.THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1C. Of Z . T"4), Publiatied Daily (Sundays excepted) during tar College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.0 per year, invariably in advancec alagle copiea 3 cents. Subserip- tons may be left at the office of the DAIsY, at Stoffletas, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications shosild reach throffice by 7 oclock P. At. it they are to aptpear the next Jay. Addlress nil matter intended for puhica- tion to the Managing Edifor. All boiness rtomtmunicastions should be snt to the Bust- usssbttisvr:r. THE U. nf M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mieh. EDITORS. C', A. Dry,, eoN, Lase '94, .Managitng Editor. il.K. Fo(wl., i t. '93,Assistontt NiliORNfe~owERS, ill. 'Cii, ACitant. I. A."'SPLINi'sLit. 04, Asiiiiiit. C. 11. lic. Ii.,Atiletico Edilol. S.N. CSURISS, 1). G.Lit., BustinesbMaitoger. A. lxii i rDet.t194,Assistoot. H.1.11 CCC 0 lit. "94,Ass.i't.lii ,T iTiiiilt Y. I Ib. 5. A. trin.(1. . I eos 'Ni. 11C'y . Iot 1, 94. A. NV. LcEtone, 94e. lollie I. Mbilret . d. E.K. Mart irille, ill. All copy must loot the offce lt'o s3Ct m ofthi~eidayeof celicailee Tei1FrF w'ili be 01 adjourned omeet- iog of tile i).oi cv boorii tonmorrotw, Saturdlay everting, at 7:45 sharpi. All menmbers ore urged to be present. A(vAIN the wtrasuctriumpihed ovfr the cost, otod the lair tnamue of IT ix a matter of regret that any trivial mlatter las intervened to seri- oulby impede the fofmation of the Debatinig League with Wisroicsin. The ioroi committee appointed to make arranlgements for the perma- nent icague has made every reason- abie proposition that io consistent, and it seenms necessary that we took tol anotlier university to unite tvith us5 ln tisCproject. It might be weli, if V'iscossin tioeo not see fit to make anyv reasonahie compromise, to aok Cornell or some neighboring university to form a I~ebating League tvith us. The League is a good undertaking, and shosuld not be allotwed to fail becaune Wisconsin doeo not seem inclined to enter into any reasonable agreement. iN..J., llays 1ays Yr of N.tilrile Horsford's Acid Phosphate. 'I thave tisedtit for several yills, tnt oilly insimy prtactie, buit iiillmy Iownill- dlividuaillcase, anidiconslidelr it litter alt circuslltancesone111o1f1the beet nerve tos that eepossess. For umetal ex- hausotion or oterworik it gives relielie streugthi atndivigor to thei' rntire 0ys- tem." A rmost excellettalnt agreeable tonlic anidi appetizer. It tnourishleOst ltdinvig- orates thc tiretd brain anti bodty, i- 1nsrts renewted energy andt vitality, liltt enlivens tise funtctions. SPRING STYLES, 1893 Surirpse Utill .t V'"si ,it t hel OE I N ET hlie lh e Io "Ru Isia, Tn ,andl Patent I' tlifIi". SEE SHIOWY CWINDOWiC. 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SPRIPG SUITIPGSO A ~pIndid Line. 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO. ri1 c ao liilllltla,001,e Is thec LEADING SCHOOL OF nUSINESS. stag. titeot bouilding; nineteachners; lareatisteance; ntesi ox1. good discipline; superiorteork; wrll spliedeasdinigNoi.?alndE rs .. 2fi.m, rom ee alecrs; Saturdayevensing receptions;Nt . li)lid 1otle' Oecthe entircee; comnecltgraduatsn sgretesNo'. Ii.tisgr AnntiArbor Aeetoi*'..00 noonte demanod; siorthand graduates ant secure positions; Nc. 5. Nia1ltail Pabsenger-..... 