THE U. OF M. DAILY RBASLL A FINE DI8PLAY 6 FANC SHIRTS ! . NOTICE! A42 . aStI Irt Flor I Ar~a %% ittcnh Ia lat l Ia I.IrliitlSpangan~f f:, :Slinl : :Stl,1ttnsres, Chocolates and Cigas, : Giars, J a1)os, All Elegantly Fiaished and Lich in 1i %t UICL W i UJI, UJLV4 L X if)IODU+ r a~ _LOBIL YS 7 BIETTER BUY TWO OR THREE- . ATY CALKIN'S. WILSEY, - The Music Dealer.' SELLING R:APIDLY. MOORE &WETMORE BOOK STORlES N- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ANDC0h -l(?' 'ATE A:h OWILIAMSTREETS. NEW AM ) SECON D IANi). Our Slock wil be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. nEMME THTYCNBYI Call on Win. Fulde, the ,-$oTailor, oppo-ite the i sw IBuliling,on TQ n EEBRTA omaN BUY Williaon-st., filrst door awest of State-st. 3 le b. 'Clipper jirtoill Solid meat T fai o r $1,101 per dol. Cleaning,reeariingnndilrensing;dlnnetly!. - Dolphiiall 1'-' I.15 -Suitsntonrdneer secty. All w i rtit ~a-class. "htiaersi(le - - ' 1.2(0 LJ- -V-akL3'Iti(< LiG 11' YO U WANT ' TO 2 WinalonCuriah, - - - - - 1.10 ~ o i2H1AC1"Z Primrose - -"- 1.38 cci tti a- t- 2 'Lade Shorie, -I1.50 ei hate sannielRepairing; dane -a in Aiid allother Caiined Goads at prptiona~te price ohfW -n r off 3! ai tre BICYCLES 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. W H UNIVERSITY NOTES. I A silly inatleli, a!fcre. Aturit!Sho~w Wiitdoasf 11to l S CIuittea freeezing -ltd, anti tat it. ~ ~-~-~b<~hShenssuntg tar dttvaece: A 1.i A! Pbox laalbeeia ilaccad in GUITARS 1 the Law building. NT)About taveinty-five meitntere train- PRICES. ing at the fiel yesteray. Far World'a h-air acconiimodation £111E ANN A13lIORG~lAN CO., apply to A. AV. tiall, In S. Slate at. 5tt Iui Main street Prof.lBigelowv, of Htirvard, in lee- I . tu11ling to the p. . Inawa on mo~lar- TnTa xvsd) oenmbe- 2,to. an prof. Stainley given han finst exam- AST p. C'g.WETa. aM.noination in course c b.,Ht-laory of DayEt ps --ilai-- c I0 ha ipres---- 8 21 Masio N. S. Limitietd..----- t28 al- -------- ic i , today. N.-.y, Illiel --_. N-. n'itlet!- S1at! Morrison, '94 law, lana been con- 3liagaaCail. Si'! 11 ipim a, in,. C13itagaitl x-. a ; 1 infled to lain roonii for two weeks f. N. Expeess-_.a a88 t G . ?Express _--5a4n Atlantic En itc---8.0510Clii. iigt Lap I 05with malarial fever. .T. R!. 5