VOc. 11.-NO. 1:55. UNIVERSITY OF IICHIGA WE WIN AGAIN. iess represented. Mrs. Pettee and Michigan Adds One More to Her\ts r Mlatinwedapr String of Victories on the roses. A short hot interesting liro- Diamond. 1 grm wsas listened to tdiring the first TShe ionic leans won its sevesith part of the evening. It was as fol- cociecutiegame, Saturdalsbyiit Iows:liPino solo, Mliss Kelly; Reci- feating ttse Denison Coltee clcth talson, Mliss t=oodykoonte; vocat Tthe visitors hrosiglst a strong tesisi soto, tiss Richaridson; recitation, and except duirisig the fifth inning Miss iusit. list silla good ganse. Daibshriiowis tc in b iaisboutcio sea aspieedly hail, andi good ciiirses, hut tparticipasted inhby hot s o75 risepes heavy atters succeeiledin fn ind-I'ley daiscedl tein regular inhig snsfor Iteelve lifts.idanicessuitd seeiraliextra oiies. lie- rise fielding of tz h o iom 'ris eis uancecs light refreshmueiits swere sersvedi liiirooims sas deco- seas far helosw the seersghn~ seas soosewehat sild, sasI lidtl 0)riated itsshbothi the college sunt the have his usual speedt.(Criswford't cliss color s. A.eery beaiitifulibain- hackstop stork was fiiiehut lhe i. i iisclr is dre could sot do much at throwing to roons. Tie social seas a very en- bae nacutof rhuaimi ovushle affair, and as itlhappesned, his sisoulter. very appropiriaste, as it caiie just at Thle slay seas the hest see hare had the tinse wsen the class seas so johi- thus far for tse homsepamises, ansI a taut ocer Mr. Lonsg'svictory, anid lrge attendanice stas the result. Isis presence ailted life so the occa- Fotloseiig is the fush score: I Sion. NMI OM'61 ViN, MONDAY, MAY 8, 1893. TO-DAY'S GAME. The Minnesota Boys urn Jubilant Over Their Victory Saturday. PRissoms THREE CENTS. U. OF AI. --------------- ------------ - - --------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ------------ ---- --------------- --------------- I)iIN ISO . D iscoe ll, ° -- -- -- - - -- - - Daub, i-----15-- -- iistiilt,e - - -- - - - - - - - - Steves I b----5 ------- t Iutsli, -- -- -- -- -- -- I" IliisI fciii... ---- SCORE isY INNIs 1 22 34 Ut. of ------ --- --0 5 1 Denisoni --i .---- - 1 1 t1 S lises ion balls-Banks, 71; D ouut-By Renks, i3;SDaub, i. eDi Hutison, Driseoll, Stevens, Ban] uy pitched bal-Banks, 1; D0 batis-Crawfordt, I; Outealt, 1. -Sipitzer, 2; Smelzer, Pea Stevens, 0. Matson, Withoft. -Spurney. Time of ganie-Tmc minuates. Umpire, Soymosr. 94 Lits Give a Sc 'The '94 ills gave a so' sirday evening at Nickel large number were prese the literary classes wer - - Woman's League Election. Dre. Nancreede's talk biefore the __ 31: Wonian's League, Saturuday, at -- th Nwerry tHall, seaslprofitabtle antd su f1iterestisig. lie told iow to treat ._.5 :3 0i0cases of poisoning, droseinig, _47 ,1Il°;siprains, hroken linmhbsoildlieoorrh- __ 01 4t!ags, bfoethe tdoctor comoes. t 12stefollowing excecoulice hoard was elected for nsext year: Independeints; Gertrude Sunderland, Sarah den AB It iili POiiA1 EiBleyker, Katharine tPuincheon, 1 21 Wnifred Crane, ?Margaret Weidie- 0 1 s i 3man, May laylor; Ganina Phi 1I jds 0ieta, Georgian Mo-fordl;lDelta __4 21 2 4 0I Ganisia, Florence Barnardl; Phi ..4 0 Bea Phi, Anna Tlhonmpsoin; Sorosis, _41tJ Esther Lanforn; Kappa Kappa (e99:; v amnia, Harriet