BASE + BALL NOTICE! Aria, th H dze , cxdg , Al CALKIN S. THE U. OF M. DJAILY A FINE DI8PLAY * FANCY A' SHIRTS! ji Alt42 S. taSl ., b S tilo or. I IGbi~ars, J 3a uuos, A Window 'rail, ONLY $1.0,na Maqhoins, Violins, Etc.! All Tale-ntl n iwAnd and Rich in T... i - l\0 : I..i: S 7 j 'l'one.P WILSEY, - The Music Dealer.'SELI NG) RAPIDLY. IBETTER EBUY TWO CORTHRE. MOOR &WE MOR, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _________ AND) CORNEROF SPATE AND) WILLIAM STREETS. NEW AND SECOND HAND). Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. I $> And Many Other 711 / Makep 1E CLO.f '~f [0 You Loo'v ,Atour showj )0 W il owl 1t jdi' REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY lb("ler 1ran'"Solid meat Tomatoes fr 1,11 e Dollhin1.15 3 Pumpkin - - - - .0 Squnash,---- -- -- -----1.10 2 "' Winslow Corn, - - - 1.15a 2 "Prinmroe---------- ------1.883- 2" Lake Shore, - - - 1.5o) And all otheor Canoed Gloods at proportionlate pric of doz. cs GL tt LL tt LL CG Call on Win. Fulde. the Tailor, opposite the Law Idoildiing, oni William-st., first door wvest of State-st. Clanngtrpiring and pressing clne neatly. Suits toordas)ecia lty50. All work first-clss. Sli YOU WANT TO IB3yMI AarnM O1oo1 orehave somte iRepaiig dose go to1 IA/M-1 Arijock, 36 Maixn Street TAIV -,IFf0 T 0, 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. !! y0)00) shell) elljoy, Nih teIn lle111 C jnwl eithr 0 01)), 1101 thehmon~, 0111 ooh 101 Ml ln. \ V. -. (ialbrait 1, la1);, han re- fU4TAR (tur bned to co; leg(, nlt-per ee /0100 F' GU. ITwomcNi n n vautngo at the 10 1 11 n 1i ;EC~. heo10iinl work. L='PiniiNWebster Society' nill give 00 I OdGA NT A 1)0pen programI, rillay' eve0)1)5, in - ..the lawo lecture room. 1i'1a1 0 0 Ion 10111) No lb'On , 1MY!., EE. ESit. . w. iere will be a gelnerl e lection 11 1}a IxE - . ).fEEoi0s.. o2'4 of tlfieers of tine 1ngineerilng N. Y, Liio __c : .. 0111it- 19 n9 Society, S-riay ev-ening, iMay 5. Et En,11))1 chicgo ti, -n. 2811 Mrs. Cornelia tFordl, wife of Dr. D. N. E pes- 0T 3 . tEniooos:5 -8 '00101) 1 No'8S),4 l 551 I on l 9 5 ord, of the omedical faculty died ti1w li = GL 14i HAV,;l yesterday alter only a short illness. Q. . . Aet Iieto.At nnAbr 0. .0 A-c)) Lloi~n olAl)) A~se Sarry Wilford, last year with '93 FIRST NATIONAL B. NK homoeops, was recelntly mtarried 10 OF ANN ARiBOR. i tiss Annta Fink, at Tamafitia, capta) 010, 11. S511))10and Pr'ofits, $00). tPenn.T 'rasacts ,,gent-) 1b1a1nkin uiness, Par- (ni1'Ilan' th Rev. '5. C. Milsted1. IonItnolan aood P ii Cl, im.Of Chticago, will lecture at U nitf S. W.CLARKS ON, Cashie. flab, on E merson; as thne iMan, te DANCING and DEPORTMENT. Thinker, and thne Poet.)) Secretary' Wade left yesterday for ~ A6~D~4~[Lansing, ih., on university bosi- TueilillliO potaiy ou lp ~t- Oosecness, especially to see abont nmatters 15011)00) Slin t speilly burntby)1r. Grnter O inlies n e)Irii ilt ome, andcosntis ~w ertaining to thC 1-6 nmill bill. to he founin t he Suti. Thne first gatte of the Western Officee, Center Entranee, 6 MAYNARD ST. Inter Collegiate Leagne was played S sed 15,:",or 0for.Csm- n- Chicago, Monday last. Thte petheIai lliby eres gaof ewas played according tt na- Putsp in eleast Shonesui sie nd o ri ure~t)1 1. 5 tiil o egu ues. St was an excit- prpi.Ree oal hcg.inameening ihthe following ("1110 5(0 ILLINOIS. 1r0) 5. I% A. S-lier, of low-a, wooIOIPO 14- J$. s 0 its hslateun thte inter-slateor011 WTH StX LOTS toni 11al Pconltest at Colanmbus, til in SL 7 h e re 1d r i~ li .;d e oii t e f. e bl o od.- 0{ , c, 1 0t t 1 t c1 1 .t 11 z 11 10 i I01,1 ba oion ndthplnnwa!loose. )(yWest Libel-C-Street- 11Th1anliit1.201f' 11.0N 1' - Ot1.11' ., 5Nx Aut o), 11101). oartn OatonricatllLeangue nowi1lo eheld att Obherlin, 1ridlay night. I t is thought titat a number10 01oftollnto x xi srxzxxazzzszxszxzzz wnill accomnpan~y oarir IPentitines ton tihe conlest. -CALL ON _ The filth aitolastt of line chaather cotncertosill be given at Nenwbeiry' Stall tonnorrow eventing, by the.:Phtl- (3 . N !TI. T ltrioncCltubof lDetroit. 'The y ' A- will Iroduce sworks fronnJohnines llraloms anti Anton Dvorak. The Leading Tailor, Thte '96 moedical socialxvwi l e neldl in (Granger's hall, Sa tnrday evening. Considerable preparation is beling mnade, pronmising a very plleasant timne. Let every nenmher of the class attend. At Wkilliams aindl several othner eastern institutions a corresponding amnoont of nnodern languages nnay be substituted for linelusual required work in Greek after this year. W The julnior is contemplate giving lthneir class social at Nickels' Isall on Saturday evelning. Preparations for a good tinme in the line of a literary pnrogranm, refreshmnents antI dancing are being nnade. Tlte financial coni- moitte are at present engaged in col- lecting fnnds to defray expenes. 1010)) y- est 0) 0 00)0))t. Ii)f0e)c)0) in-iu No.2 EI. Washington-St., Near Main. !Capitl, $50000. Noopie and Profits, $di,O0(n. Does n general Bdankting business. Pays is. terest on Saving Deposits. Sas safety Deposit Boxsnfor Sent. It. KESCE, Presn. F, H. BELSEI, tCashie. BasS seen Sturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. 15 CONNETION1), Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain to E. V P)1ngt)i005St. J. .TltAovIo 30 ilatisflier5.00.