THE U. OF M. DAILY Koies, Sisors, Shears, 2 Riazoios, IveyeAtiletWirieiPiet PHrAIIMACY 34 aSO III SIAE n I . FOR~ e-FfViSP\A5 CLLJETTs COON 4& cO.-IS NE G LE-]GEE SH IR T S 'etatottatnytCeltultoidtbountoadge,' In the new SITING STYL ES ad LEADING SHIADES hane arrived. Tatlc arete. ONLY $14.00. fineest fittintg shaltsthae country ever poded and for sale only at LITTLE I ELoWDS IN PRIOPORITION. ..A.. r WILSEY1 i siir ii s 31 tSotth State Street, - - UIP STAIRIS.' i SkltING CLOTIERIANte IHATTlER. "5 S AIN STREET- MOORE WETMOR, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ____________ ANDtCOI NER (IF STATE ANtD WILIlAM STtRFETS. NE W !1 'NTL) SECO NI) HAND). Our ilock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. i Mjakes BIcycLE.S. Bg 'Ni' rug Storo REUMEMBER THAT Ya a lb. "(Cllter-llratndl'Sotlidlna 8" "ivRsln 8 '- d <> Pmpnt, - - 3 Siltae, - - - 2 'Winalown-C(ern, - 2 " Primnrose " - - 2" Lteke Share,' - Anda all ether Canoed Gao 44 Main Street., South. UNIVERSITY NOTES. WA'ill You Look ti i m - c a; Al a ltao 5h w XW tti a lll Ia I ,1S B t a-a.ia-Icomet';at Diat, fate lsbtreatla ! ---'t Ic-v hetatci r v ot. GUI TARS I Ia- newcat aalogutes; were distrib- uitedlyesterdlay. C~~~tt ~'lie's'ouathtenarn tt lfnehe llItent P Pi I C."#ES- wnill cost atbouat a thouatndn dollars. fHlial\NN --111t}E ORIGAN PCO., 5iliottJohnsnas anreturednlt1 IM'aoul anSrct. the Utatnisiy'wathitsaaKetuacky JqICTIIGAN ENTIPAL .(aFI ribin, at 'goa,of Grard tite 'taanatain'-iitnataae I aid aon thctan y vn islitng it t- - t ii 'ttic o em et ai, 14 ) lt ,S n oy 1M totin. frindsa'GoSun otldatay.le N. 7Il.aii La 15 N. S. 1 tnt-ta1 59tProf. Tratebionla ltirdl anadlfourtha 'ejta tt itltl t v I','t n 4 a. tll, t'iOcalpr Er.rss ' I1a9thouar clanes, eserday a. N. I tt an".n f-a3i aG. It. 'tetar s a ra 48 iaat -in a"' C Itak a la5 ci .NigtI'iIa05 Th e niors nwilhall en imaport- a; t. i t yredat 10a 11it alacift ic anpesat t2t 4'. Wt ittt a-Y H.W[-]". aticlasaeeliat 15oclc G.1a . - ta lci n A ot". a" n ii aaAro lo. ______________tooowafternonteita RoomaA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1hr. tHoff gav-e a demontadtion 0I1 TAN.ttl{It. 1Ibefore theenetlal society 'Mond yt1 C t a t - Itt;,k. Satpltan atd Poi'taaats, 'aot a even'ingetan te Clicago exhitl l. -Fenachts Ia a ic n i ta a aor-cd hr. Ilirth a lneof '9 ta loatated t a~rte at eon atraad. Ya cat a atPras.tMlwnaukee, ia here for trealmet. S. NY. Ca,.attc;WVaaate r. fora tuabercatlar lesiont of the hatnd. DA CE9 Profs.Alanas andelKnaowvlon lhave DO YOU DANCE purcltnedevlaeeral lola oat College G NE 8AAEy, Hill, atndleach taill build at elegant d IMAY:-1AttiD Sn oNN naiz.. 