Lake; Alpha Phti, Minnie Bloylan; Medical Depart- Ci. met, indeliendent, Dlelia Rice; (',4-t Alpha Eta Iota, Florence Amisdon: i 1!Homeopathic Department; Evely sob 3. Stsuck umacy, Grace McNoath. iuble piiys-G0 After the election, a social ivas lsisteeit Dah, 2. Passed held in the parlors wyhicts were dee- ,Twvo-base hits orated wvithm university colors and asn, ostealt, Three-tause hits handsome plants. Coffee and cake ,hsours and teis were served and sprays of heliotrope - or :a hunch of margarets graced each octal. plate. cial on Sat- Our Glee and Banjo Clubs will s' hsall. A give a benefit concert for the S. C. tnt and all A. fund, at the Normsal, on Wed- re more or nesday evening next. 'The'Uniiersity of uMinniesota hase- ]fh R 3Y'Y hail team reacedi Ann Arbor at DETROIT, MICH. 8:i. yesterday miornings. After bireakfasting at the Cook house they- sliest the slay looking sbout theG ''iarsity groinsisl. Seseral sif the' hoys are being entertained at fester- city houses. Ini general they seem swell tileased wsitls Ansi Arbor. Th'ley seoss the gamue played stlsh Northwestern Satorday hy a score I 10to 5. cfter the bSunoay rest Iuofse, , 5 4 or 5, Shoies a1)0( til It p 1 a ire si they still he iii good isialid for to- thnAnAbrpaI sn 'rCti let day's p asme at the Athiletic Fieist. It I still he of more interest thans any of thme ireviouspauses this year, from t0t, 1S3-185 itiulv.5tuli Att., thme fact that it is a chsasmspionshiip D'lfIl, - - MJIGN pamse andt will iloisbtless ihraw a large crowd. ~i q hlAmondStraight Qat. ''e gnse still not he callesh till-e 121. in oruler that those hasi CIGARlETTES. igasette'Smokerssswho aflernsoon stork nmay get aseay. Ath -I i ltl'5 ieaitl Ictic associatuoss tickets Imust bhex chasednifiir te ouuv.tu chanced for single entrance tic kt ~ tTHS BusNsuperior uto at thme "sounds. uNo 1 t a etsarThe d Stutheubr5ight Thle follossisg is the tsisng order ffeel osut deic.'sie' havored and highest nost tGoid Se' usu¢"ossini Virginia. This is the Old foe the g5555:0and iinatusl'Band of iStright Cu1t. Cifs osses, ad eas roshtout 55y15sinre eaohago. Csaswforddc. tiiCriiili, 1 . TheoALLtEN& GINTER Branch ih ii5(5 IaI its . iif0.theuAmimsan Toacco cs., Spitzers e i i)-, b.Mpnu5ct5ers. - -Richmond, Virginia. Sporsssi 'it . Artz, Ip. OSuivtzer, r. 5. Adamtis, c Jefferis, 5 5. ilissice, s. P'earson, 5b. Norihii ay, r ' tdssgmao, p. H-eathl, 1ub. Press Club Meeting. Th'le Press Clush held its regular meeting_ in Room 12, last building, Saturday night. Tfhse program toss- sisted of papers on Sensational Jour- ,. nalism, by Miss Buck and Mr. Lorie. MhisDock took itLegitinmate Sesn-__________________ sationalism" for her thseme. She sid: "The functions of a news- P. . KflTNUCAN, paper are to express time tenth and to express it dynanmically." She MVERC.HANT then showed how completely the so- called sensational press fulfilled these functions. TAILOYR Mr. Lonie discussed Isis subject under two heads-The Sensational AND IMP'ORT'ER u Newspaper and the Dime Novel. I He held that Sensationalism was := T 0 =,P-1T3 not to be considered as a good so itself, but a means through which good might be affected. An in- 55 Wq__EORET ST_., formal discussion by members of the Club closed the exerciseo. Detroit, )Iichigan.