THE U.. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST FoR PARTY WE/VAR \lsrme fIic I : I 01.'IG I oI T n te it 14lAX'E YOU SEED OiJi1 NEW' SpJiING tSTOCII? f I 'c~k I151 c~sfct clttece B N If Fiske, Clark & Flagg t lop e I ) c 11nI Goves, Iress ess ('Icb Uouse Dress Tiesc, Si't, Steds, ll thes Late-,,t at W adhcmS 4.Ryan 4. & 4. Reule. crWI- AWO S _i S Ann Arbor Savings BankPARNZ OWEN' S BARBER SHOP ! WRDSFRR~Hr!J S xcelsior L T' s aundv Ann ArborMcti. CapitlStochkS51 No. 4 F:sTc HuscONScIRIF.r Secure Rooms through 5 Surplus, 81:i0 r ( _________________r______________ o'Organized z cotider the Genera l Banking Lossn se this state. necei es Deposits, boussod .Work0.ATWA ER, cc tns Ili AfEi. CfRT or els exchange onothe princpaoit es ofthe 1L.l' D. IITXXT'04 United Statoo. IDrafts cashed 0000 propee 111I(.1m woingtreI t cl) deotification. Officees: 4 L 1 ~ . Make Preparations Ery CIacSTIlAN MoCK, Pres., Ery ( 5TAS ;. tt sici ,Ca shier. " ,, Adreoss i Nt. .~t'oco, sni.Ibsoics.2526 CALUMETAVE.. CHICAG9I. 2 CLIFTON -HlOUSE _ _ _ _ _ _ i I L.WHITMORE LAKE. z,, ' L - ' DANCE HALL .with PIANO-.clsoy :')e~ ite oSass Distmfortiand Datning. ~c' R~I) v S ITUen'sslD ac, 25c.35c.,50c. Women's, 50c.Givese hoe.s Oh, Happy Pair Ltalteadwmnto WAKEHOE OMAN, 6 hanc S,,Boston, Mass t h-ib Columah ee -etany- 1. ib r MARK04_______guaran_______ oteed. c illn inest cycisg ctlou0 i hewrd, re tCo Gci (1Il ' f"~- ~Bait Twirlers From Denison,. ppe g.Chis Boat onci ew or,(hcn Fri., Aped t -tcolchitcoc cocntest. _ The I lenisoio Univ'ersity ball leamn A N , D A Ii FrCii.,r Atipi t. Ici rhlpi C ri:=1 Si ii iot ~ie cy gy which plays If. of 'M. ots May 6th, AMO~C AHalii, 5sp. il. f& Q Yi i icccticchcic lc, e.1cc~l itcli tisi me~ci t s oeo defeatedthue Kenyon College teamlli .Its 0 tn~rr FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, ccn rooco 4,ds p. i.last Saticrday. Score c8-3.___________ MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! A t Iof 10,. I)-15A. C, A.It5(Iiichi Fitil. 'IT e TDenisooiiteanm play or i ts Su p iiW--Potc. j. C. Rlife, Nescieociy northcer n i 1 cllbert at Cleveland 30 Cost Hucon Sireetc11, 1 0 1 . cic. lTheO Icliceicocicef t occccc . Wahres J sokre 20 s. StatesStreet. Alcin St,, Opp. Court House. S I ,I c cci 4'Dr, ii.' 'x it c cc c ic"(c ! ' cii( GOOL PEPD'b E t ! (. cl( i It' i z} 1' ( 1 ii P k ? s t N ... le i { . ..., _...i ccl)WInii cti cit 1!.2 : c lli{ '. {2'FI( , ' 1t ]E 0E il H 'c'(c l l tiic'li lii c1 c j~ 'c iI cd I v ' !ccc iccui cicc i ii lc'' it t cl i .F5 li it I c "{itisi1)ficil icc1 ' }icecc i ( IJt I cc i e ic h iciillc , 'vci ilitd h talitotetrpnad u he ytic ins civ cl cc 1:1cc, l''. The i 2 ^Iic ii E T ' ili.t. lcx c~ ,c. Iil c'(U iiii'c l. i cii ll t'c c i 0 0 1