THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATE ST AND BEST Assortmcnt of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in the City. H4AVE YOU SEEN otJiI NEW SPRING STOGY(? It is a Splenditd Show-ing, of Suits sod Overcoats. Extra Vaice at sit Prices. WadhamS 4.Ryan 4. & 4*Reulem AnnArbr avigsBank OWEN'S PATRONIZE Ann Arbor Mtici. Capital Stock, $50,40lt'H0tt0Ster Sorpluina10,000. N.4ES UO TFT Organized onder the General Banking Laws or this sate. Receives IDepoaita, busys arid slsecag ntep cte h P A I Uoiced States. Dirafta caah ed abeos proper Aentticatittn. Officerat Coos. E11ssioiK, Cashi. -f. J. F RITZ, Assti Cashter CLIFTON - HOUSE * y ,. l j I WHITMORE LAKE. DANCE HALL with PIANO. y(f) ,/ ! pcii itasi t o ciie . C ~ ~ 111- bia, tat $100tt. Condsitioil good. p Iq -AK5T)ui C H- 1110011 -ON, t1) t i0S2If. ILibetrty fit. C'RsNl) tOER-A t 5 I NTERl-COLLECIATE. Stetsonso Unvie Tomes Catsitn. - - cy .I~p tr ill iin-usiti- Th 1verin ofPUnele Ttitti 'si bittin iii iii ts5 i - i itsptiV eins j by is-s t .Soth Double mitieI - at Stse -tie-! larv-ardl debate, to lie ( iiilpiiti- -'Vietitisill b be it -atuut hld s-Iflay2.oeahtennAbrXodyeeI 2. tiC g7letiC hs islttheilispcla~l aitlil i coti-ise iin hiciat l i t it s i i ii tis. lHarrieit s.,lie ttsS i l i ns - beeni tstablilsed it Sbtlts, opttsnoutly- isislmitortalttton , ositShat is ttls--faiist I drama.tTi i lii- .su ,erilii tittlttii~l s tso to sensiors whit endttslto tsachitnt, sir coillicl-st Itipsit-t, the twis) I i lst nI diret dparmens o phsicl e itimstst ica ll~S te uegahti seneury.+ vlitstl tetselttttti iflilyiistt tthet- hvei-in sselsslasil t-effects, the F1st- catiis- iils ltlooithoiiits, itst brass bssttsls The HIarvrt'Tennis Asstociaitiont tntilthecelebrlatredLiaie Stair tQuartti tao ltsecltsl t tutle its~ ~ siill sll utitin ii sakilig teeu-it-Itit- hasdeidd o nvteth wnnrsofmti tsitinoiitabsleonie. Stse iter-siolastic toutrnamnts, to lie ttssi a Ilrvarl. ialnteine- Students Attention, : k , d , . _ , GOODSEE'S tosn antI Coluttmbia, to meet at Ne- port sex tnsimter to decisieStse chlaitonshaip. SECOIND)-HAIND. W. If. IDellenback has been alt- We ilr tlelisgtst 101 bs1poinated bussiness mnlager of thet Commtaenctsent Annutal. Note Book in Sloe city for 25ts. The anonual contest of the i'rvii- BIrinlg illyiour seconid-iandbtionCu il ehl-hi vn tog in Stse lair lecture room. Tbe Text-B~ooks. contest is of more Stian usual itter- citthSits year, as the victor sill bare AI ahr's pookst oreaclhaniceain the state:Contest to com- 20 S. SlatesStreat, test, to be heldsintoClic-ago tduring Main S51', Opps. Court Hdousa. the World's Fair.k S1tudentls sesirilig ito istsv sitny clthes Isatie beforetcasttionii sill cottsulti their ownintiterests by ecillinig sit Mr. Iosue sifthe (lold-eniEaigle at St-e (CtokIhtouse, Tutesdlay, Wednlesdasy intd Thsuisdauy, Masi2, t3. and 4, helii-iilt haviet-somie choiice isoelties intsuMI sitinlgs 11151 gossfist ftll dhess Nsmr Sou em osrs-Ir niisass a vtlliieitiemil te- ieet-ilyouist aSyour Ipleaisture, andI ailwastSusrse to gel She imsst stylishv-itt it a sav-itng of fron t.$ sSIsotia i t. To All Conoerned. 1-sr the- Nationlo nventiip~ttlioof Itt- Ittitlisit Leaigute (ltbs atLoutisv-ilbe, Ky. Masy s(tSIlltto lit- iheToled, i ms 1 Artior sitd Niott Michigati thy,.siill liitltP a i-te sit unCetidl otie-thtirdl fait lis thle iroutiidltip. 15. S. (1NsiEo sitisiD A geid f i ON CEONiSSL. GOOSPE'S