tt* Of
VOL. III.-No. 1 5 1.
THERE'LL BE MUSIC IN THE AIR. sonalities of performers of long ago.
The Ipresent aspect of msusical ciii-
The Benefit Concert Promises to
be a Grand Suoess-A Fine tsire wiii be treated of by those
Programme. !isaving thse subject in charge in our
state associations andt schools.
If the sate of tickets is any trite- WVhile intder the direct managensent
rnon, the benefit concert to be given o u ositeo iisc h
by the Glee and 'Banjo Clsibs to- scheme has the approval of the pen-
night sintder thse joint ausplices of eral state board andI wiiiliisclnde a
thos oraniatins, nd he allbrief summnary of the more import-
team, will be a grand success. 'These atadcaatrsi nutiso
organizations are certainly sleserving lie Wolverine slate Thbokwl
of the most liberal support fronm the be hantdsomely put toeteir.
The deficits occasioned in the Oratorical Association.
treasuries of these Ito organizations
dluring their recent trilpsshioutl be The tOratorical1 Xssociatsoii held a
matte up.nmeeting last eveining, ansi completed
The Glee and Btanjo Clubs wo the election of officers. J. H.
wvarmu words of praise from the press Qusarles, '96 lit, was cletted tirens-
iuring their recent trip,'sintlgave iirer oi the association; C. 'tf.tolt,
ten concerts to crowvted houses 95 lit, andI T. 1E1 clintl '96 lit,
everywhesre they swent. the clubs svere electetd memnbessrs ftseexetu-
have prepareil a very ine ipiogrram tive commi~ittee.
for this evensig's toncit,-as ft- it was etotetdto amsend - ii' tonsi-
losss: ton so as to tdo away-isth'' sousin 5-
' . in of oicers by inoo iltiatlot.
Ye~-c:ii:iiiivsrat expressed ttbeli lfiltl()105oif
i B:i:i:: tilix (i b. a'' lis-i.ti itex1110 co tet. F ilois o t
fOur Team to Meet the Strong
son Coilege Club. Champions _
of Ohio in 9'91-b.
'rie next ganie to be pilay-ed at t 1 $
the Athletic Field will be witli the - ,:/prtF u/c ms
teanm of Decnison College, Ohio, 1 DETROIT, MICH.
Saturtday, May 6. Ibis wiii be the
second game for the Denison boys
on their wtestern trip, wvhich includes
Adelbert, Mtay 5, Mtichilgan, Stay 6,
Chicago University, Stay 8, P'urdue,
M Say 9, Bachstel, Stay so.
Judging by the recordl they hive
niatde durng the past tivo yec-rs, I
this trip wsill prose a dlecidett n siliea yeosastithe iLaiest MerorpoliitanStyle,
tess. They Iheltd the Ohio co ateg " of tie , r$i Shos at ie to $1 a lair less
thae AinnArboer priies,5sd forrCatloisgiue io
chianmpionship in 1891-'9n; and last I& Uf nPe
year wvere tied for first place in the 1 RW
sanmeleague. 'lhis seasois they 0 ,F
base playetd but one gaine, iithli ,13181o~~iv[n r.
' DE TIOtT, - - iS-IttC CA.1
iKenuyotn College wvhicli they wions
T-u. tempasagod edn Jpih-mon d 5traight Qat.
list , bt n' itsiipartic'larlyistron, in i
osiicesilts the Cinstcinnati Kects aiiiii
hasi Iaiiias isi I-tteris:'oilsso
iscleicuce tbasitIs:t pr(,crst e
maii vittl i 'scoleItt
irir C e os', l l'o am 5 iifor -5- us. i
' i:: ii ii 5055W i: ic -i-
-f. A t I ;!s - - - - - - - ---
"IT' tiS i +o(ss is s a- isis CI-
1'. . S iillAC t n - --
I i iio-s- (.h!!).
. t"tiii---- tr ieIs, the iorator, alt,-
11fr )lic ilis 1 '1 Ti::
:CC) 11i)03
thec coia tss
- t.
-:t<rv - r =e - _ : ls cci ciiisa sill.lie ts fottowss :
A N emBlil I 1esitisi sr.15 sis ii ticl1anation,
. i- iiotcnofIiii l If. 1). iessick iioratsin S.J. Ilall;
__-- - tiis, li-sita coinferencse, 5 c iii sewths pesecti It1. t ovett; siimpomtut
__-a1<l tAs-slhts allsit , professiri ol istron- rstisos tS i
omyisint entertainsectsitmsbot lie-s.liscssion: -Isesolvedt, That
nsscIOi tis: sh ie c-ss lis Ythe gocirnor of a slate tics liuser to
'Iarcr 'itiAitlsietIi r .~~,.~~ appoint aUC S. hessasor xvheniithe
c;5 ;i r7 i.
5i'. 5 iis i ealttl' rl itii::i
1. SellIsle Marc- -- -------
'A itari iiihiiid _ - I_-- testcl tainis that te suis a larhgep, cc- Legislatusre iseets anid fails to elect.
ife tiss ' kJut m shissco tliirl yne lols-sihesitta iAffirmedi by J. Butckley anth J. 'T.
ea-lshrie, ii lii crth revolves throughisandstarosintla by Weaner- wasciiOldti '5'. C. Maclnptnen
lintue ee D11-----11--1 ------i --r i-i ., stttiont of the wxx l, thsialtste only aiitt iI. B1 icCullougli.
0 ~5e Aiie i sie sctin ofsheStii ihtili ies INTER-COLLEGIATE.
Mischigan's Music Book. in the orbit of the earths. Prof. Lelands Stanifordl, Jr., Uiniversity;-
t-atl says, all lielies is a luciry' swithixii ssne coltisya ~ J IN c&
:Prof. Stanley- aintlother promi- iso facts ho back it tilt Ceisinyerwlloipen asme colti er i.4 IN C N
i-ent mtusicians of te stale, are get- cxpiecus to nmake ansothuer visit to 'lhcre xiii be a sunmmer session
tnouaninterestinsg publicationls city'sontocof ithiotlier of eight wveeks at the C ornell law
on nmusic for Mhichigals's World's of she professors. school. M R H N
Fair building. 'Tle book xiii con- _ . ____The text studtents of tse Unis-eusity
iist of a series of sketches by people A nest rule iii regard ho athiletics of Wisconsin htave petitioned the
hrontinens today and in furmer yearswek
in hemusca cicls o. hestate. jetd. All wthso desire to take liars in sek
iiIst s clcrlso h any athletic contest misust take a At Amhieirst the senate rcencusy AD12IOlE
P'ains arc emin takein to have eiery physical examination andtIosain a dccreuts reconmmetndatioins that tons-
iletail attended to by conspetent per-, physician's certificate shsouwing that pulsory attesndance at. sworships be ~ ~ O T~ ~S,
sons, so the completed book still be I they are iii proper condition to enterablse
an authsority oISniiusical history', arid such contest. 'Tle observanice of 'fle faculty of Wesleyan univcr-
shie logesothtat-susrule xiii tenurtho iprevent acci- sCosse. Cm eto 55W_ 0 SrT,
prgeso htatiiiour state. idents-andilkeepsmnsfromssoser- sl tSilheo, ,hsstt
Mlany illustrationss repsrotlucesd frontrtint~l~hesir strengh.-- Northwuest- ho give te studrents a voice usthue
old photographs still retail te per- , ecu. I college gos'ernnsut. jDetri~Ot, Michigan.