.THE U. OF M. DAILY. su.o ~T '~~ ?~cheadquarters through thei TSP IC G S 'Y E ,1893 Chgou lll1 soitos ih T _ ". n, owith tier ten thousand gradis- '0' 1> 5'iicn ay(mly oeni)'nie ates, certainly should havese uch I " It~ I~ is I , .ttlie.ll-l, oi. at ('eCl cc a r, 1)yS headqusarters,-whe re a]lI U. of Al. THE U, OF M,. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION studlents ait graduiates ian register ----- atn r 'enwol icollege or j 'litutances, ~un ' ilto ri U o n e :r :'aby as vi, t a n w ones. tsvery- 8107 ;11U\1 It cIl ;r. hawS ca0 'xS i M IN S'11% S5' 'it in ci i litititi iii'1 11, y ii ist inito strvn toithe hae id {'CltlIliclow SIlio ' (ilC 'ly a , it i a itt iiio ofno hetter N I " I 1 , ' oi doc '. .it tiii 01 rct te e t Way thatini OI e u g ligestecd, gete to re- A ,111 . la0. 4dit ti li nt ti'itit i 'i i iW iitiiica ii nd ltle In thye tocarts of old graduates 'lwo tl I gin.' V ' 51 Al Oil iistietttyteiicutis'safo hi lia 21 S. Mains.Street. W~VA.GNER & 00. iet{tilviEr niatcr, swhicha itsinany cases has THE . o:uX. DILY, lbeeii aiiiost extingutishiedl hy she An Arorich. i arcsobs h ine s soildprofessionial d'fik6 TOLE"DO ttil ii' > ii00t.O li l iiO I" Ii iiiv'ti. li IJ 1:Ti'O t'iOF BIT 'pt'i Tit> t'.to'ii:I .11 l'ti a.I(.tr 1.1 adi I ivl C7 i 5 11 '51..ov J., i i h i v C ,nn'c c.. I , _,, t' 4 <1,.0 )1 . I i , 11 i_______________. ,t. 'i 'iti iti 1 . i l t .. te>no " fl'lIl} 1r 0 Feiner 55'. II1nVOW Il0. 1 aIIENNO'Tr, 11 . .. t s are giiilad cse' e'andae atsithe tall iesdor ail . 0 e9 OO l 'l raicv lIalil I I l i o5Iri o atm iiittil Ir taig50 l tuc l 'eust exlteit 1 lte of tllit', ls t ee ______*Pally____________x___ept______ Si______________________ hausasoheelsoverwork ihy tlae t r llewehIlsIrenewed eoergy 1l111 ciccp tt',dand the c-col atlolol oot tke smre n forad Chvi al o eerk s v- ltt RI.W. t.__ A.ET C.It.S. R'i;Rio ti0 intre glnat etis1 ait tl ardieds BD otac& leiner.dliilGen.at11atls.aAgrilla..[Via}/d r$'DAgent eacostrageneectlleyt aicirtattelidla tceic ofin larger utnon re akiegisolue ch et nOR a LtierBY t. r UG ndigIS-~lt.illtl Id5/'lt1 'o alltwhosrc tnlteebseblisgtbcescthieorats heNtrYbrin andUod, il [ i4A II& ofar oram ttldth a i enso n by dttiorititi.stienewettd energy and vitalityi, and an B a claye lyd h andletcified'.eivenstheunor' s.l'1101 'AicgiREsil heie oi S-2 ea' nte s S K'IITE 110fF (7'A~TA 'SlOOE'E Thereityscam Seasn ha teerinhiy De.scpiv aT' lAUfenDRY'caio. t ifeiruragmn eoiracttLneo0t NNAROKETSHE. years counsts for anything. Our teano is in fitnoe condition for playing anod a close game noay he expectedl sith the champions of Ohio. 'The base hall noanacceoent is deservinog of aloe hearty support of the students, on account of the slhortage of funds owing to the free admissions to gameos given to hoolders of athletic association tickets. 'The attendance at the ganoe last Satur- clay was credible hut will no doubt he increased at the ganoe nest Sat- urday, if the weather is favorable. 'The intereat the coeda are taking ino thse ganmes this year is encosuraging. SOMlE action shnould hetasken at once hy the alunoni association in Chicago, looking toward aloe estab- lishment of i.'. of Ml. headqunarters at the World's Fair. Already a num- ber of eastern colleges have secured EJ"blaseifv' o yi (tttoot- St t«oCtll. the ihao F.G.SMTH, SON ill Woo'al'tAve.anSltlateStevet, DETROIT, -' - MICHIGAN. 3yTEii Li 1'jIIP 00C. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. 'E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER. NO0T IC E.-To STUDNeTS andCiizn1 c Dl~on'001 0sead eolt of towen fcr Cantdy wten ou lcallget 01151 as 011011at R. 1E. Jal' .0('ol's. 5We don't ehange tostyle. but give it to youlandsthl lat is ane-half. Hod and 0111d lunchesiat all lhours of 1110 ar and nighlt. R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South State Street. HOT LUNCHES And the very choicest Candles *.TUTTWE'S, * 483 tOU'THtSTATR STRtEET. VICTOR CYCLES 1 o'all 11kntowe diem.i aSM. STAEHI.ER'S Cycle Emporism, 11 W. Washngon SI. Yhot o rap her, 1 (INt I O It1\ANd1) 11171, 10 T . GRAIND OFLRA EO'JSL THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 4th 51BB01ITc artEA.dL'S OEDYCo. HAIL. TO YOU! Price: - - i30c. 5Oc ,sand17i5c. Secure Seat at atts' JewervrStore. GIBSONN, PHIOTOGRAPHEIR NO. 12 W. HURJ~ON ST.