n T'Yr ai { .. y :. I l VO.E1-o 4. UIEST F[01 N IDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1893. PRmc, ei, ~e VOL. III.--NO. 1 >. UNIVERSITY OF i1IiCIIIGA , AVI 1 a 1 A GRAND AFFAIR. tesaosapa eyhitt tl THE MILWAUKEE TRIO. ___-lthikseasoatpereere rct.Siow4 Such Will be the Second Ann-ual etik htwhr hr r o The Fourth of the Chamber Con- Observance of Jefferson's fifteein sen training there should be certs Tomorrow Evening. at - Birthday. a least one hsundredl. ewberry Hatl. ,~AI~U in'srsls eesig 'isi 'The swork fromis soweon swilitbe Thle T usa vnnA rl1, Ilefourtlh concert of the series I -"R the 'U, clone at thne Athsletic I'ieldl. The nowin ii1progress sinder the auspices celebrate tine second annat obsers ssktassilnvertst o of the Schsoot of Music occuirs to- -CDERITMC arae of Jefferson's lbirthsday fin a Practice regutarty at 4 Ip.in, every imorros eveninsgat Newberry halt, tint tilt cause tise leant enthsiastirc day.'by the Mlsiolker isoronsposedl of thse sember.siof tine Democratic. - -"'RPUBLCAN CUB'Eof J. Lrici s ctin at tpianso, Her- party to th rose uiittetu tints ansi _mn Ze/itzn 'iolin,'a r nsitlacyer, swvear eternal lotnilty tiolthentlalI Enthusiastic Meaning of the Club violoncello. thle adsission price Last Niitht,'-The Eanqisit a sffye is litisnte ca iirinciiiles first enuncsiated by tiiat Sure Thing. i it et. T en m esaea peerless statensmns. Thiomas Jelfes bfllos: soin. Etery effort hsn beim pit t in7 e IRepubllican Cli inset iasat h pi i a 511' torthi by line Denmocratic students of niht asa annroincedl, aind liroceetlet I. io,5 iitsn 97site LatestSesropsise Stti Au i-ra insiusii' I or sa i tins' Si SisesastSunetrop1litanSitst thne unitersity to osake Ilsis banilset 'it once to the preliminary arrange- '&-e-rn iiier.*oi uuAsAbri$3eho s aid50c aor$Iitailssn n a success anai if the list of speakcers oesfrteapoanigscnd Aiss>i ioilisi anti statesiinen stated to be iseseslt amnnusal bansssse.ofShetus. Ciiilsls Sol, ii~ Si e a l n h sa m \ 1s'EnsiNisir i------_ --itisbri ii'iMclnoi * is any criterion, success is already sreai itaisn sh lowin, Y ResnsSsii10.e8318 T 'uosE s co tiseirs. Thse program'ine is 'is fol andth~e several tigorossaddresses i] in ot11 8-8 sn ~eCitttt----- i)EMzrt ,, ROI 1 ., - MiLChi GAN.r maade intlicale a msost healthy coin- 1i. I, 555 t e,_- __- .G i '51cr ______________________ 055s S.. is oleii ninlo "c'i mimiCoaiwerin, Of). 'Z, 0 't'oastmnaltec, lion. Edawin hI Ull dition ofline clsib, ass earnestness mm s oessHeniiin'si r~g~nn Srih ct addrcess of stelconme, Judge1M . vslil tl ilr lecinsgb.nne nnsc ise n fully as great a success anstwan the i 5 il 't ii Ci N. onetoiey arPry li of last year. Tuhe (e.act dlate ofrims CIGARETTES. 'stlusi E. Stesensoun; WhV~at of tin thte basnqueit swas snt (iietecssiinesl 5 5 i t is .si1cii s- is .' i~taett Sr iersswhis buoni Mess?''H on. A's. 1. Fsilsoin, stiion,blinthie indiciatiosiacethint it w n11!! , ttoe i i i rs c 4'Jelfersoss's Legacy 1to 1Inls Pi ain ''s t ill occu~sr ruinling the laiter m1art of asisisis s I!f irt~rf, ttflF lii liiI)i V rne h a i oiint'ie iieasi8is aniirtmn5''Isei 'in mi ciin' nss 'D t ax Te c'mitteo ln e ndsT eithsinan tinel ihroetr coI -Fills is i n't>st isa fl on Johsnlie l itsinis jes c Omi r citn to ssl tii snnbe sssn ncChl.'ses'' Ii tinis '' If iss1I5 Iis rin g ie 'a'r im '' sec r x csnci'vi y," etsilen Hariso isis s1M ~toniceyr irow.oi',Lene on'I' isisiIs l' mus los tin su os 1 ti issnod N ail sl "O lbsu1ure t asi on. tier s the 's a' cci ofpartiulr brul 't h iui andsi lec tu r.Iuoith_______ I ofser a5Its ls sa iiai snbuhl insr silt oi theocsiniebe amn ic Sosue scm' sui)eentiseiinn nsu stlalo b mue si ida iti l s u litent les . n ,no srifosusshofsts(tIleenecsI!oner in"t lionon ocatoisfoAV10.ii i heri hn oloss sesuis eusisute'I ls enil'ssssls'o uc tt inet safencruthn"essste. s iWit onusoii th I ieiumlnesjnts kis'"of te rn i Ian - ov or siite I i.155 in a s '~i insiscasi;auththe se' 'nth 1i' o ti 'sn liliti(liife ictu s ctn Ino . esnssastc, IlHon o.rT. nE t uns tB(lbark-nn