.THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'ZC. 'of . T1i(,, pblitheorpoainenhoulAffirowed bySTD1FI NI E ST1I7{L.ES, 1 893 i b h oen et afr e y. .l'Tlrov and(IEd. rno h i-a ~ished Daily (udays e'xcepted i nag 4 Sr.i 1 f-rink, ot ia thel e H P FNFhr ifr. z,.i,'I;n, niraet thWolg yab vebster Ideiieil by C. 'Thaxtots and allI I I 1h na h I , .lh o acertnnTht 111lCI. THE U,. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION WV. C. lilknap, of the Jeff ersoiiian. _ Rctto y'isCaaE ~ Subseriptioaar' i per fear, inariably iNomn .. iu ci aue sn-t oier3 ent. Sbsril- h-- SE Sl'1V 1 i 11 48 SOU'VH4 MlAIN I R'dIEET, tlonSa y het lift at t-:1l taticoofthe J 1ELiiI at Siiitlei'S, with any ofIithe ie s r Ill eJi ,io laiws held a class meet- authrize soicitrs.ilmy yesterdaly andllappointeel c m communitllations iouh11il reah the re by h r a cotiti o'clckaat P. 1tte3ale to lli 5 mrthn it et til le of lie to Mpetitiotn the faculty IIS R P U T P S Jay. Address tilpant tar intendeditrl t im ll ca- lt to gyieext-r a lectusi n Iorder' toA in. ion tilte imanaging Eitna. Alslinesstt na i rdr t tlrmuitin.sholdlt ie sent to tihe' tine fitnish the senmester's work as early li))itnianr a pssbl.21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. THE IU. aofiM. DAILY, ______________ ann arijor, micn. i EDITORS. C, A. l 'a IW -) iV'U tLlll9Vll 5 or ?,t i4 :i itNrt 1. \ano'the_ rtc L i.llln oiit toly's is s.ic)incGsieato, AuatICsttnten o. 1 fie resitis of the ,I N 'iiiherti:. ra ticalLea,. fititt. A cariti. rettcrd.whch ris c red ,. it 1tol hlimelf. attn -ayhonr to the t~c.o f t. o are py}leased to t. ntic o appropRiations ts repHorte faor farothe co-ed annoftodeaynmai- thatte biileatlted saaybeta lai, th tere istith opoitiornOray thersat eapresnyet.Ais arefuli fxamiraionsidteaonefwtieles- lhatur peettiemd TEarfelingeoftourtamudgingo from theat tw osgaomeit tle weroakIt iosIrheaeaorntenerally- akes n terrors inpropationtm sitm seemslththurdteasnot play- itt, as tcarettlmycasoitoitit.oat prhncstaegaesythiisya recowi- Caornbeondenratiofthpeg in- ltose.gmsb ev attgaoe Corneldhas aobettr team, thange for te attwf oymswisa tti-u teyk.nItitrulayastea enball. mae uerosinoprogrm.,toth weaknstsliofsitsgofentsbutsterl in temsltat ecurtearomiednetlay evng. arfuleafoioivighist.eOr- grane gamesoby redyTatigadluasi I i Ii i { i , Ii I ' TOLEDONES5 1, I4ARD . . ...: .r 'y llf' E I'llli, I-I ll ar ) tI iii'l' - tIC t}i, I1r il:l Horsf'odisrc' Acjd PhesphakL .i -dg 1111' tii ,wI ' I libildeing iel' t iitieliiy i'i lrge C enrae; Vc(; fkY' res N t,.? lv P its neni, "... i.t1 h ttor en ired bcr ra in avti elle e~l - ivi. T ledo fi, n s ciii idn.N ,_c1 .n Rumfor1Idi Che ical o eerkesro s- 4 (n lSadr ie Fitrsta tlsisi stti iitttiit ia 7 {,Ihi T rai-eNin 3n d tinn e-ee n FO osA eLE BY ALLd RGG ISa}1etSic n i~iiL nloeooldivEk udy and1q~etier.It ourshe an in ig- A.0 (.rySay.ihleltransngily-ei Bin,,ay oaeheNtre raUanbd, ha-JVotys'eeir. W.D1.lBEnZ, It<.Gi'NVCO Runmr d Chnic Oa W rPro vaidat- ad Jone a/ig V C WILiSEYSSIC T0 ROOMS, Rotomas 3aSa.SSite t. 2] Years in the Business. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth St. 'ThistSpretResereti fir it IlitI nithiie~iee G~imipashiMp1Lamfo Tenpis and ease Jpall roods= ASK OR WRITE FORl CATALOGUE. ANN ARBOR 3TIEAM LLAmUNPLY Co . 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. NOT I10 E.-T o STUDENTS anai Citizen. Dont sendiCoulitfa towtfta Candt a.henttyoatenagntlttstan good at R. E. jolly &P Co.innedon't nharge tilr style, ut glven it to ourai.nad thtat is oat-half. Hotatndt codlnchestat otatlltnttrsaoftie day ana igiht. R. L. JOLLY & CO-, No. 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And thin vary choicest Candles .*TUTTWE'S, * 48 SOcUTiiSTTE axSTtEsET. VICTOR CYCLES 31.STAEBIER'18 Cycle Emporium, 11 W, Washinigton St, RENTSCHLER, hoto jrcpher, CtORtNERttlSAiN ANDti ICEtON STS. TiSpace iteservedt ior till GIBSON) PNO. 12 W. HURON ST.