THE U. OF M. DAILY BASKBALL A FINE DI8PLAYGENTs' HALF-HOSE It 42ri ' A Mr a S t fI s "0 I vk--., i EvL_ Is; I ~litiett-s, Sponges, sits Siolte1 an Cigas r i, :> I _ i G hitarss, 3ar)uos Special Sale at NOBLE'S ~aiqkolixs, Vio~ias, Etc. 13 cli-., Six for 73) cts-. 185cts., Three for 30 cts* All 1I 8-intli I ihi-tIanittch ini Th-ceStyles, Four for $'l . 00. Tone.335 ts , Tree for c41.00. 30 Cts., worth 73 ct.. 1 Extra valute.Impotrititetrtoughilotton Comi sin :itt linsc. Alt S-hailes, tlacki, Tans, WILSEY, - The Music Dealer. i Bows,. Etc., Etc. MOORE &WE MOR, 800K STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN! STREET ____________ ANDt) til-iER-i ti STATE AND WILI-AM STiREETS. NEW AND SECOND) IAN1) Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as -the Lowest. nd aryREMEM~BER THAT YOU CAN BUY eitcoc ii Pumpkin, - Aindlall oilier Ctanitei-d(ths tprotsiontet ri c (c BICC s. 44 Main street, South. DEAN & C( pe01 z )MPANY. Call on Win. Fulde, the Ttilior,sopptosite the Liw 1Illiling, cii Willianist.,tlrtst tdootr ti-sttof Stale-si. {Suits to ordera speiaty.itncork ltctt-ciiass. IF YOU WANT TO ncorutavesonielRpairing cdonotia i l~t.Arirotd3 36 Matin Street LARG- 1HOUSTE ' _'1 WITH SIX LOTS lrehue ihaotItet arg Aoo titandtuiXltsftrleti ati utlitne-ha-it florfo dnceithaIo iiLtri oom.ttiiouldt mat n xcllent tpltacefir Stityhyoitusc. 56 West Liberty Street, S. KRAUSE, ANN Auom. MICH. ( UNIVERSITY NOTES. W ~ill YOU O . k lW!tt yodroptintolmytoitten i" paidt fien l erito thit lI, At tautrShow Wiridoso Iito(ils Nithatonksitutnstidtoe spheroidt An he asdthed ietlder lip. it'sownstoe aout Ree isruningtoe 220 huirdlcin good formo. G U ITAR S Cornlcl defeatediLlehigh, Satur- ANI) i-ay, with cane. PRICES. Sonic of the bicycle riders at the THlE ANN ARBIORP ORGAN CO., atihletic foel are making excellent it outih Sain Street. lime. :MisliMaud !Merritt lion resigned ' RI~CH IGAN (J'EN'nAL ithoe office of propisetens of the clals IT Iit'abl(iteto)lNovember 20, 189. 93 Eiii . . W"T.o a. n. Captain Evans Iladl tisn wnork- Muail -1--------f25 i c agno Speiatl - 0 Day Fi -n------ aSt30 Day- Exptress-_n8o27ing at tihe athletic field, Satur-day NO- S.imited-----isSuitai-t---- 93 N. Y. littitd-__ _ i-4N- S. uiiiited-tI- 9s59mornoing. Niaga-a I'ilto Slt-11 27 p.1in. notm, Chicago Es, 10 9g2 Century Columbia at $ oo, in 1). N.NExpresso 3--8- G. 0 1. IExprett-tt_--5 40 AtanticEx Ooss-- 805tOChi. Night Exp__ 9(50 good conlditionl. Arthur C. Thonip- 0.. lExpres -- 10t0O I i ln-i pressli - 10 i2; o.NV Ol IiG Sit. H.W. FLAE, 10n, 23 I.Lliberty street. 0. P . -Ti-ntt, Chiciagon. Act. Anni Acatir ____________________________ There will be a joint meeting of F7IRST NATIONAL BA NK the Webnter and Jeffersonian socie- OF ANN ARBOE. lien Wednesday evening, May io. Capilt, 1111i.Oicapli-e antI Profits, $:30,000. Seniors are requested to pay thnei Ttannacts A gene.- banking btminseno- oig e cihanoaerslt, ltters ofcr edit pr-scared graduation fees at once, owing t fortraelrs brod. p. BACH. Pres tine large number of diplonmas this S. W5. CLARIKSON, Cashier. 1year. DANCING and DEPORTMENT. The game Friday, between Wis- Gri AllGfflf'f1 AA AlEIhI consin and Minnesota, resulted in 1ihA 1jM~h Ji~iU1A~Iscore of 20 to 8, in favor of the rhoeItuildling specialy Otiltity tiMt. rngerfomr incluides hit camilly home, and eontains theI Messrs. Falknor, Todd and Travis fitnet and host iarrallinedrooms ifot-instruction t hoeounnd in the Stale, have left for Louisville, Ky., to at- office. Center Entrance, 6 MATNARD ST. tend the Republican League con- Sed Sill,$2,or $3150 enr Sa- ventionl. Sple IRetail non hy expreii orf eMisrlshv I1Il t he 13EST CANDIES in Americae. TeUniversity Mnteshv MIV Pot opusn elegant hoxes and nscrdt strietly pore. Suitable -tor benscrdt give an entertain- PRESENTS. Expreses charges mn o h eei fteAhei * repaid. Eefer toalldChicago. mn o h eei fteAhei Try iV~ut naenseddess e, Association. The date will be 21211 Ilstale street, Ia b CHICAGO, ILLINSOI. May 6 Captain Leary, of the Mlinanesota baseball leans, was also capataina of last year's fonotball leans ofi that University. Thne state prohtibition contest took place in Albioin, Saturday. 1). F. Wilcox represensted the UT. of Mi. and took second place. Thne Intercollegiate gnume betwoein U. of 'Minn. and Northivestcrn, svas apparently qluite a victory for the M7innesota boys an Northwsestern had Griffin in the box. M\r. H. H. Loveland has secured for~ next year the plositiono of clinical assistant and assistant in tinelprivate practice of Dr. 'Mc~iraw, president of Detroit Mtedical College. One haundred dollars is needed to fill out thne subscribed anmoust of $500, for missions, wvhich the S. C. A. has agreed to pay this year. Any help will be gladly received. Mr. Reichtle, '913 lit., furnishes the followving translation of the in- scription over thne entrance of the Gym: iFor truly there in no greater fanme for a nian whnile hi- lives, than what lie las done, botls woith his feet and his hands.' The reports of the officers of the S. C. A. were given Sunday nmorn- ing, and they were very interesting, in that they showed a marked growth and improvement in the affairs of the association, over any previous year. The association has at pres- ent a membership of 557, nearly all of whom are active menmbers, this being an increase of about son over last year. -CALL ON- G. H. WILD The Leading Tailor', Forat Fitue Springtor hritir Suit, Trot-srs, fanuyicretr-Ovcrcoat. Ile currhiesthie mitcl etre stock inithe init No.12 E. Washington-St., Near Main. Capital, S50,000. Surpius anod Prnfis,$,000O~. one egeneral sBanking bunessee. 5Paysin- terest en Saving PDeposita. Has safety Deposeit Sexes fl ent. Et. KEMPF, Pree. -T. N. BELSEE, Caehier. Bank oeneeSaturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. IN tONECTIcvON, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. S0E. Wanhiegeeon SI. J. R. TiIOJANOWSKs as Baths fer $.00.