IA19M.ddlL MI-Imm vp Ap tt IAL AdL A *-A Vol- III:.-No. 15 7. Foe. 11-No 157. UIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893. PIETRECNS P-RicE, THREE (TENTS. OUP, ALUMNI WEEKLY. The U. of M. will Have One Nex Year, in Conneotion with The Daily. itf ucei itterest sold Sp 010 tue f131't (? ht -itjtt commiottee of te1 nt11 oIc ae League.e'Ir. Bir id also resteocel liii seer{ trvsllipt lotir iw-s then {"L ! di t o ii te i-l..i] i s1li I THE CO-ED GYM MAY HR A DO. To-clay the Legislatute Will Con- sider the Spsecial Appopria- tion Hill. i no; ' , t i c i io l I ti tci~tof ec'i. t ieio t' : 1 itL .lltis "I5ltll tiCititfavheo011 "x ii, tootIl-S t LZIt ti ie' 101101tittitic--R(.}flS t coiit{'old, o tl? o -isbu n ,ici rpiliatoni hi ''t n io tilec. i:lt., 1'ti 1J _1 M fu ir'ff.. tn. fI ro rittttin-the ftfunds. iiieIcortt iwill be tude Uithe 110anattgeeno ~tt a favred5aLitrect 0a1p110iionitflit is theIDmcivc aod ciii be t four- ___tte purpose whlie tile othei I tited toliitntqfilrtotiice the size of tite ,ti, i , that the fuds be tein cult of h Itt i,containingcleihtp-tes -dn oesxhml a.Tenaoi~ ensrdt iv e bceit c et 0 tbt t te-y cespecial efitrt wifflihe imtde to aro1u tttneseotietttr'Ci heohof te oettbet-s of the Ihotuse.ot the fintr ft he iatuln itnthe 'Iletie assoctia tt t tio . -eyhveen Repeisettivses fitv01redithe Ilattet lirohect.oipletefly I --01 izsed 'ted sithtthe flainfbit th e queshiontof itticoosli- 1-lie s ucrfption prtee isifl b te fn tie fit stet i otoafity waslraised 1stile otte-sithl lollar firthe lit legti year, ;which Ii e eemrttilii f1 ilttul ffill0proed thto t oitit otnof swiff batrelypatyfothtie efpcnses in 110 Ir1viouslrecords cte le ciiiis . the itrocceds be epeitdei forIc cit~entto1 putblishttig Ithe 'tIi1 Lo e 11 ft site ot erecetionsof oesw builditis S-tudcentsftcaol great0 dal IoMr Itt tefttee iiof ltite 111pu1at titlist iftmai ttires ventre asoisei-sdliepptosal thecoed ae to bej eels, by cofittAmrgtdoefsthctolt 0 a qutete It~ooatc t their fried a g-tetilta001 uii niftttt to Itli,. 11,1lte to scur e toem ;ee d to - aii 10101thte glee cfll) beitg sectirci. til e f intetrest wis chsisf cctsrum.*' is ttlrettiis-atitftested ivecx ch t plan- ses Tue plttter ftas beenotnide the I agenoent (if te DI) r gtmuciencopucrr-at ite ae e specilitrder forltis afteroonoatt E tot d ICiIiscovereci. Titis etferftinmtttewsill ageaeteal 1laot are also Hailer coo- eels lnte 26ltiof Ma-yte result of the considerationt will sicleraliots fot setvetralthtnges itsthe Ibe swaiteci witconsicderable interest Ici cx, oext year, wichlciiad111 ' ~by Ite co-eels. Coospiete repforts of materially Co the oapieoirtiieand A Cr-editable Pubiloati.on. tse molter stiff be givetnits the list cx eficieticytif te paper. fromstlittCo timae. -- -0 , -i-_Te 'May titober of te Lito Dt Vetgtan' eettre J ourttttfis ttpulicatfiniliaCt souldl Mandolin Club Meeting iififldlfkN s!, , rioitt -,rE O_ c x1<;toi c 5,i zi-i a ndeiughe t icost - E (, r'la rid flf StlraihtCuCiaets litfttheAeeican Tiubaccisi. tuxel-ietitrent. H- ichmondVtrgtinia. fDr. V. C.Vautxhonogate atiinisri- estieg lecltre before thte litt closs,_ lttst ev-enintg. lieresvtested twiii portatnt Nlitcfst'ts ttmirder I tris, atdt te celebtrotedi 1 ichatoot seos Nesw York, all poisooing cases, [root te statndpintt of a toxcologit.Int those cases aesvecxi old teottes mete shosn-to15 be falise, antd nets-oties extablisisedi. For lte benefit of thie liw atot toedilcal astdents, Usee Ct.I if iNC. departosent of tite Michtigaa Law jottrnal will review te ieeture itt te Juannmber. Athletic Board Meets. The Athletic hoard Iset Iasat night its room 9. :dlr. Shtieldls re- signed htis positlion ontsh[e execotive ' i ' I I t It 1l 1 is I c <> ti Is i i te liattisof es-ery-stuttet, as it coinltaisttmuci ttter oflise Iiti-os anouttcedi iteietc --- - greatest intierest lt all ,tudtieis cif yesterd~ay, ltatthere iwoitldl frib- lavably be a mseetitig of Ite freshtmano________________________ ttandcolin clubth o elecf a leadier 1to thegs itcdsiettfoll0ow ite succeedl Mr. Joel, aisdito reorgattize. I P. J. IN CAN litigs ttcoiis te flioiti: -or seeoraol reasoncste tinte s Tuefae f uls to N~e itierbeen changed, andtihie mseeting will1 M EPOCHANT Mlichtigant Decisioiti, F. WiStes-ens-;ise held tonight at 7:30 in N etc- Coostiltifonat RightI of fProtest, berry Ilall. Blesidtes the electiots of 'Tuirtnbutl v. C-Giitngs, ti'il.; and a ttewvieader, otiher bisiness of lot- T I Bfarkwvorths v. 'Taleont, c/ l.; f-dil- iortance will be transacteti.'The torials, on lice leg.lqetsiotns; Law follocwingosemtbera who Isave beets ! ANt) iSot R {1?i Schsool Notes; Notes on Recetl playing cwltih tie club are requiestedI Michtigan Decisions; Mtothly Rec- to atteitdit Pratt, Lasalle, Never, ortiof aprtit CotrlIleisins;Joel, Stuckey,'Mctiridie. Rttrtsnler, Book Reviewsa, and many othser arti- Geixi, Gibbons, Eiving and Forester.I cles whli ch mnakes tite pubilicatiots of F H W O~R =ST, g'real intierest to all law studtents, at Today the Minnesota leant plays well as practicing lawyers. I Albon. Detroit, XiLehigan.