0h U F M. DAJLY tir S. « r '; r ;; '} THRETK DAY,.}SAhJ of 0P r (VV~jOL -J - 5, Psrzr- :1 x < $' ^ p s? nr- ~ r ~ , 7 n f, -0. 11~ ~ V o I...L, . Our SR cR ,X-I bLfeopet nIOrPic~a o a e L et _ . . lit UYCLF 'nd Man~y 'REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 0thb, ( iip r1rm-solid mea1t Tomaltoes for $1l10 per elsz. i[ake Pumpkein, - - - -+0 s 2 "Winslow corn, - - 1- .1.5 I u - 2 " Primrose - - '13 "LAT- 2 l ake shore," - - - - 15 ))'' Antd all other Canned Goodls at proportionate lprice of BU' ru rle 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. I I Will You Look At ouir Siow Windlow''If tolls i's owLstory about GUITARS AND) PRICES. 'THE+ ANSI ARBOR ORGAN CO., 51 Sooth MainStret. jXjGHIGAN GCLTA!I Time Table (R~evsed) Novembhe 24,i89n. EAST. p. lie. WEST. a.tn Mail ------4 25 Chicago Special - 1(1ff Day Express. - _ 1--5 3 Dy Express---- 8 27 N.S. Limited -- 2 Mail - ______a 3 NY.Limsited----- 945 N.S.. united--.594 Niagara boll, Sp'1-lli, p. rsa. a.ia, Chicago Ex, rca. 2lis D). N. Express >..318 C0. It. lExpress, -- 5 418 Atlantlic Express.. 18 0 Chi. NightSexp-- 9(0 (G. it. Express.... 10404 Pacific Expresa 55 21 0). 5.RIrocx. H. CV, HArES, o. P & T. A e at, Chicago. Agt. Atna Arbha. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP ANN ARtBOR. Capitol, $101,:100. Surplusad Profits, $341140. Transacts is geaeral baking busineas, for- eigaocarhal -e solIlettesa of credit prsoure for trarelere aboado. P. BACH, Pre. S. W. Ca.ARO as(ahie DANCING and DEPORTMENT. GRNGER'S) ADM The boild iag specially built by Mr. Granger includes his family home, and conas taha fineat and beat arranged roolma foerlitraction ts be fouad in the State. Office, Center Entrance, 6 MAYNARD ST. - Send $525, $2, ar PI $Ifor Sam- S.... pie itetail Boxbsybexpresaf tYf~ he BEST CANDIES~ in America. Put ap in elegant boaxes and ntrictly pare. Suitable for PRESENTS. Expreas charges C..GUNTHER, inefeetioner, 212 State Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIcS. UNIVERSITY NOTES. N. J.lBEAiN. Edlitor. teLi.(-eofcroabersa211creind11us WI- 1a011akelour elelives a plest And~ departinog lease behiad u l' eelis Oftreliefandet. -Exaponent. Prof. Griffiln lertulres to the laws teday. C. Ml. .huh has been appointed 'athletic editor of thse DAILY. There will probably be 0 '94-'96 baseball game tomorrow or Satur- day. tunvitatios have hecn sent out for tile Hobart Guiltd aocial next Sar- doay evening. A student seas arrested yesterday for violating the ornlinance against riding bicycles on the sirlewvalks. Thse julnior iasswill hsare thlcir first section quizzes its Partnershlip this week, coverinig tsc first six licr tilres. It is aaid nl1 good athority tilal the students spend annsually in Aenn Arbor more than tweclehundred thsousand dollars. P~rof. Carhart read an interesting paper before thc National Academy of Science, in Washington, last Fri- day, on certain electrical psropo- sitions. Princeton students are taking a hsand in politics with the purpose of breaking up an unscrupulous politi- cal ring in the town of Princetown. As there are only 900 voters in town, the students hold the balance of power. R. A. J. Shawv, formerly weitli'94 nosy of the Unsiversity of Chirago, swas recenstly elertetd speaker of thle ifouse of Repre-sentlatives of tise University of Chilcago. A conmnittee of co-eds visitesd the legislatlure last week a111 urgedl the passage of the $20,000 approp1riatieon lfor the co-ed annex. It is saird tie bachelor legislators swere favorably imparessed. Thle U. of Ml. exhibit still occupy, 3,000 square feet of floor space ic. the liberal arts building besides con- siderable space in the Michsigan state building. tn amolunt of space given to American colleges see rank second only to Harv-ard, svhich has 4,000 square feet. Sevensty-six U. of At. students have engaged sviths tiscColombian Wheel Chair Co., and will spend the summer vacation at the Woid's Fair. This conmpany emsploys 2,900 stu- dents and the U. of M., according to reports, ranks first amnssg the susiversities of thse coulntry in the number of students on tile rolls or the conmpany. A joint debate has been arransged betwveen the University of Minnesota and the University of towa. The debate will he held in Minneapolis, May 27, on the question: "'Resolved, That thse Government should owns and control the telegraphs," and will be affirmed by the University of Minnesota and denied by the t University of Iowa. Calon Wi. Fulde, lie Tbailor, opposite the Lsr JiililIg, 011 WVIlliam-1st.,Illst 51o)o1 west (If State-st. Cleoain, ep airing ad pressing don(e1neatly5. snstomo 1e secaty.lllwrkfist-las. IF YOU WANT TO 1B3UY MAl~ar= .C1001% lor hare some Repairing doe goestI Mhm Arnjolk, 36 Maim Street JLARGE, -HOUSE WITH SIX LOTS Asl t ;(l house-. with absout (el-sty 1l1t.e Ipice of isst sel e lair<."oe l 1 lerpcrI IinstNo.tlI sp se. r 1'e-haltolir floorifoae bhall or'blliard room111. I55sll lalle axneex-ellent (pllme 1o11sciety rhou~se. E,1s I-yerI. ('sllsat 56 West Liberty Street., S. IiIIAUSE. ANN AsuuoR. AM-In. -CALL OTN- G. H. WILD The Leading Tailor, (-saly Sect sor >frcotte. II resetlt IllosI es(Iplcle stosirIif)aC ileciy1at No.-'2 . Washingtn-St., Near Main. Capi t, $5,00-. Srplua and Pt, 517,000 os a general Banking business. Pays in- terestaon Saving Deponits. Han safety Dlepasit Baxes for Seat. E. KEMPFPen. F. H. BELSER, Canhier. Sank onen Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. IN CONaNCTON, Fine Shower Baths, News Porcelajis Tubs. 30SE. Washington St. J. 5. TROJANOWSKIA 3S Baths foris$5.