THE U. OF M. DAILY. I of that our men are light andi that the line was weak at reatre before this mishap to Harding. Hesisger nia.y .'ssslithert taily (8unatas exceptied} drng ble all righit, perhaps, as sonte of hifs th e Coleiee3 sear, bt friends maintain, heceast even p lay THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION as good a centre as Harding, hitm- halceip~rs'rie us jir ear ireaiatyself; hat if the latter is disahledl, we iadvein leciresa3icentse. atbscrip- are obvioasly secakened in our tiossmay he leftaat the osticer otthe DOiLY, we Ktest s pot. I sa at Staffirt's, rwith aerrofatshe etrs or Il 'here w n asterial autshorizedlteicitars. for a substitute centre available. Comamunicatiaaa shouilt reach tire efficee by Why didn't the inanagenent avail tso'clcaa'.K. if they are toeappear the neat 'lay. Addressalal matter intenided car pubicae- itself threreof? ro to the Managing Editor. Altlbuissa coamniclations ahoeuldt he teat ta the Basi- seat Dlanager. THES "Co-eds" are not giving the THE U. of X. DAILY, DAILY the sapport that it deserves Annm Arbor. Niah. from them. We attribute this to / the fart that theywere not thorough- AN IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT. ly canvassed. Now that there are .tresirdent Angell was right when two "co-edo'' on the DAILY staff, he remnarkedl, irn an arddress recently, wee trnst that see may receive a large that it is not bearitifiui buildings nunmber of subscripstions fromt the alomne that constitute a university. ces'o h nvriy The one thing whirch has tended tor T'he 1)AtNlX staff is rnse fully or- giv th U ofM. tsreputation, is garrized and seehoise to lie able to the ihigh grade of instraction which handle the college newes ina a mchcl thse sturlents receive at thsis institti- Nter orm We ask the co-opera- toofeeysturlernt, Ihowever, i tioni. 'Wr'hen a vacancy iii thre far- assisting us irs getting all the newis. ulty occurs, the hoard of Regents are not over hasty ini appointing a irFIHarding is as badly injured as successoremit take time to consider thse pithry accounts fromci'radisont and chsoose tlhe best available man lead everybody to applrehtend, it's dollars to doughnuts that Michigan for thse place. Nor has the board loses threAMinnesota game today. dleparterd from its usual custom in ____________ thce appointment of tProf. Abbott's successor in thre lace repartmentt. COMMUNICATION. After several months of consicdera- Ann Arhrrr, Mich., Oct. 1t, tst9t. tion, :'loyd R. Mecham, of Detroit, TthetMarragingEditor ofthrU.ofAM.nAirvY: was appointed Tapplan professor of are' lace i plac of Irofessr Nat an I5anrr "suretly,sestryamurhrrrpriaedthat s-er lawin lac ofPrfesor athn revoeetorsoluchspaes in year paper-wene Abbott, resigned. roore vairrrble readrirg corrld he giera-to thrat inrterral, gord-for-nrothrirrg" crmmuniataron Professor Mechati is a lrolirtnent thrat wo asulished inlatuisray's 0 r'rvi,. rmember nf thre Detroit tsar, cwhlere Orn lineg aerterri n ILY rwerfirrta tthrere he asa aris anar'countroe teie anmd orrly'gameeyer he hs a argearidgroritigpr~rtlc plrared ee tis sear arrrlthreei referenices to Althcoughr a yortng itan, lie ins swon Otre teamanard ileko rlc piou s1o00hre accorrnre a naiona reptatirs a artauthr, ras theceeradith ie liarrecghhe rlongor a naiona reutaton s anautor, aIre tbeerr readirrg soreoyels-el-'s ppr arnd is coinsidereil anuauthority on rerehen earr. arid hsraeerci t itisnclyri-tre the late of''Agency.''Duhirinsg thre tiarisytoi ririoe f iridrometue ofth lsast teen yearslire Itas beeia a lertirrc ommuiricatiorr lhin lieautririis Frecsi-vee- rt thte Detroit Law Scirool. Ilie sill darrliyso, irrdeedi.Liee creoroe ealuablie reaingrrl-'Perhapsiou oreuilds ceure lilas ala- leciine a residlenrtIlofessor ant icc- urhle soret andgoodlwillt ifo-airuld torre or thticlace of '"Wills,"' 'Amirs- elitrra the iirst calnirrrror nrceirarre ritolr caoramnerrtiled "iniro 00armiees," anre istration of Estates,'' and ''Domes- galeyouor readers rowirh "Reeirreo~for paci," tic Relations.'' In text-book work ire symposiumias o"iO'iair)viii erakelhens lay in Januars'." No dorrhe he would he a very he will ltaveeclasses irn 'Bills and saluahleatreer is roar sian' end 5Ithinrk iisl Notes," and 11he "Science of Juno. s-ajsicee to himaself arrd to the puhlic, to conceal his idenrtity' aredthor deprive yor~ prudence.'' Prof. Mechtanm will be- readersofa a rear live, hustling, college editr- gin lecturing in about a reeck. W1 aeroeiee torirrer. MA. weelcnme Irrof. Mechanstotnh~e U. - -* nf M., and wish that his conitection BUSINESS LOCALS. with tire law deipartmtenit ray be Every tutetit desising tir see thie long and pleasarat. chaoisest line of woolens, nitrite ip to ___________measure_ at the owsest possible prices, 77' 17,,= 1:;VaL I=7 LJI= , New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. 