-THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,Z ntf . Tait- . enough to be susceptible of any in-S PF pu pon Otit. Pal"u'ed tDaily (Sundays exceped)sduIning l\V did not sdiscuss the resons SEurir -s - .uyrl Situ st n i in h. Is 1S INE hers 1 ta sa, -iTas, ad at the Cllsge e ar, by urged against our propositions, sin- -ctws THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ply Iecase the student body of this __-institutions has been sufficiently en- EDITORS. lightened upont that subject. what Gt A ti:.sot-it;Issn' Managn tor.ills s meant y " roper rules to govern SEE Slntt 55N1510'. 48SOUTTI mAIN sTREE. Ft ox s I a -- debatchte sr lhso deision of a jury in 11 A s ii'5 llt sbs)ut. a debate '" dos sot convey the S1no Crttst ) Is eltt dtt'tt slt tseaning whasaever.Ittsems 1 ,77VTTY~~YC 41 nl -ICt ilissnesn M~nssssee gltest p ?ErrdiCL (5 ttt uet tt n It. tS I t 5, , I <', 'At~e 3I' Itt t1 Its nsstiAnntsts St arc I.,smV tl heren toDI vin, alld will lag Its soyb tcnI Joifold's Ac idiP osphat(ti j i nr~rv t~5 attFaninte+ly rrntas s tpfc i 4tein ecp o N,. . Marssandsi Irs st. t It bllsixis S irvl' l1dsa t dttis o ':r Is ior.t SSrnt s in sn rtsststttnt dstols ingetn .i t 1 la'sss' n nri Atlsi Attttt n silsit n 50(islil SI55 s sit e s to ion 5apert weekLi.stistdot fnis;ri(.~l"r ue~ uof the lest ssnstervecL n moIsts. Stsil tststttntv'. tl a. tosday. Issilsthtlit os'sLssssess. I si t ts ettss x-iota tsran m - - htss'tissts tr toven of1isit givs vtelesrsi $2,001 $300, $4.001$5! s ltdt vthey are ors'is the stessage sashed Ntto selei ttlsg sal ute Every l1ay. p rs sdor cetfra ovr the sires to tse P sS v thiss tv II Oe.INN a sssndivig 1atltse Dr I t~rstssitiil g Loty & Feiner. GenI a sAet ~clAet mtorninsg, bcarinsg theowsscotetse Sorateote tiretd rstnd sb oty, ita- sf anothter victory. It shosultdb a Iparts eed energy atd vitslity, attd I d.,14A lCOM AN tatter of cotgrauslation to esery etliretis n the fttnctions. Skt EI.N & O PP/N~ U. nf A. studetnt, thattMici gan DOssaiptirs auptlelt ees tntaplieationto Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- __AC lIA.ulasEt has added another to her long list dece RI. AEsICA cE O tf victories. WVe can sue thsat the Besaros t Ststtttes ttsd imitatiots. result of this contest switht the .ni- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A1 . (G.. 'Sttitl2 y nY Bt'0 versities of the nest shsowsichi- WrighV ' g ~Dsoi, gun's leadership in oratory. HENRY 1-AUI, tOld1 Iorace Pajric /e " Co. ----Teacher and sloist, OGitr, BanjotndatsMan aait tadaa f)Ntr; more the homallsiccol- d SVIL.StdowyEI"S MusIR OOMS, iL pa1~ aunTigsadp legs trouble. which all hopedadad on3 .Stte t been peacefully settled, is at fever 21 ersll h Bspe~ all GOOdSM heat. In yesterday's issue we gave YerIRhe uins.aacotofherubehths CITY LAUNDRY. ASK ORl WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. an acont o th tro~b~ tlat lasM. M. eabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth St. been forced on te deprtment fro ______________________ sihout. Thte fight promisst0 beSiiet A N RB .RE TC L , an interesting one and we do not a -1 ~ Stotlslhs N R O doobt but swhat the constituted as- f &r.Li LkUIDVPwdtoiie ilwni.No od a i i Uase, o. OC' (Papher, tlssiinoxvitwinit N god an hM~'tiki~i E~nP15555, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. CI)5NEE Si IN AND O SITSna. cosie to the department, however, t)cslsSls, while it is thse center of so ssuch con- si SS l aatq E. S. SEPIVISSI - MANAGER tenton.worki~iGRAITD OPERA HOUSE. tesin ri t NOTICE..'t) SttiErus -Ilgthis iii, ONE NIHI'T O lF5 IN reply to thse article whlichs p- asatIudCities.~. ontt'n~sdnt town nosr Il'srri o Cartsntltletnstltts gssdaltE . MONDAY EVENING, MAY 8th peared in u recent issue of the I)ILY's' 1st Jituy hCo .s. We S n'stll h sgs Idoe syo, 1ut reaie to the probable failsre of yMa i 55 lvttsystatI it sIn-itS lt ts thse Debating Leagoeswithi Wiscot- niss's li R. E. JOLLY & Co., No 2 Southj It '11 I si1n, tile Cardnassl says JtSI('(ll State Street. I Itsill le otied tts i arttices' ( HOIsU CH,'T E m nO'Pr A El costtamistisn'htIi t~iiii theI-i L'J NC I- S I' 1 u at ha ot it des sot attsspt t n'ster n - 1-S sII Slwia t.it'vlitlli 5 sy Sill I itos an discsissionsst sto the tiifs'terlce . '(J ' IU "]''" 'Jj, , 3 s 'i'l 5 -iiis'stis'> intss SI tist S's'O ectigIiZr5 eta seiLit sidabate "} isstUtI It S '' 1n15I Sirn~"1. lrt 1c S C sit7 tiitlan toratoricti constest. 'liey d tlss tan5 . K~,an T e iot tttlpt to irgse iagis our5 Itni- I ' '- - - eEtC ______as'c~icrvtoe sunsforbeisng laOay iesyt'eyVICTOR CYCLES t'l I'.1l5tt'letss'isn Iproper oerniag regulossbFGe .f SONSthitis t hrate nsf thendecisionfthesjrif naS U IIUJ J b i 551 AEIIUr'S>zg 9® d1 tebte." Ic 1 4 r. wlate liStent, P OTOGsingAnPStIER Ce anh h aiv 5 1 e MiI ~ tCSG N.Cycle Empoium1 W aigts t NO. 12 W. IhURON ST.