ri-T U.OFM.iDAILY K I V s, S i s o r ', 9o 7 7 k A 5 T H R K K D A Y S ' S A L K o f , Shearso, 0ThtY ( OYP0O AY$- boxgay t'ilil lbound edgAr ONLY $14.00. JA oa~J 7 G- l LI 1 J r3 LITTL L(t 1- '1.)S IN POPiORTlIONR. 3, 1)OUTl SITAlE SI i'Soluth -State Street,- - [UI STAIRS.j Choice of Elegant Garments ONLY 3 DAYS. JIOUR TORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH- MAIN STREET a___AND______ R-NE Ll0 (1 ATE AN) WILLIAM STREETS. N EWTANI)fyECOM) 1HAN1D. NTADS'Vi 1Our Stock- will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Llowest. n -d jcany REiW] 2'c BICYC Es. ~t 44 Mo .Ail You Look I U EBE THAT YO 1> "Clppe ]'md So l m a " Doill t < It " vrsd Iu p ir -n-k Squalshl, - - IVinslowr Corn, - - " Prl'irse 1' - - "Lake Shore," - - And all othler Canned Good; ain Street, South. NIVERSITY NOTES. if JO ° j_ I A l'- i' IIOnCI l i d so's i( A t iII'I liIl ' 1(1 tf?' I i icI's ;IiE (Ii yt l l 1111 im i oIi eat-sR s II. tL. Ile-n111>law '9'3, liasigo00 Ti IARStio Wasiigollon 0 sins lam' 11 cTaelc-iHarvainI trark athletic PRIC'ES i tIlg X 011 1 'fIni t fC-iniri'igi ''liE A d'NARBlOiR O!1(ANCO., Prof. 'iruebloo ivIes 110hiscasses '1 i s '. 'l i n Street150. ill rlorllt:0l, ('0110s.0I1, aIll 0' in a- IJC IGATNGENT A 11 . ~ f r ' il -t:; . ,j(Lmitd-- 4s I i' ANN' F"X rk A(ill Ni. tE p_ (). 1V8 11'(illlt1141.N Il 1. 5 11. G.110 Tli'0't1' ouo.' 10. nn1A bor FIRST N110" 5, CBAIL tioni todaoy. ] edge Ciham'pliln resiiiied 1118lec- tores oon'''orts'' snid 'Corpora- tions,'' yesterrday. 'Phe Choral U'nion ill11he obligcri tetO tw01xi ce a week for a port of the tille after v'acationl. 'flic Sunlday monrinig chapel ser- 11000 of the S. C. A. will be 111 chiarge of the' professionladoepart- lments dorin"gr'l1'ltion. Lel'aiidiStanfordl,jr., 111101thi Un iversity of Califoriiia iwiltltiolda1 intercotiegiate atliletic meeting 0. j 0)I2.,11n Sa10Franrisco. )UT CAN BUY oCallon Wm.Fulde, tlie 1111110> pposte eLwBidnOil Willifam-st., first door 'rest of State-st. itlomte fo $110 pr doz.. I Cleaning,reparing and pressng done neat10 " G 11.11 4c suits to order a speeiulty. All wueS first-class. "G441.2 1)''' I 1.1(1 ' '-IF YOU WANT TO - 1.153 " G M 3yr 1 n C lod - - tc 1.Os C' GL 1.150 1 " er have some iRepairing done gonIs .s lat proportionatte iprice of M-/~t Ariol, 36 Main Street DEAN & COMPANY. Plof. Scott dielivered his iLArd RGEi'- 1H JU1J$ lecture in tihe extensionls eries i15 WITH SIX LOTS "RlIealisml and Naturaliion I,'io~l em Ie ri 'iiii>0101i. Iii :lt.f o Mil. 1 e~ ~' t clobswill ivpie a conceit tonigih~t at fo .m111 111 111.t itl rhi~~rorol. 10, 1111 tile iltroit Opera IHoiise.'this E;' -Y 111(1 "it. II tl i mo1011110010 Pre tPress contaills a 5(6 ret LikertOStroet. Loop- comlimhilentary 111ot icof theO S. 13 lAl'..'oL Asxvs11B000, lMjcI. clubs and thier 111s1i1. Tile 1.. ofAt. I'liflolopioal s00001y1 w4till 11010 its regular 111 00(111 toalor- xrsrix~xxzxzxz ~~xa~ n roiw eveningat half-past 00e010 sharp, E 110oo 1001 I, m1ami all. A paper --_CALL ON -- twili be read by :Prof. V. AXi Arnold on "Semitic Words in (reek. TeHpismnoSaFr- . W L ) risro; vale'dat $1,000,008 10a0sfjust" boon givein to (lie C'liiversity of Cal- ifornia. It1is5o000o181h(linhest I The Leading Taiop, hloisusinthis coun~try, and xiii to used for an art schlool andl museumll. 1Lon 11Iielll'1i1'1 'tillS ncrSit''t, r ''lie Uiviersity of ('ilago iiao 'U'c.0 cl'tti'iti".0 l; i 111t1he' 111' 11 diecidled to 01100 its Idormitories for tile acconmmodationo of thlieodoca- No. 2 E. Wahington-S2., Near Main. tionoal pulbtl'cdurinlg 11e0 (lorid's 'Fair. M~any institotions are plan-h l0OE""""l's.'''L "'' nling to mlake the unliversity tiheir he~adqu~arters. 'Pie S. C. A. wiii receive sealed g n, . bids on any of the foilowving list of ~ il 4lal~ k magaine, an tie beoreApril Dosageneral Baunking bousiness. Pays is- 14(11: Anoerican Economist, An- te'51t on111Saving Deposits. has safety DlepsitBoest sfor en. dovor IReview', Arena, Cilatao,1aan, It. KEMPF, Pres. F.IH.iIRLSERi Cashsier. Chicago Legal Nown, Chlristiarn __________________ Statesmnl, Frank L~esie's, Harper's o. K. BARBER SHOP. Weekly, Judge, Ladies' Hme Jour- ccrvlMN nal, Nation, Ninetoonth Centory, Fine Shower BThs NTew Porcelain 310E. Waslilselon St. J. H. THOJANOO'51 Public Opinion, stoolothers. as eu0bsathsrAs.0 P'rof. Adanis has gone to XWasl- DO 'YOUJ DANCE,)9lillgtoll tO o fnishis reilort 010tho 000001us anndOconsequelntly his classes GRANGER'S ACAE Yf will meet 100 10000 (lis ovoek. 3 A N11 5(ill 01., - ANtI 111111 Pfresident Angelloas 10n1115 offie oa 1111111 11 10 1,111 1 1 ' 11 I.I circular issue~d by 1110 Colonobian (51115-,'- .11111111 ,111 l Guide.SII ComColpanoy, asking for sou- sm i5 2 r $3 5,0115 - olenots, either 0100 orwoonin, to sell pl-ItalBo y r ulessofitat thoe \Xord's Fair tile official (goide th i 1 AND1IE81in A I'sa.b Pat tipin eic'ant i 'oes andbook of (110 fair. 'Pie componsation stiti u'Sitab0 1le o RSNS xrs iuroes '~pi eetai allo. 15S110101one rdollar to Itvo dollars a A on dav A small anmount of capital CHICGO, LLINlOISer w tooeliecossary.