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May 01, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-01

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r + t s o (11is-~ , tsI o11S~h 'sort wlas ec\ced t
ofi ..IC . f' 5A.i~ ~ dS R NGSTYLES, 1898.
saatsasy55asrssas tei)5ossone .a wscry favorable ) ill" i~.Iass s oas
-Cossa-essscar, b pea oeLeiin.Cfalalo
rlHE U. Oz M. INDEPENDENT ASS1iTIN\ssr, ls/_a rliin.(f siso
Slei, Rohse, becasesof icr pecusisar
C Iinstttons, s-as most fit for unaser-
-Ii (lois)~r~noHOe1 . s assdni~no. Roman lass and re- SEE SHOW 5INIOW5. 48 SOUL'I'M MAINSRE.
ligion saeds the svay far Cisristians
If' yous do isot receive yousr DLYssv Ty. lseirance was a characteristic ~'l-TTi
regslarly, report thee irregssiarity at ofteltnanasyCrsint p1~rac Ii
the ofic ndth atter will receive II 1lf'- fif.
the officeand the 1was left atone until it came to be i,12
p~romspt attention. Is often happlens looked uspon as a secret society. 21S anSte .VTA NR&C .
thaat the paper is deliveredi andi is Under the following persecution the 21S Man tre.W G E & CO
misappropriated through nsa fasult of newv faith increased rapidly. The art
she carriers, and nmnsic, which was preserved b T'x ( Y'T LD
the chnrch, extended its sway.I
AT thae meeting of the DAILY______________________jJ ES
hasSaturday night, several maat-.,n
tern of imaportancewere discussed r F tI5 i 'l"'A -I
ansI it is probable thaat a nunaber of
innovations aill he fintrosdscesd inS ,Tanm. Card inieffect Sunsday, S si l 2:,
the managemient ad geineral appear-I Tt ._ f 1eturei ' sain ann A rbor.Sls
ansce of the D sicv next year, wvhich DRl :A2IIst -i-ncA lAai-. (Cedasrville, Is theLEADING SCHOOL OF UINS.Mag-
gss ifi as bilin; inintarv ns-, ar telssindarnce; a. ()in ;I OETss . -
it is hiolsedrlviimeet use apaproval N' . .1.,ss aOf goods dsaisissie; siorvor;elinsupplrnain
u A s la osessn he tirrnner; cmcn iall gradtsln geags5t N i, . lassoerrAnaArbosr Accsnsi ..1'' Q)ino(s:
of eeystudent. .rfor~sd SsAcild. rhosphate. 1dessndi; sorthandsraaerslss all scunepniis; NO5R. 5. M1il andI Iasseenge*.. 4''l . n.
_esiac N ressLC'enatLs;,so tuetswh GnSisr1
Ih elnto of A aialey, "I hasve sed if for seasersal yessrs, 11s aki e oia ninnsnwe ndo wek,,ads s .:.Hi nsis snrvis ....l i.n,
denst '94, from therBoard, wsaaac- oly inmy practce, bsut iisny wi-S. R. CnEAR?. Pea N.5. Masiand IIxairiase'... . 4i7 p.nn
ti d~~~~sivisullease, andslecsisidler it ussder ll $2 $300, s. ToliedoiAccssmnmosatissn ... , t.m.Sa cpe n . ' Cord,9 a irusacsoeo tebs ev 2,%$.0'$.01$ iyCnrlecet.p udy
elected to ssicceesd hinis. C. K. tsnics that we tposess. For msental ex- ' sin el5rs slsenAssara s
hs tsuo vrvsl tga-srsn lss and WarrnltediToran S a ilsr'n5be1t1eensAinss Iora1
Siesvart yeas elected to relaresent h stiotioandvigwork t tivesitreewed I First ls ed'nyI-i"yxep udy
steghadvgrtoteetr y-N I Every Way. Osher leaissdalily xceptslSunsday.
the Honaeopathaic departnment. tem'" slH.dBEagnees.iS.le DNC0t)
Aumost exeellenit adarebetoniae s D tUrFenr. Gn. lane. Agest. iLseni Agents,
ToiaAv use World's Fair is offici- anid appetizer. It nourishes and isavig.
ally opened to the pahlic; Saturday orates the tired brssin and bssdy, ins- o. - CO PA
the Mticisigai stsate building svas parts renew-ed enes-gy aind vitsdity. asad ~ ~ ~ ~ P .
Indicated, tsvo evensts of great inter- enlivensatile funletiosns.
est in the history o~f the IUniversity Rumfr anehiclreessn s Prioi- IssAa 1: ~.A.E -i
of Mlichigasi. Visitors will conie dene, RI -__
from every quai~rter of tise glohe to Bew~are as Susitutsses anIm aitatissnas, ;
i ~I ist & 4"Dilson,
see the wvorlsds greatest exposition, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. sssisl JdYociee Pssbs-iss~e Vc' oa
asad learns of liar resmarkeable levcl-
optaiont of tihis rouiiiry iii isaterial, iss.E ass n e.

insdsi al a-sd is '.atii aal siuss
'I'ie iimana.5 5 it ofl h F i vr
wsise ill ' ,v2I~So a '--a = iuc I
tie firstl i -l i : 1'~v'' t
the counsstry lsss ~e ve en V di5.55

sv . iss ss . , t t > lC: l .
z t t H ojlits tomS~ t.


qespsa e sssrfar itiir ecabDaits. (. -}i--I A y
i%'e are prosid to saythta t thess. 1c'rtl3
of il - is secoiid to nonse iiirossa-
iletenecss asad variety of the exhlibtit. i pcj t. 2jj
Thus tiseswork slosieand the adivan- tli. 5w"
tag es offereid by the Ui. ai At. swili be 21
broust face to far- to the sailliloiss _.Ask
osf visittors, asndasir great tUnis-ersity yf. t5 5po
asill get suari nss advertising as at Ysj'r sS
nevser hail befsire.'Ta thse remoatest " A ~ 1
corner of liar earths sviltar carsri
tidings of this, the greatest insstitus- Ji'!,,
tion of learsaisig in the lanad, and liar I
ressit ran be noise otlier thsan lane-j 71
fscial to Mlicig-an's pride. e~aissl
Prof. Rolfes Lecture. St JoW.a~
Yesterday morning, at chaiael, ~ lf1 ICfA I i
Prf of pk pn"h nl-F .S IH Sence of thse RomasnEsmpire on the lbs sinsI Avrc (and State Street,
Grovtia of Christianity.''is ad- nETRliaslT - MICHIGAN.

Al'a- V l
UTaursFOURTHi aVE.. '-. a°5. ' ~xse.. r.-:-. _-_ ..-."- .a°:..TII ii 5 .us-s
, .TID 0-VI - H
al~iciizll. ot't s Si ut o town f TPol. 0 1 LN, X11 )l'1 01 S
cansly ~i 5 syoss easic- s ss-as51 0lat1.I(. MOND Y E EN N , +t{ q
aisly & Cs.'s. We dssn't risassss tor style, iLasr Y VE Nl, ir Y 1st
R. $: JOLLY &CO., No. 26 Soutn
H Ote0 T L U N C H E S 30 -T HIR Y PE O E-3N .
Geniie iooho n(s. TWO 1,0'i ssi . 'iwo
Arid tevery nhoicst Candiensl'aris vatahr-o. IsssdiiSss, 'sssic.";'oisi
--e- Star iQuartette. Nes-srSoassNew s anisis ,
________________ i-RCEES - AS - -TiSti Sd.
-_______ - Seure Seaseat wattn' leselir Staee.
ICycle Emprism, Thi W. Washngton SItO,2 .HU ON

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