti , soon ndded to our l. -- a Tle Illinois Repubilicani cuheld .AT AVhOLESALE PICES. '-iater. h'res. \Angell said: -«elIe hiave reached sos critical a poinlt in 0111' history thai we must hnss elher acce-ial stion10 inathle rerc iof t'he la-ger universities, swithlll chksc iave linen keeping pale -I 11. lin~st Utiicrsity Ici-rk, - ciir mate a vigorous forwcard i-i-iuc-i.'' .As o-nc of thle Ietroit Oilers says, editorially: - "ilere is hblt one anicswer t1 oih a mleeting list cnighll formhella iper-~ j mentls fo( ic ng111 o lnnlls o loe, al-il electediloil cc sfoil-iti-icen'sing year ,. D enhison: icSl -pII slldlis, IL 1 Ct-is- wIl an-il- A Il 501secetaryc, BnFanlnsad 'eDyu 1.,.0 Grnd; 51esuer01,,1. 1. "BnFaklnsi1'Ke orexpenditures Ma .rtinle.ab below your income." Simple enough in 'lO sn ior 11101 «111 cn i nlllue thirl class elictibonlon1net \lolily esven- theory, but difficult in practice. questions. Ihe'niversity shlouldin 01. -SA .(NI(t1l'CNIOC11.18l'BtY t;fl1. go forwvardl. It should be granted BUSINESS LOCALS. the nmeans twhereswithn to do no. Thle I Latest Styles Cents' 10110Linmen Collars, sworthi auc at a for 25c. '15To o rsdn neli Ei'-\'cry deisrable rolllls. Fine LisensCluffs at I15c, sworthm 25c, andI at a5c, sworthls5c Fulrnsheid, heat, exeellenit locaion. \erv ]latest Tech Ties at 2;cad4cwrh3cnd7c fmoerate al-d reasonable." As nw2.501per week. 21 . .12th St. Vr ees3ori-Hnrlie tcand d7c 4.r7 3c andthjc.ad75. studeints seecal-ihaveblut on opinionI ,AV.-tN ED-A~Seceonld-bandl1111'opyllllBrlingtolm''Fast Black I lose at a 5c, sworthn 35c. hiahtonetsll'Comnctaries, (Cooley'S aidO sunnecessary to dwell uplonl editionl. Moot he the latest editin. Wlt hrsa o,6cad. .0 crb2 e et oe it here. WVe1hope thnat thse needs of F. I. 1 PAI., ighlt Shirts at 5oc and goc, slorths 75cSlid $5.00. Tim Unvriysilbestsil. 1-it 5")tS..Dihisions stroct. Specialties its Cndersvear at 5oc, $1.00 and $rt.o a garmieint. _______________ Bu1'y ourhBonobs at whlsleric reso Cents' Rid Cloves at $.1.0, ''Decidedt Bargain. from the Na~tionalltLihrary Association, DENT REPRESENTATION. 211) Wabash avfenue, ChicagoIII. Ad- ON E tRI l.,0)10OCR CliSt'S'C'RN.1\ISIII \ CrI)EttAR'f',\INT dress wthe AssociionifeertparticlarsIO. AND Or) CIIll. IICOII:A RIIGt'lAR CUtSTOMER. T'he dental department renmains ood-to swithlout a representative on thme -.t . NTxiS ss-rTEn-Lihcral slary - of~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~pi t-Is .'ba-.I obcllc1101to lift-v iSO'tdeO-awaketdyounlg meti, oM.DLYbad Itibea s tuldents preferred; employmnst pleas- 3,.~Q