Vol. III.-NO. 149. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1893. PRICE, TH{REE CENTS. A BRILLIANT VICTORY. Mtichigan witih a hit. Crawford out ATTHE WORLD'S FAIR. - toG-ate;Rc od.Si- Michigan's Palatial Builaing Dedi- The Deltas go Down Before zer takes bate on balls. Spurney cated-President Angel's - gout, Eagan to Ducharme. Giney Address. Captain Crawford's Men and Gallaghser both out on dlies to to te Tue o 6 t 1. Spiter. Marker gets first by emng The Michigan state building was L Z&rX toteTn f6t . hit with pitched ball. Crowley dedicated Saturday, and will be the /rRE struck out. home of "Wolverines" and 1dici- , ,"..JIfR. Our Bys Defeated the D. A. C's en Seventh inning-Smeltzer opensgotuesdrigeWl's DETROIT, MICH. the Athetic Field, Saturday, in withs a two-bagger, Jefferis takes first air.stetbuling ishadnoralys a Well Played Game. base on bals. Pearson strikes out. ar h uligi dial K-rogman out, Kelsey to Ducharnme. fitted for social gatherings and enter-U The D. A. C. played a brilliant Shields gets two-base hit, bringing tainments and will no doubt be lielin5 ame Cod an Gisneyinn in Smeltzer and Jefferis, and made use of for alumini neetings filiggmCd n unyscores o Crsford's single. RichanasahdurtsfoU.f l especially distinguished themselves; out on fly to Codd. Ducharme out,anasahdqrtsfohef I hut none of their heavy batters could Spiter to Jefferis. Kelsey and students as they flock thither from do anything with Krogmain. Four Walsh btts out, flies to Jeferis. all parts of the country.a scattering hits was all. Eighth inning-Spit-cr out on Among other things, Presidenti Wiensyu atstheLatst Metropolitn es For the U. of M. Shields and fly to Codd. Spurney gets a three- Angell said in it eloquent address of Pt$2, R.4 o s Shus at oct IisStpir Iess Crawford did phenomenal battingbager Smeltzer out on three at thin dedication: tansAnn Abr prices, send firn jtais e t whlsihmdabatflc tch rikne. Spurney scores on Jefferis "Yet with all the rich ifts of natue N .F whil Rih mde beutifl ctchsinle.Pearson out on fly to Codd. in te md-hle n lft iel. Kog-Fagn ad Gdd ut n fiesto ichper would Michigan lisve been had mn temd- hoinsfirt afieldaroana naneod utofisnoRihnot a brave, manly and intelligent 10 s18tonnein. ma aehsfrtapaac nand Spitter. Guiney takes third on peoletouii8iersoi5asther hme EatoiMt~e thin box in the home games, and his pol hsnhrsi sterhm-DTOT IIGN work tout gilt-edged. Once, with our ney ly st wildh throsw. Gallagher Earth and sky and miiies atnd lkes_____________________ out on fyt ih twvo men on bases, he struck out Nit mo0- ro ae u, had all beeii there for aes, but swiths Crowthyinning-ndKrogmant out Egan and Codd, the ID. A. C.s Co-e to DuchJarnie. Shields all these, savages oiuld not maske ag~rod Srih t heaviest batters. In spite of thegeshtgosotironE as prosperous commioiiseatl. It is intel _N.1 disagreeable weather thin attendance errid.crso ra:cretie, ger, Co and sores on Rich' muff ifcsif ion. Ilmlyig te05udions lf _s.,,i cigtia outoits in Sigt the yaris geadsoetn ih' ufo harnse, takes first ou error hby Jef- ti ttt he oe ae a h od iai~r 05or tt iio, adserunvn ties he Cddo fly; Codd Ito second. (ws- thei suite stthchyostookeescsreinacintihas ee gn ney and Gallagher strike out; liar- ________usises of 177 hadh tireted, thiatThe It ri's(dNTRHrnch ker out