15 0 g he poettcal contributors I('N IC T
0 renc Ml lt: iTe %1o1-1'1) 'siS FI.N S ' 9
1I HE U. OF N. INr1L $ DEN ASOF ~ N $T) tl en e'f t 5cfl15"'y52\'1
> 't a1S e e t,, ' he B r ~ t ; ..L
1 l,'I arry C . Porter; ''Castle,'
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tfntda ut01Tu iay A t f"allads 'etites'' are numerous 1'Er-4 ---viv'-Irr
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Au tll~l~s ('10n~l~e eseipn(otes, complete tile tatble of contents 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO.
_ \m stdens w o mae sbsclp- of this excellent issue.
lions to the baseball fund shuld llI1I I
- ntf}q }n7 Y ~d 3 lr"r1® '-S . v.1: !CTr S~ 1i J
'heile moey is needeed to send tile
( x 5 °\ s ?nFaeB
teamll sou11115 al C wlO CII h avC'e (Ilotl
doi ((Cs0 shiould see 1ir. Rickert'- at I ----q--t
I T .a
oaI ul l(I-ti I ol t.s rth l i nli s~ 1 d '~~P t ie eos e l~s5 lg
A i ' 1 5if1 a bo15 5 'gllnine tee ;lareeleld'enlinlN'.1,t;-h'le 1
-ood .' illI I' ('C (lii. elil tkag''e'"' a IllIdit., Ohr,; 'lilhlhe'hnl1l:hzeiI
l' 'ili iCIlV s oi's(ifo ( l r~l 'a4 o om di l ieees a da'.eveing receptsin". ese
t--lf 1 1115 151(. 'ft t . 0lt._ ' ',hi 'lly"lsij heLiyear-,S'la ginli'" g 0 (0 l''-~o1 i.....l' -
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il 15 1 A le.tcee ll'llsblein',ill I Illl-Iemand;teel. I 'ilgradutrsIaneecure p sitions
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tile * ustes tile ifelizbewell anliweedk, Is ___ u3 ir.l7 &
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1, 1 , n n ot ave ay S li ti ei t , 111 ' t e llve ls t el func l'otilons. d E 4'y®g p;
xlaetruit tllar let lall Mayan; Abst , Deaipi Clnlplil(reanaillv ~l J el 7 - &CU ~IP Jj~
havli eri atlized bitille l Rote mfo. .ndd Chemicali I'tais eWorkanstVO11AProvi-o ar~
ie taks es arppin theedrby prit fORWSALE.Y ALL DUGGISTS A..CGREElN ng'V Bo
orordeaunhfoeiteseDeruonlatdebban- im- DHE ARGUSn-r
(' i lds, s 'a.5; .rthester gey prsrnee nryad iaiyn
Clark.iC.AG.leticisear, y 3SlinC.14EHENRYow HAUO PAN
'llgsgatl yl VDCeGore lptiv'eei- (SIL let 5151510 11005w. t
________________orks paovi
iua~, 5.Al.Shels, V. C Grffin ~ dence, R.S. C I.
C.D ufocay, e tioJaroetitteSe. AR nth 3UllC SK OE WRITE FxI AENCTALOGUE.
l~ocktos A. . 'turipseedbstitutCITY andRYittin.
Thse .N l~slal ICN M eafolltwiNo.reNeptoortcomSt.-I
te. Kisbng, app. ointegdby0r sidet A.G.lisiellienJ m,
oIut, Thursda.:Kennedy,01-F I WTI(1N a' '>
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C.oi ewmn, T . R Wellt., Geoe(rge OUHFGRHAV. y ~ a h~
HCl,, Ross ha en I d et. C . H N Y A , E. S. SER IS. - ANAG T "lfsEd pa
Bla , D. IIealn in ge, l. G. 7'K aher"ndNsToiCE G'tarBanjlandAOas
Sd ii.Su i115te attueel. 05 ella~ta 51 5 l~~i~ (e lllll
Lieintn, I .C.liaoren ..Ial VLE' ISC10EK
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111L lfy 1. l JrettA.1 V . 2I 1 Years inCII'heIreusineese-ne RIEA.G TunpedThms C Y LA N R ,Si v I i FO C , 1 LU .
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loe s, ./ iso ,D P Q ia,b . 1M.11eabolJt.I No. 4 N.'Q Fouth'l IHihhl St1a'l.. 1th a'~~l51(1
A. ing J E.YougD. ..II - - JOLLY &i CANN AROR RESNt f1 ~ITSCHLR ,4t..
Theik,1V ApFzr, P.lAI Troy, 1 ' v e tae ret- L TJIDu CO. hot Ig apIhdIX
Howll RssBelN.l.ra l,11. I E.F.ESRVSL, -O ONAER
thecotns esus 111'. \XX smi Iel-AT
I1timsorisit aed S cellila (Geor "e W II ill. TUTTLE'S,
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i~rnes '' Prof. K.IL. eeks. 1T1EIGIT, - Is M CHlIGA . ---- - -0--- -__
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