VO. 1II.-No. 15. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 191. UioTnxcz Cews. VE'RE IN IT AM I.1 1IXiIO IGSRPO l GaaLis' ~ Registration Figures for the orisi1 First Two Weeks. Mhe il c sad o ery-____ _R s The Total at Six O'clock Stte ia-itfiRegisteri Aft Sarno/ NNumber Ls t e r W\ Wil - - - - -- --- ---- Halve-1.S5S. ( IliecIll Siliixre I'. 1o '...ri \t twoil oor0 -sterrilsa1ter - -H DetILnI 1lt 1corsc iiiiaii lee r. teiiii a r,iiesi l-lu2i~iii noonitSecretary Wade titsde publii j =ii - -- - -- - - the registration for each depatmenct HE SMELLED A RAT A GOOD CHOICE, fof the p ieri ,ennhsa l okelIa A Law Student Declines a Friendly U. F. Bikley Appointed to an Ed- ' forttin theiapcrooiticodingthsixao Jour ast Saturday evening. The total 1Ivttintnl o ~n a.on.t or- Iyuwat th Ltest'eroplitanitles itp to that time was 2,565. Bt if Tso Soutiern student10 the lw nl Ann Aboir prices, send for cataogue Iou tile same numbher register after Oct. department recetly issiedt postal 'Tht editors of the Mchian L asv 0 .1 r rrO 5, as registered after the corres- cards to all studelnts registered in journal ad the law faculty have for F [ ~ C ponding date last year, i. e., 293, the University fronstie Southern some time eens considerng the ap- 10t,1185 l~wsoisr eiA-r tile total in the next Calendar will States, requesting them to cone to poitment of an editor to fill the DETROIT MICIGIAN he 2,858. 'rie total in last year's one of their rooms on a certain vacancy on the staff caused by tie Calendar was 2,692, ]felce there evening and get acquainted. One resignation of J. E. Roberts. The P. J. KINNUCAN, sil be a gain of 166. of the parties, who ails from a gulf position was filled yeteday tby the It seenms, iowever, thlat a greater state, evidently thotgt it was a appointment of U. F. hlckey, law MERCHiANVT nunmber shouled register after that schene to hae hin, 5 so e relied 93. Th selection is a good one as dlate this year than did last, for it by writing tie following letter: Mr. Bickley is well ad favorably i tile presidential year, and mnafy, ANN Atmoi, Mich. known among te students, and has TAILO irarticiiiarly of the lasv department, fltsDFIR IiT: had considerable literary experience. are eletioneeriing, aise those at al your kind faor of this date Thle Latejourial is hiolding its owvi distance will rote before they re- reachsed me by de course of nmil. aid biti fair to distance all conpeti - Aill1 turna here. Therefore, there is aIthaiik you kindly; but pe rmiit re tori as a law scool pulblication. possiility of reaching a rand totalI to say tiat I shall not le present, ~ __ ad consequently you, gentleene, 11,= S= O 7E ° of3,0, although ceayWd like Shlc of Shakespeare years THECA PS says tile faculty hardly expect it 0g, mutst miii your potiid of hunan - 't'sose who are acquainted withl flesh tonight. I amn ot ready yet, Many seior lass hae fiiised 'lie situation say that Michigan has gentlemen, to be hazed; lit wvhen their theses. SS W FORT s., tone stell in the face of obstacles. you get ready to underake the act 'Ielse1'dies of the trofessional de 'Te reqiirenments for admsission to on me, yul will bear u in mid tile parmens, elterainel their fresh Detroit, M~ichigan. fa that, unless you get ne first, I____________________ the last departmeint Ihave been ii- shall not forget to sied someboedy to mns sisters in a mtciihlaing pi creased, tll of te entrance exams g lory. i ost to plug the first nan nmanner t Nestberry Ial last Stur- tffhmond 21C Stra Ight Ql. hare e1ec1nade nore srinigentad that touches iie full of led. ou day eeing. 'ihe faculty lates of -NiI Chicago UnitiersiItths hItsa ittle sill take ar. Aimt1 not gren, the profssional schools twere in - CIGARETTES. rittulind e e tiinnot saylotv iti. i I tcac- t iiilsisu e tonay aittl Secretary Wade declined to ~~~At asjitt mietingiuof the stno redfrteH.eip"bd iilets wl il comoptrsornslistwten thestepiti-Ctan iiuiio ooopt lst e.Iei litit - _ reil iitnsueirt iicustc9, 9-Jctcionanlccy stsdcdd to gie tireeltiotoall iiii n iislsw uc tt t 1 I iI li i Ithe freshttteii s'iilsopomore claisss inllla i r -i ll -toire gia o 1111 str eapd iler a lttiilst Iicntlidiiea iflof rsileiiicltt ariu ris t o 11[a t w-lul s cii lll-iio a 'i-If'll t ae u loosi lrtr daysteillfhisti sienentSohDiiion I liii CiN 5t ti-liii,-iird c u ,>lr so welirrica t lc shoii iti retailubelwttuln stilt e inot exacly. lar sowig .othe a lii9S ttstum pece.-G n1 ,d~noic eptliion l li ktyeclig: hRecep- I- ,Vnisrityfotr1many15sttdeits tali crtic(.f.C. lark, itepubllin.De-tiolt lisss Still, iPullen, Dixey,E stays eintr ftrtr.rt5, xind par- ate, Resolei, 'Tlit tilt protectire sinel Bower Mescsr. Aterlitr, iicka lcultrly t the becinningti of the W sigo t secoitd seimestr. Ixiv sttideitis tariff is consituinl.fiirmIilativeitls aitdlHoffmni; refrestments, 11 W~. 'T sigo t comittn at limesaitnid this is te i-. 'T. Lotet; negativet, Mark Sands.C Miss N icug antd Mrs. 1 alin; fi- oionem o. c0. dtepartmlent shoswing the greatest 'Te nusica prograits sill coisist nane fXesss Stewa'rt aid Dutncais; .oM.loss. 'Terefoie it seens tat the of a piano solo by Mliss Minnie decoration, Misses Pettit and Dixey, R.. E. JOLLY{ & CO., U. of laisill3renmain,at the iead. wehrDxvi, antI a vocal solo b0 M.L.IMessrs NorthasmRan sd Tows--SL - Harvard cxns3cobtileie she sill rtschstatfigure renains to JDavis. A cordial initi~toit is ecx ley invitation Messrs. Crichow and S T"11 A. I 2IO0N T71 R 'W"! lie seen.a tended to everybody.Fesey. AND ALL a'r'DLPNr' sxi 1111s