THE U. OF M, DAILY BASE BLL' FINE DI8PLA F C A SHI TS '; Isleto, ~ziars,~az~joA Window lull, ONLY x$1.00, at Choateae nd Cgoa, All legatly Finished and Rich inA I Al CALKIN'S. Thse WILSEY, - The Music Dealer. SELLLIING R-APIDLY. BETTER BUCY TWO OR THRER. MO ORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ________ _____________________ANtS CORNER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. S=PCQ\T:D S SWBR0 O8S NEW AND SECOND H1AM). Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. i i \' AndMn REMEMBER THAT Y4 rak a yOther 31lb. "Clipper Bad oi e .3< c"R"iversidle Makep 3 " Pumpkin, - --- CHCAO 2 " Primrose " - C5010 SIt l 2 " Lake Shore,' - And all other Canned Goon BICYCLES. 44 Main Street, South. UNIVERSITY NOTES. \AJ ll ou ook A 'Feschean boughtnafountain pen, Which looked qnite tosotdelightful, At our 'Showt Window? It tells Bttwrhen he tried to write with it. us OW~ storyaboutThe wordt he used were frightful.R, Prof. iBelser, of University of Col- GU ITARS 1(orado, is not enjoyinag Rood health AND as whlen here. PRICES. lDr. Abei has recivect a call to THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., Johns Hopkins University atad will 51 south Main Steet. probably accept. _____________________________ Saturday's scores: P'riinceton 3; A LC GAN LNT Cornell, 2. IHoly Cross, 4; Yale, 3. Harvard, 7; Brown, 5. Titne Tahblel(Revised)Nasvembher -20, is89. There will he a meeting of thse E400. p. to. WEST. a. tl Muill-d-------42 Chieao eSrcial. -i3c08lDental society tonight. An instruc- Day Expessa---- 5 30OwDayEpreta..,8S2< N. S. imnited---tao'8 Mod-a---- i tive lecttire islexpected. N. Y. i,,ted.._.415 N. S.-. tucte'd -950 Soliio-eea awl a NingaraHilstieSp'-It it27 bctr-eirl awl,ha asni Chicag.o , -oo. w11 beets secured to deliver the comn- ). N. Extres-_..5 tN tt. It. bEotreo __5 Atlantais lisss8 5 1Chi. Night Exp.t 90menceiuent address to the laces. tt. I. Exapeses __-to0i40tPacifie Expressotilt tt.). .tT.c, , Ifte. AW.AoN Aettar. anager Clevelatid has arranged G. T A~etChcao.Ag. nnAro ba econd game with Corniell. I FIRST NATIONAL BA NK will be played its Ithaca, Xltay 20. OF ANN ARORO. The lecture at tlhe Unity Club to- Capitol, S 1. Srplc e and Proits, $30,(()0. Transacts - g"eeo.. banhingebsinhs, iort- nigt wsill ha by P~rof. S. F. Peck- eta-e etoliasece tsold, oetters ofcrtedit tprouredlhant. His subject is "'Alexandcr tor traveiers ahroad. P.x.cooS .* BACH, Prest. von Hunmboldt. ____________________________ Prof. Klnoswlton lectures to-night DANCING and DEPORTMENT. on "Jewish Schools and tlhe San- ~B~HVIhedrin," at thse law lecture room. GR~N~ R'S A~IU1~JYi1Time, 7:30 o'clock. Th~ e litlingotpecially huiltlbySte. Granager. James R. Arneill, Demonstrator includts hio tamily hame, and contaisthe of Anatomy, has been ick, the re- tinest ad best saruanged rooms fsr instruction t be founsinit the state. suit of blood poisoning, contracted Office, Oentor Entrance, 6 MAYNARAD ST. while at work in the anatomical lab- sentd 1t1, Sd or$35S toertSam- oratory. I' i ple RetaitlSBoe by exprtss ot Ninety-four and ninety-six pae Fh ES A NISiAmrc.t p sn eeathoses and acinite game Con stssetly pare. Suitabte forar p g thecampus FRESENTS. Expreseharges" Saturda mr-igwhich resulted prpad Rfe o lCicg. Try steoncee Addrees, in favor of the Freshman by a store C. F'_GLITHER, (Ctnteettonr, 2td State Street, Of 12-9-. CCtAGOILLItNOS. ®U CAN BUY eat 'TomatIohs fotr $1It10lptr 1.2) - " 1.15) c " 1.501) )da at proportionaite price of dote. DEAN & COMPANY. Dobbs, pitchaer for the Denison College Club, whaicih play the U. of M. on Saturday, is reported to he one of thse best college pitchers in the country. There wvill be a itiecting of the tOratorical Association, 'Tuesday evening MNay a, 7:30, coons 24. RtEection of thse remaining officers etc. Ordcer of thie Presidtent. Thse rivalry btetweeen the tboarding lihouoes at 23 and 25 Thompot street termsisated isn a s-cry exciting base ball garaee0tn the canspus Sat- urday. TIwensty three wvon after a hard ntruggle. Ti'he five medical students whlo left the University last year to cons-- plete their course at Jefferson, hPhi- ladelphia, passed the examinations wtitlh hying colors, anti viilgtt their- sheep skins next Tuesday. 'rie Glee arid Banjo Clubs will give a bteefit concert Wednesday night, to make up tine deficits castsed by thseir recent trips. Tickets may be secured at Sheehsan's and othser places, as announced in another column. Rev. A. S. Carmsan will deliver a lectture before the Inland League this evening that wil be of unusual value to everyone, this subject is, "Some Illusions of Vision." He has been for some time making ex-I periments in thin interesting depart- ment of physiological psychology, and the results are of interent alike to specialists in this department and to those who have given it no atten- tion hitherto. Call on Win. Fulde, tie Tailor, opposite thte Lawt Building, ott William-st., first door weat of State-st. Cleaninsg, repairingsand pretsingdone neatly. Suits to order aspeeiaty. Alln-ark first-class. IF YOU WANT TO $3ya arm.Clock~ or have noose tepairing done go to WVM- Ariijolay 36 Main Street JLARQEL -JOtJ$1 ' WITH SIX LOTST = A isr-ehotest, rwithtbt t entty 1leery reseeoistot o rne. very tsssset esee-ct 'ratesey in oe.tteAiape. Osser eeseslla titrd flooeee r d e hase ll see lillieseet reset:.-Woueld seslh'exe c seellettplsce, orSee-ity ttose. tEasy ptest es. (lllset 56 WVest Liberty Street. S. IiEAUSE, AA AmloAt. Mt't. ___ALL ON--- G. H. WILD The heading Tailor, bores tteide ren-o Stee eeeer Soil, Trouetrse t1 tusy e tttrtier-out. tire-se;rrires11e teeseetcomspleestee.le itheeity set No-u' E. WashingtonaSt., Near Main. Caopital, $50t0t0. Surpluo and Profits, $i7,0%. oes a general Banking business. Fayt in- terest an Saving Dteposits. Has safty Depsit Boxes tor Rent. it. KEMPF, Fees. F. H. BELIER, Cashier. Bank aon Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. IN CONNEeTON, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. 30tE. Wa'shingtnSt. J. R. TROJANOWSKI 30 Baths ftee$5.00.