THE U. OF M. DAILY ~3i0U± ~ALA FINE D/8PLAY1 FANCY, SHIRTS'!l N oT- @C E - A 2S Stal,l ItMor A Hi FlONLYs$1.0, t ', 2 op If s '55 l'ns, poiz"' .isr Awr'.T> N IT 31DFFj. tc ±1 £ LKIYS.- Theit 1sicDealer. '-1.1 *l iArru15111 VD TL1 UY iM1, T(HRE isE. M P-. ()PF 77W TMOREIE 10OK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH rn Si ST&RE ET a AND cr STATEAN t 0115 i i.. . ? 1,t1 l ', J2) SECIX_ E l ."I) N 1. c s RE E EKTHAT YUCNBYCall on WinFulde, tie 1i I2i flvi yu RMEMBE C Tailr, oppositte the 1 aw Bildin , o Wiliani st., ht door west of statest. a J~;s k eVpuipksun, - - wt o t tt tslt, - - - - 11 IF YOU WANT TJO - -iusio (1nos - -.. ..-Buy anAlarm CO oo] cesic ,->s PrmrseL - a t' 55i r'se. t - C h ii. GW iTARS its dm,'l eilf or~ : ,.1 I.5I- sus,' itstt i Dtr lartmuthtiitli.: s\''ce lasse ttc~ is -a (5 t i-~ AND Chtisag, 5Miostday imtorn~ig.s-res ss ts51Is PRI E . BelatcasLnpacia ito atnser dsuring teipas year. lachs s'Nes itryStet pi:A C « 01,GNtI K rist~tris~s~I 'risue;is ibet ra l c pteuseirs~ ot Ut 510t.tli"tseil- aal p~ si 5 s st 51 ic-ts S 5(so. b eta .called ihomte Oin accouint of hits Dr. Cleimeit, whio has teenili sssin--s) se tsss iss tscs to s sti tcsctousrt -wit vesisesi ters sickiness.. sructor its Latis here fr three I. B(t550 VS C- ,rS h hrlUno et oli years Jpat, auarcelstedite profe- N.2 E. Washington-St, Near Main. _______________________________ ies at 7 o'clock usharp, ladies as orship of Greek aist Laths us [DANCING and DEPORTMENT. usual. A fttl atteisdanace iu desired. the University of idaho.. Ie is lA~AiIu DA~rhT~1'cI Vfl T hte atnutal election of officers of well liked here, ad it is with regret A TI' thetRobert Guild wil be held in that we- leans of Ihis iteition to tijissisrsl o swain sc-iu5ys5tntls B Ctn r Harris Ball, Thursdlay eeninig, lae.* °l' Cf nff~fll ssssuetstttistsri iscl rn:ssndtsi tttsltsLb+:i sAl t O Ir. A7 . I.leeo the itotsse- - ____ finest aun, $,"1,stssss. ttiessiusfus siiPc-ss i(U-y $1"3 , ts tse foundtilll i ut tle.iTe freusiens sill niet Saturday Iatlic AlumisiAssociation of thle out-' agenrlnnca isai ngus ui ne s ons. Pits ris Officee Geter Entraur, 6 MATEARD ST isorniug to cioose class colors, and U7. of M., has called a iseetiiig of slest ostsSa g epsiss Hot uety s a OI~ sit BuesfSu entes. V c-, 2 f t . se Sun5a titmke fital arraugemeits for the '95- the association, to oeet Mayq. iI2i. tiec+ru, re ~s. 5r. i. iiiiSi, (aslte. t 1 st estst ua. ,9 liter-clasfield day. Y Ostise Strdytesls n e lo t' tc - ~i \r. Len . Joeltie leader of gao State Htomeopathic lMedical So- y pIarst 1 5,tissc fir Ueuff as tnilit- a iety. At that timie an ateisspt will 0. K. BARBER SHOP. c-ts E 5 ss---s ttGut, beimade to hoster ip tie I loteo Fn -oe t -lI rn i inuroe]Baths, NewPoeli ests-ctson51ccounisof ill hthii iatisic separtimeit of the Uiver- s t( V-I S rcTbs. TiI'~5 i sti tb. a d eat-y' sork ii collee j sit7- .o stiitts -f -iso