-THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1' i] : t (: n f c~ ~ { work d&iring the next college year. of " T ~ t A , copy should be in the haands of every student, as it would serve to '.tblshed Daiy (S sasdays excepted) daring keep hIitit posted as to wviat thse far- ts' cotllege ys-ae, ivsulty is dointg, and enable himn to platn HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ljsrkitdvne Saiiseeiptitsa pricec lit ii0peeSer, invarciabiy iade-atac Singltcoesv 3 cents. Satascip- 'Tep'y to be given by the ilasty stans may ib',left at 'be tfice aftitte ttsttLY, ltssfddittg Club, of Harvard, tis tt Stoftlet's, twitt atyofathtte teditsor asttttizieid solicitoes. spritng, is entitled, "HIamalet, tritnce detins ieatia a shultd reaeh te oftice by oftt I eiscark; sir, te Sport, tse taocloecs e. . ifthtetciase ttt appear tite seat Spook anilte Spinster.'' The lay. Aideress alla msaer intntded for psubic-svo rds, music and scenery are all SPRING STYLES, 1898 ur'a s e'-Iy s ig ss i it h I J IiE I seretietire.ttss.ia,'i'i sal~aii'at(',, I atilr SEE SHOWta'WIdNDOWt 48 SOUTHI MAIN STREEIT. SP1RIIG SUIPLS. A pkrdid cotmtmunieatios sitittd tie seats to iihe tlasi- teas Mlanager. THLE U. of Mf. DAILY. Ann Arbor. Rich. EDITORS. C.-is'.L isa'Si, ManagingtEditora it mictat's t,v, ,lit liasaacs.issas CI.Iov i.95 tt ei S---i'It AIi ass nt'9. e isis itsii l Nosiy E:1 Wis is a Woostinse tonbcrb fot,. u ii i. -tilatd o plt ..Lie g~ie, '95 i i ii v s iGL i. e livered lat orosSte.'1. iCN ,eernit9ind. of - -,111100) thle year for attotfi $teeor:3ii~ AfOne~o she i-ia~tigestht om appearance aigoodtireetauscriel iforlthan a.a ilte \\'ellsaed cagalite accotics ofalclsiathlestipmaters ill s ataniaes.ucce %i erillbti de ofth iecrtfit Inly i$ a .cio. te ttfir dsuheisino'etnea'e i appearance ait -is more 'aefullytid si 'mcitha iiiTh tii ii. at li : wichtis a Sti iii si Seiamiilis)MIwo fur 'stiuccs oi . i scts ti- Su it '1 'ifarei. it ii it lacet railc foirl ieiitiii iC' itli' ''" ties tWori s F;Si -lIi i it'tis'.ae in schemes i i d liate itittheIi - xei g lii re iiili t i e rc sihels i-l but th-e tt-s Io icy atsetstuhiat csiieii. itt1 Mtutu i Iit's lute-eital- fra iiiy f liilelit li ; Ir'pisitisil iis ces til si i s Cporthee t1 tlc istic matter si te cit can t o cit yliii hi iec t produicesd by te members of te club. 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & 00. 1). l It. I -\ I 13.ass iteit SassssiacrEStat' iii'S ± H o r s f o r d 's A c id P h o s p h a t e . il a iit s ito r tar a is a t ai A b ort.si taIstie LEADING SCHOOL. OF 000I00S0. log. - havettasedst it for sevetrtl years, iott tgtooadsaisialinspeirr;elsuppliearea sdsing onlin i m tylpiaeti'e, hut ii in tylly so'n in- rom atiiss e ctusres; Stat raegrtceptios;oi i. I . Matilanad E-xpress*.. -... C a2 ta. ass Optetires'year; commaaal radugtas i n lgeaot INo,. t. iss rAcna ArbareAcesssin* iii0 noo tiivildatsicase, antd sissisi ttaier atil sdemand; shor~thsasndgroduatsils t ecareopsittoaso; Na. t5,Mait aaadt Passenager*.....- 5 til. i circutances otie of the heatstarve ii*;esg expess$2o. to $.75 per weesrliva tacfatal.(,(LNS 55155. tionicais tatcepisssess.1-orlaimenal ex- saeaotalasfoweekwcttso weeks,arsts e No.x. ,talsatd Pstsensgera-*.... 1,:!a. siu, htaiustiona sr asserwomrkc it ..(s'givs eewedP. 1R. CLEART, Proe. Nsa. 4. 'Maioad Expsls""......' - i.8-4t p. n, stengan" i t chesintise sys- 'sALs. 5. 'isToedo Accosamsdationi.s. ',-00 iti. tesiti. saltgiF '5 $2.00, $3.00,9$4..00,$5 5aiyiSiandardTaaae. Da~ily excelpt Sunay. oss peice.lItntourisaloc Sld saig-on i rst Taid andoiirun eic tenAsAiasy. ~i an aptiereelItt sasi alee ad lviooss irst 'lass ansi Warrantes inStTrldonlatily icassiet Sasevts .t i a N I Every Way. Other trois doily eaxeept Sunaseya. orates the tired brasin anld body, itsa- Ew.se14.IIENNET', I. S. (tliN«axvvoo hiarts renewaed energy ad vitality,asnd E I Doty & Feiner. '(e.Pas.Aest lc t es estlix-elsste funcstionas. Ge.Ps.Aet.-Ioa dn i ' -i I i , . i I 3 i I 3 I i f E E iDescriptive latmtpislet ties' otn apptitionlato RuonRdIChemical Works. Provi- Bletae of Satbstittates rsIsaltacsatiosa. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUJGGISTS.I --kTHE ARGUS,'- AT LOW PISt HNYHAUG7, 55'£ li ratclstozit Mi its' ,Iltsis uidt arx '21 Years i31 the useg .C' ITYtt LAhUttN.DRasat, C SI4EE$4ANI &o PaCOMPANY 1=1. 6'. a~lelle/aql' 111, Vsril t Di/sois, sild 11b-0)ace .Po'l'Islc cCo. pall Goods. A~ ~~~~~~ NT, A RzI' L 0m'- c c.~ y .-J I' (i 5. assiss .aasrsai - ,' _ _ ... , .. . . v ;;> t v a zr r' is ..,r rti r-: r3 a :- , i i ,B, .- 1. isi-i'. t i'5 a fl-'' a 555f. 1 iii ti-s -it .iii i I o t ( I' iiwn Fo Toll s--', 11 {ti aL di a i, . t ci' c zro C+z t l ' f r;i~a t u t c e - , l E{ , 3t: state ts-cavsetet.tCsi - UNCLE TOL _ CAI It o '(:i- ttikcyher1rtasLO"F i t' o rw I tl's-- s' sa-i -i ts- T . I - ~v .New its-i'-. - *-- T'L F L. a -'i'itistNsi 'ti i si iir utittb:r of tiel ic lii er -S ---- - secl-cSa ts at Scatts 'aeweryStatic. szty recordl is full of matter of iiiter- 1 'ici t. V ICOTOR CY L E S tt h tdn ~dr tntol ~i 1lto e.t. S W containts mtany 'valutable tabletslhotw- U=. 11 EAItIO R PI ini tite arianclleelt of thac ork, bitt IssaiIouN . s pieiiutars ccoincetieits ur lie E'ct5IT Mta It INt, Cycle Empariam, 11 W. Wash isgtan tS ~ T