4 25p. in. lij-""g expenstes $2. to $2.75per wechekinvte fnsi- ON .~ es. oc Nate CATAL~OGUEndList of Students whoIsn ttlfi cske positionfrom weekito week, addtress No.2. bail mid lPatssner'... -1173"?it.m P. R. CLEARY. Pres. Neo . 4 Mjai andSExprets*..0..... I1. :;p.m __________________________________Nit. 6. 'oledo Accommdtim onciiii... ;SOi a. im. ivi $2,00, $3.00, $4.00,t5 Central Standard Time. F('rains 3bill6runietween An lou Cii nd I j First Class snd WarranltedillToiledcotnly, dail",jece'tiSinayu. N 0:very Way.; uOter teains daiiy toiepitlliat. Doy eie . Cv. .BENNETT'. It. 0. OIbEENtri111, E S IFDoi'& F in Or e.IPabs. Agenti. (LocalloAgeCt ,aI4EE$AN P& wCOMPANY ARll. '.11(151 bENi'. Fit Micign hs cunilroliei il~rgl-Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- ou1 the scientific c'rlnes of the colon- demte, RI.y.S ,1cl B-, try through Dr. f olikll'llis5ccess-C Beweare of Subsitniites and lililtilt. iA. .ioidiuVB Iuqi a5' Diison, fut victory over tihe greatest ciselli FOR SALE BoY ALL DRUGGISTS. I til II Oi'ce C Pnrl'ohyGc V Go, hosts of tile eost. tit s crtainly trec that a University is to be ialiueil li HEN RY HALJG, tile men 0n its flli C 11'this c.ri TuieStlidielii,iiiii _clicl_)li.G)pa i~ aiH epis aj~v s CC i 1 eY' l i"ll~it ilttilp llGes tenion i'sfollowe it i l , te Ilto lid4S. Staivwt- a1 of 11, i. ' hv: tlli 111'tilfeaIr 121 YerFill the ttaImesy. from thu 1(5lt.1L 1is l11.1 i t AUN AS 014il V IT l01) C ATA'LOG tE+. orclievern t>as D lr. f 'auill~it' ! t 14Is. 1.Senabot, No. 4N. FosuathaSt ne niay c'.slu.2vt t eA CIA O F iuilu L utendencyaon;ogscentific r 1.1 Il.cll. 'h'i oiwaho sawf the ;games xvitil r it 0 tlT ICa 111 itij .Lri3ITPL7 tile I). A. C. lost year, it Cis sper- l.h'y. k.' Ec (,luooioc, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. Ieiltu''i NADltItNci duons 10 saythoot tomorrow's gantes ilccivcko, IE. S. SERVIS., - MANAGER, will ioe a fine exhibitiono of bal play- Doir"c((ii) 1ts5 L lTD j 'P 11USE. ing. Whl« v r ofdn io ol .-P1Swlr~ hiewarcofdnthtw)Aht N TC .-o fl)Isor temafter their victorious tour life liit, 01nd1itizens.. DontC'il it itt1nd moCteo twnfoiNE:IGIt' ONLY, rt~5;oe ouh, vii wnyetth IAiI cndy whtuntyell coic etocestaIs 01111 iiatR. E. MVONDAY EVENINGMA ost. thog h o twl yt theildolns & c's. iC'u'toiit'lelie fortile yiC. t M Y i teano thoey willmeet on teathlletic 'i e iei i Ol ttlSCi c-ot o tu the(d yourov wii p rh p b coldilil111 011 ititttttt iatllihitits iof tteldly ante lilt. .'iv Bis ttIG .11ci (-1II xi fied tmorow illperapsie R. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 Somthn strolnger one thlan thley have net 'i Statec Street. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN this year. Thoe D. A. C. teamfl have 01o.o 30-HI(Yfill.-30 been practicing for severatlIeets, 1)it' HOT LUNCHES Two 30aTHIRTYdOPLE 30~ APcko adfeet ronfident O . succeso.y. (tiiAsMarkt.eEverynd leeriPonyConricse." tic -sA'- Moe Qttete. NeIt i-tos, Neiw Iauttee, 'Pie students shoulci tu~rns001 1o- . ll r ,New e itu i et irtlist e w i. noorrow and encourage our boys by '14fi hls * * T L S thleir entihusiasmo, wihich is no mean lO ..tiiiltui5 45 " 'Il i51.2TIAT E~ i FIETOS -A.S - TTSTTAEO. factor in winninsg or losing thIe ganme. R1tRtR ~ ~Seeture Seacttott' Jettelry Store. Te studento of the U. of N1. sihould .foi~l.. Mtfiut. VI6CT OR CYCLE S lie moeloyal toatiletic intereots, y(u