'lliere is nothling liko a SLIM FIGURE to purt it ill riotion. We'd hasvelaild irn a very ELrgo Stock of Seasotablo Goods. Wo Bouglt Cheap. We Sol Chteap. Fine Footwear, Boots md Shoes. W A H3 c8_- 2 L4IIER , 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICH. IToledo, Ann Arbor and North jgESTime Card in effect Sunaygus, 1mesa. Y ....F ODpartre of Trains at Anti Artir. N. . Franfort ail nd Expresat2th. m. "", t'1. ~Na . easge Ann Arbor Sesl o No. 5. Clara Mail Passenger.. ti425p. m. ~~ No. 101. Toledo and Oroso(Srnday onlyl.... tter.... ri2 . It the LEADINGOStHOOL. OF BUSINESS. SMg. No. Iwt. Toedrrard Owsoso (Snder rfleeet hildidrea c teaceerse; tinrge,,ttedce anlyl. .. ... .... . .E 5t0. M good direr led ,ororaework; cell auppiedredirg CrINGrs lTicer. roorr dalne reorrel acirdirteerrg rerptiroerm ocei ire aitire year; omereroll gridner in geat No . Toledo Mail Expreso......t. e.ain. deand shur orthand grdate ail seosre poitos; No. 'ole aoi Express...... eH47pi. lii g rerre $. to $o.tGspreWeekis reIctfsami- No ii 'oed Aer'rnmoraiiir r . 0a. i. .es. For'a w e oC r,andsOLilt .oentds whir No. 1l.Oorsoridoleoi nayrie tae ostinsStn ee, P. B. rs-LEARY. Prs (ny)__... ..... . ... _9 i2a. rr. N. lii. Ods'so irnrilToledo (Snirdy rorry ------.. 23. m We Advino Studentsto See CsenrirrntralSadrd imre. d ot!!lay C& Fein 'I a nS 11)1 ilt I ulli u i'ore .- ---ce Olir icaiso daly serclmni irnla TiOR FT E- O c . Ii. I ENNSTT, I. S. (tiihtNNVOOrll, TENNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK reroirsAenrt. LocalAgern. STUDENTS, SAVEI HALF POUR MONEY AND) 1BUY __AT TIfE- STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. Greek, Latin, French, Germlciallnid all College Text-Books, Ness rnd Secotd-iland. 'LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. SK= =A 67,0o_., =S I-lOW TO SAVE! Ben Franklin said : -Keep your expenditures below your income." Simple enough in theory, but difficult in practice. SAVE ON YOUlR FURNISHING BILLhS BY BUYING OF US. Latest Styles ents' Fine Linen Collars, worthr goc at2 for 25c. Fine Linen Cuffs at o5c, wortic 25c, and at t5c, sorth 35c. V'ery Latest Tech Ties at 23c and 47c, wortha 35c and 75c. Very Newest Four-in-Hand Ties at 23c and 47c, worth 5oc and 75c "Bunrington" Fast Back Htose at 25c, sorthc 35c. White Shirts at 5oc, 69c ard $.0, worth to per cent. more. Night Shirts at 5oc and goc, sortht 75c and $.0. Specialties in Undersear at goc, $I.oo and $.50 a garment. Gents' id Gloves at $i.oo, "Decided Bargain. ONE hiTRIAL (IOF DUll CENTS'I-U RNISH INGUDEPtART1\hENT AND VOU WIth. IIICOMtE A RIIGULAR CUSTOMER. 2vf=7 S c00O, 20o ASN FOUR FLOORS-IEIEVATOR. Diry ((oosm, C'nci'iii, Frtls,G'ori' "Iiarnnsli qjs, Chi2)si, Co&'e, Kail(AOls, Iaiersr' lriahin fLlidirddii. SOMEBODY BLUNDERED. It looks to a nman up a tree as thcough the University of Miichigan football managenment had put its foot into a deep puddlle. Saturday's gance at Madison, swhiclislhouhd have been a swalkaway, seas clooe. Hard- ing, says the diopatch to thcis paler, was knocked senieless near the close of the first half. Everybody knoss shoauldomeet aMr. iRase, or tireGouldenr Eagle, Detroit, at the Cookc Iouoe, Tuesday, the t8thr inst. Yaou call al- wvays rely an getting tireIrebbiest styhes at a saving of fraom $li to $1D 011 ouit or overcotit. Give hMina aell. It swill ptay you. No. 14. To ItSNr-Very desirable roomst. Famnished, heat, exeellenit location. ff2.50 per week. 2t S. 12thi St. WANtTD.-A seeonrd-hrands copy ef Blakstonre's Commntaries, Cooey's editionl. Mrrst be the latest edition. F. .J. FLAGG, 14-6t 5h S. Div'isionr street.