'lie 'Varsity leatee jaracticedl at rlmnfat""0 loe tlait 1s9 tota 'at 1tle,8'- l.the athletircfgeld yesterdan-. Ttroan- toattaca'aat aa~..a a tt e ttaL t'. inan~atd bate runaaing receivnednancha Y actita I tat-a-cl 5z fr an a t e tin S T byL ~e pc r oita.flTee northwnestenabrancha of the put ~IPn111 aelcc -att bstnitl' atler-colleglate Altletic Association stictaypate. Suitaleaftr a I H talNila LExpreschar-ges o leaed. I ttfrtoaallee rhicaa.ofte Northawesltrchose T. Ma. Ly- . F _ UN USTl1~ Cnectionuernaaanice-presidtle of teasasocia- ad2 SlateStreeat. li. OU CAN BUY !Call on Win. Fulde, the Tailoa-, epposite lte E~aw Baallan, ott eln Wailliam-sat.,first dana-rateat at State-st. t Tonatoes o 110perdnz. rleanitng, eptattettateaattg taae naly. 11Ia " " Saitsatanodea aecnniat.AltenthIirst-class -" " .00) " 1.10IF YOU WANT TO - " 1.1 3ura=A a "cr 1.50lot) " or tavneaasome teairndatn eaoIn ala at proportionaeate lance of W rjt,3 anSre DEAN & COMPANY. C. C. Lick, a94 deal, is receiving L.ARGEj -IHOUJSE. the congratulations el lila frindsl WITH SIX LOTS oa-er Ite annial ini his familely aIof lithle girl. 'Te anintey-live ltase-ie l ai1 nt - Ilr- e an l saae otaaa, Na tee aeiaeaaa e na 'a iar -oai i s ea i t- ao t al-ea aat aeatnon -tt 1' dtes are exiencteIetapatronee paerice aal iaa t c'atteathaeaa r1 aenp a eal camtptis daily fonr lpracicei.' aiiless ia atlo t a atlor l i-a a ri eaaa slaaa ''a-el a--aae e-wealent Ilaai ae oi. t en- htea-at ottherwsie antifiedl. ,t a- e 'a utaaaa t llit 'TlelJo'rnaol clab iltln-'meeelilea r. 5fi W~est Liberty Street. Akbel's laboratory thais eentinga at S. IR I USE, }ANN A .t3teo,Maci. 7:I5 o'clock.. All atantabers are lein __________-____________ viled 1o be lpreset. The fourthaberc netcert nwill zxaiazi zzxz~~a~txxaaaaa zezzCe-arzxzzzaz be given eta Nenw-berry 1Blll by te Milnwankee Trio,'lTursdlanyevenitag, I -CAL.CONe-- April Iaj. Genteral admt~issione,fifly reals. Dr.Linadsleyawno latesna lmebetr(G . H{. \'V7IL E. 11) of thee firstomedlical class eel the t . of \I-a is here aa a p'riv ate patienel of Dr. Carrown, liar the remoaol of The LeadingTeailort cataract. 'Te Jeffersotelata sociely snill leoldl I-an a Fila(-ate ea a aor a acnr Oaaaa naotersa- .1oeelaaag ittaatediately oiler tle aae e-ee at a-I lle-uricea a ta-I a -ate-at'le ntool; ate thetn~lat tanior lane lectuare Waednesdlay alter- neoontao10intall the net officernsaand No. 2 E. Washington-St., Near Main. transact imeportat business. The secretary of tihe Athletic As- zzzzyr pftnzx u rYz-nan. xu iaz sociation has on an td aanmber of cirtificates nwhichlabelong teaomeatm- bers of Ite Association. Call oatC hI - av na lo los Da' IV. Ricketts, a I'laTomapsona street.slt lid. NV. Sims, 94 lane; 'V.W . 'Slc- Caett$5ts.eepaud-atelto. Oars agennerat IBankiang baseness. Pays in- Neil, F. L. Edinboroulgh and IH. A. terestonalsagDepositse. Hae satery DepoasitHauxeear Hear. lEery, '96 lltsanwere tendered a re- iL. KEMPFPrens. F. H. BELSR, Cashtier. Hank vnataurdav eveniag. relation at their htomae ian Nest Day City, Mict., Friday enening last by 0. K. BARBER SHOP. ten of their gentlenmen frienda. TheneNaruniannasi seepio as in thte opera honlae in Fine Shower BaThs, New Porcelain Ibe eeea3iaE. aashingetoteaa. J. R.TIOJANOWSIb Sthe venin.s30Hattistfore$.00l.