Alb, i s o VOL. III.-NO. 14 7 . UNIVERSITY OF ,I-CIIGMY, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 189-3. P',Tt sCNS Yxscr, TjijzF,,E CENTS. HONORS FOR DR. VAUGHAN. pseradventure of a doubt, that ARE NOT IN FAVOR OF IT. -- ~~~ptomaines, products of putrefactiou,ThSpcaAprrito frte :;Yichit n's Learned Frofessor Tri- still give the same reactions as osor- Co-ed Gym. Opposed by the Ui uimphs Over Eastern FreFesiY Chemists. phisse. Ins corumenting upo theFrePs. stork of IProf. V anghisassthe Newtv Writing of tise appropsriation for IMOTR' rlise Generat Sessious court roous York Press rcferrcd to him as a thuetromaiss gynuasiuns, esterday's jnA uh s ' y r F RS - if New York city, has for the past msaster of science, anti to Iis rivals Free Press says editorially: D ETROI1T, MICH. ::sosttli becn tlsc center of attraction as students of scicssce. The nesir-s These 'relietecasuistfor foislti fir thse vast msajority of the maemabersty o Michigans and the saedic at in" to ttse tnseis stiudenits oif the - of the msedical asad legal professions udepartmenst isa particular, save every UnIisvcisity the samie faeslitis foIn exes- of tihis countrv. Dr. Robts W.reason tos be proud ofitProfcssor cite 'ind lhial trasiig wichtsa'ee Iunisshed Ifir iten students. I lies do Ilucisanass is on trial for Iis life, .'aug assetd the reptation whtircs sit sect i t us enoeent reasons for the Isar-eewthlspoisoning liiistiletwitti he Isasa uosgstto itstelf andilthe ?lI.itttiitltitstsbl Il the a aisre n miorphiine and atropinse. Avey r itshuol of thetrust. thessuits namssedi or aiysuisuT he dlelicate ansitoccult posnt li tosxico- .-Eegitsature hsalareasts stasie as list i logsrat chsemsistry, is involvedl in tit s rstaects for Sophomnie-Fresh- lisberialsppropriatintoncorthle isiversity reursmansField Oayr" ill raitinthteclisit nifIlietax t )itshFIssls s-iYt(-stesiluthie UmsssMetrepoitaiiisii sy vase, ansri uiesfor its solutioantheor Shens a ioto enI5ta1stires it___ is esititledt; utat e ire not it asit ihas iti. iisr1 lines, scudl Imr talitse to earning antI experience of themisot cleat is to the isecensity us desirability brilliastt anditcapable ofr AnesrirastteIli eosionflgasebttcnstapproptriating assy nanre this sessins thereslsnan andSpooecls-, Chemists and phyicians. eTtvehl naoiossrrlas eigumeni its gisenatifituisitHi I tucslayst he th strongly to the unissersity autsssthoritie a01 tan3-185 scssFcassss Ave:., Blecaus e of thse very notable net- letie fiel, thse Sopahonsoretseiuu oUeLgs tseninseo y D~ttI ti~IN enlists esigaged at extiertswitnsseatessehrssrgge 1oioe n fsitseclresuse the fnrmer lusts le in tis otoriosscase, a tworld-wiseesiphrrcrd esusmed to nowusbelles Wasit the r- Str iijht Qcit isnterest tras naniafesteel isait. On E -0i timsut,-t1idiiire sna1 sies sit hursit it tinWht e. tite site of the proseccution see sgstsuitestfatle utt si 4.10tuss' .;iteratonlopornsition ofnIits ioesssemayi iPioterly CIGAR ETTES. fon e fitrainlrelarta ssls srsr n, minsuts. ;scns eexpensded thseeeinsifet is ts 11- .