on fly to Smneter. Shooe ndssitthhe maeas of euicaton Hofnthei AernsTobsno Co., Second inning- Spurney out, _________________ should forevr be eicourge.' Tsey IVten Guiney to Ducharna. Smelter -ht isl U i.t elist-v built sp a systeit of educaetionso gets first on a hit, steals second, is iV ft tl i ___5---i-- s' 3 0 oconipete thiat Ie porest childl iii the takes third on Jefferis sacrifice, and 1 c ,-------- -lio12 orthern swoods canl see Iis st-sy opeii died there. Jefferis out, E'again to ------c1 0 4 nd clear, alnist without moiny islt Ducharme. Pearson tis out to Sol~r c_____ts____ ithoit price, froimithle lmodest lg o Guiney. Crowley starts out for D. IJ iierl 5 _____-____a1I s1 school house tp throughitie seoidary A. C. with a hit, hut is retired withs 'elpson b__......_._..ii i012io shols to the Noriasl School, te Agri- Ducharme by double paay, Spur- hildu-'eu, --.___.._14 cultural College or the Shol of Mins ney, Spitter and Jefferis. Kelsey twithi its collegiate and techinical auet gets first on Kromanserior ont r 1 ..............0 >' professioiiah departmeits. What twoi-- econd. d ter that suschita state is rapidly in- T1hird inning-Krognma n retire(1)A.C creasising in resosrces tiid ppulatioi, Giney to Ducharme. Shields ,sols- - wat twonder thiat its educationl s y- hit, but tas hul out trying to tstal I I'itPO-Ptens is lknwn far auth wide, wat woi- home on Crawford's three-hagger toldd tt-- oo o er thast its University founded tithinl Rich dleny out to Guiney, Crawford Ginessb........a. 0 a 43o the memory of sene of itsstand geis - left en third. For D. A. C. Walsh Ga~llhrnrt----- i i o 1 0 0 ously supported by then stste hissnlearly P. J. KINNUCAN, struck out. Esga out, Pierson to tainrer, ni------------ -- 7000 1 1 2,800 students drawn frons forty-five roccrc, i ------ ."-. 4 er: stte0ndterioreso.tiscol0r Jefferis. Cofd's fly caught by Dc~ron,Ibc----....4 0 5 1 sa san eritreso tiscunr Shields. Kleo,p---- _-------------- 4 o I e ra md from seveteeni foregii lands" M R H 1 Fourths inning-Spitter flies out to Wait",.- - --.........._.ac i 4 5 0 President Angell's addess toss Guiney. Spurney struck out. Smelt------------ --- __-- - - - aer out, pither to firstbase. Gnu------ia3 t 4524777si3 warmly applailded. Although the ney zr ou, strck ptche out.to frsthallage es alwsa cold the audience listened TAILOR n estrucklo. allaer els tto COREi11IiiNNSGS. iith than closest attention antI inter- Pearson. Crowley strikes out. i1a3a4s5aei'tr8so-t. est to every word. AND 55tOi5ERt 1 Fifth inning-Jefferis flies out to U. of AI------- 0000 3i 1 Iz-li e~ Crowley. Pearson strikes out. . Ac- i C------ 0 0 0 0i 5 e 0- 1 The Outing for dMay contains an Krogman flies out to Codd. Du- Esoscd runs, 1. on a. 3. Te-base hits, article on "Starters and Startin," F'I T _'(TO L=1TS, charme out on fly to Krogtman. Kel- itc, Sseel tzr, asd Si lds. The-itse hits, by Juna Corbin. sey gets lit and takes third on Crwfor,Spurneyand Esgan. obenpsys, Prof. Demmon twill not lecture at 5 5 Zx7 rORCT' SI.n Walsh's hit. Eagan and Codd bolhiSonrneys Spizer.and Jefferis. mon oio balk, the S. C. A., next Sunday morning, stieout. lyEtr ;Ksen .Srn ob as announced, but instead there will T Kle bySixths inning-Slield's op adWens for KenseW. e4;b Krgmns . Umpires, Raks be a report of the officers given. Detroit, M~ichi u