I L i3Spec*I Sale at Nthjaco LE S.
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77)7n7)o 7 > t (
And 'al 1)11177C(banej odnl t 1' 11711iio))it: i ))it ofI /' d 33 Stree17
ILIali Streets South. DEAN &COMPANY
UNVRITY NOTES. Prof. 1 1))os wi.1 riot ol cir7 Iito X i 1$
(}i)))))))s I' il~]3tir.r-<j, is cl(ass7ill 1Fiinan1ce lii1iiorr) 1 ' W~IT ' -Y SIX LTS
1.';. 1 an11tH M na . :1 iiij.. 2 It' ?tvlt ''
7 ii t 1 li in' . > >l, [ r at c71 t
"e I)1.'' h idl isit)) 7)1 .7 7" r)i Prof. "77711 as 0MC7) 1'it, 77 )t7)77)1ii
' "o } i v il , I f } ,! tJ; t1 ir1
: '173z ))i.e1 ,77ie.7 1 1 Cflt.imawi7)71 tiio7 1 i
ii fr71 'as iln.jasy oan 7 1. 10 0-'>i7' eSt P77ber tr teat,
( ink;
:c ois
0ll ' 117 I (Oil ). 7 . I f1i oaiy, 92 la1i
1)71 7117)'.l tI_ 77111cmiii .11 ont.
P ° hJ77 T is class n 7)7"on7 lolst t10a.7
°°- 'The freshmlialn defeated 19c
7.7 71., )77'.. 77 717 practice 9g7me2 1on7the cailplis y
7)7r .7 t ;3 707)
71)1)1 - . 77 ~8177)-7) dad-liv a ncore of I75-z.
1 7 7:7 ) I7) 7. 17' ~7 7 i '. C. CIhaln77y, 77111h 191.l
1 7)11) last year, 9graduat~es today from
1 1lt i 7 itki DetroitLCotte--,.of M11licinie.
11. 7775I. rof. HIl is777not b~en al
7771 7Meet its1ctasses for 117e pas7
FIRS NATONAL BA 7 (l ayn, o7 accountlof sickness.
1IR 'T NATONAL,7717 1) Dr.Vaugh~anll 11give alcit!
S)' 1), i~ead1' is te law lecture r0077mfnext Tu
r7 '177.)7f771_ ler fcrdtpoincred evenin, 077 Expe-rt Tesimony.71
7)1 771)1777 7 '177 i 7 11.07 1pe1. ninety-five and 'Varsity pla,
DANONG ~ ~ C~w1 six inningfl game7 in thle atl7etic
DANCNG ad DPORTENT. ysterayscore i-o n favoro
and DRsEPDTMJ Charlsesda>B. Dav 17ha5 90
R~RS ~J\~~ Sault Ste. Marie to act as gc
''h7e 1 u7iii7 777sp711ciaty ltn tbybr.G Onflgi' tlment inspector 077 the Hay lakt
incit)7717e 777his 7777islyiom ,and ort<insth ),canlal.
77) bv fond iiein Stt. Oat of respect to Dr. Ford
Office. Center Enteanee, 6i MAYNARD ST. will be no work today in tihe7
S Send $72, 2, or eV75 for Sam- cal, Hiomeopathic aind Denta
ple Rti 77liBoxby7e prei of
77777777. CN~E~ AnC7e7.partments.
Pu777i777n777.gant boxes ad Payments of tthe Steavari
krepid. efe t alC hao eisg received a h twr
C. i O\oTItEttConfteioner, Tice esvery mor077117 of this wet
2121 State Steeti hpe ie
77 CICAGILLINO7I1S. haeltie
> 111172 111T17e 1iatr ccli 1Contes7t, 1S.' hAUIBE.,~~ 777,?lio
7hih:w1) t Ji 01777 a ti 1take) lae Sat-
t 17nl7y night, has been7 postponed21
uni)loi c 77772 cl 1 e.1 . : ..r 1,
yesterda1i.y after7nn )7 and 7decidd to
7M1d5c7)s1p1o0t1'Mr. 1P0777277oft hatrctass,
77 1177 for 11772 presiden1cy of the72S.IL. A. (' '[1
The Press C Ilb will )72eet Sat111- "'W1I
lcti to iiay, -1117736, at7130 P- W., 7)o0m712,
it tfew lasv huilding. Sensat0iol Journal-'r Thz Leading sTailor
7777 wiiili e 11772suhject for discuss5ion.!
1177 t 1 )lr. I erdm~au svas callecl to Cilica- FIra.1'ic.r . ('7)1)1 '-771 7 -'7717) t.71177
t727 o77 thlis 7we2717.,n77consult1ation in the ' 7)7771)l7.02 1c7ar 7)7711 cti. Ilcv 7 1,1 1c,
case of Mrti. Kenn~ed.y, svho ws
yeda stricken witlh paralysis recently. He Na an
N o. '2 E. Wanhinigton'St., Na an
field is the fatther of Hlarry [Kennedy, 93)
)f'9 m~nedic.
ne to By reqiuest of smany of the 127077i-
)verll- nent business men and citizens of
eship this city, tlse "Lyra"' will repeat the r aes ul g l
concert and opera, "Trial by Jury,"' Cptt$777 7775s777 r~te 1,ns
there at thle Grand opera house,41May i o. Does a general Banking buninnns. Paysn in.'
Medi-' They will he assited by Mr. Jay C. terest on Saving Deposits. Han safety
Dieposnit Boxsnfor Retnn.
Il de- Taylor, Chequainegon orchestra, It. KEMPF, Pen. F. H. BELSERt, Cashier.
Bank onen Satueday evening.
Miss iltinnie Davis, and the Ann Ar- ________________
ax are hor Zither Club. Tickets, 50 cents 0. K. BARBER SHOP.
d's of- and 35 ceints. Reserved seats at J. INCNECIN
ek, st Holler's and IV. Iatt's jesvelry TuShwr abs.No ocli
77 E. WasingtonSt. J, H. TBOJANOWStc
store. 7:)0 Bath s or7$.07.