+Cietie," S csh a~susreilitt<" to stays.t4 ial Lioin, suich as Drs. Loomis las and trust 1ml rl,5mnue,-53:)scnd, pran/stefred fshtyias :oenti,: assioPrc gln1lehooits ndPofsos '0yad uisse, 91s eondstt lunst tltis--th e veisodsitttthat rt rr will 11111 itithaus anditDoremuass, chemsiists. Ia[ii sie st-slk 4 miutits,5 secoisis. it in-the stitsisty sitititisu ai is's's-its at t ltitteid against this brilliasat array o Iltl tc te nittv ,seitstacypnici'te-iesisu ssliis t 5 li'I ra, nciin, ,i ili so-si vasturtllScirentists, twat a younig nman I lsssss th mi setiiese tertit'tni'itilieitIitI it 1Mi intt...iiii, z lh11iitsus broasdiiiijump, it t l i nchieies. tiropoirhtit thit 5 will tno li-tate is fr(;SIn . it: ,,st t11 'ii~s c5,tit i . t1 frona the seest, the mainstay 05 thse Iiti . ',.issi ssl sfret I) thesis to s sy i isist tii, te - il e~i ie 1_ ttilg >p~tlid hot lo- n 1' ouit 5 is ti t s nirs c 'i iiat the diefesnce, De. Victor C. Vausghan, sichses.' rise oeAoit hresemstoben fmIm tesU:!wt3ttal enetsI lean of the mdaulhdetpartmnsat of [lie shove tins takesn fromastheIennsis' e e O551'(.A 55sltueitreucat abuts' - 5 '1 li~~z e 1Penntsylvanians of Apsril 2,andasls sieeiyoettotnns t -i- iats-iee. tta iita lime nivesityof Muliugt ~' men, sua n obnths ossthe slisme tessiss trial eventually resolved itse11 into soswhstlit is tbeing eloise its easherin there shsoulid be jutst us.goodtproinsint ahatlte of experts; it teas vrstually class gamesu. 'Thse U. of Mi. Sophlo-smadtue foe the nsececssry physsicait trini-1 hue trust against the east, Mtidsth more-I resisman fiel-day will be ing of the oine as (if the othser. If flue gan rersut Coluimbiaandelivetrsity -hesld .wishitn thesnext twvo trucks, and gyisassisunt [sund sif wicshsthe sauthons- ofNwYork. Professor tVittlasus jidging Irons the practice at thte ities sate sad the ditsburssemetiefhs of Nse iot beess expensedeoassthisUbais , a claimeil that by chenial analysis fiel ousr recorelstrill cqul those lnt beetsjustly expeiseed. is foessad morphine isa the toiss of Pensnsylvansia. Sonic iiithe mns--- ---q achs of -iles. Dr.Buchsanan. Dr. haste already dosne better lhau the Saturdays Game wvth D. A. C. Vaughiasn tas cailed uipon by the tie - shore. On the trhole tlse field-dlay ViefitienIsilbeIs u te fence to disprove the dlaunt of ho itds fair to be a good success, and Thfolwnwilbtebaig eorsertfor the hproecution. 1 I tr ill furnislaseseral usesnfor the odrof botlsteansms it Satusrdas L, _ ., j\'sr.sity .testis doctor took the stand, anad for a pecriod of twvo hours delivered wrhst the Nesw York dailies ca lithe mtost able, lucid and interesting lecture upon toxicology that teat ever heard in a Ne Fork court or lecture ennui. 'These remarks simply paved the weay for the grand climax of the morrow, when TDr. Victor C. Vaughan became the cynosure of all eyes, in fact the central figure in the trial, and was declared one of the eading scientists of lteorld. In perhaps the most unique and inter- esting scene ever enacted in a court room, he proved beyond the S. C. A. Feriodicals. Thu library commsittee of the S. C. A. seth next Monday evening open thesealed bids for the period- icals on file at the reacing room. Anyone 'wishing 'the best literature of the day at cheap prices weouid do 'well to take advantage of this op- portunity. Such periodicals as the Scientific American, Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie's, Arena, Outing, and University Magazine, can he obtained in conmplete and well preserved files. F. t ) 1, M.ue'tuus 1 5. . 1 au mph,1. r.,hifdi.%, P. 3. KINĀ°$NUCAY, Sl; iter, Mller, 3d ba Jeftiiss i-tb ' roey,5ici ER HA 13anlsa p.,aKel e , i ., Shiels , c. i. N'a s. 5c,. It still be seen from the altos-u list !1T ILO1ii~R. that the D. A. C. team is made opI of the same mien as last yer,'Codd AND'it ol l t ()lt~ going to left Rieid, and Kelsey to the box. Reports from Detroit say the MnZ-- -= )D team is batting even heather than last year. Ru5'W_ FOR Dr. Ames has assigned topics to his class in English History. ]Detroit, X ichi ~au.