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April 11, 1893 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-11

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Fiske(. (Clark tcC lxii. ( y iloix 1)} f IGiove g-(l4'x xc
AC-c c'I


Club 1House Dress lies, slirts, studs5,

See these bargains before buying.

.v. .

Ann Arbor Savings Bank( PATRONIZE I -P-7H E: A RG uS'-
Ann ArborMichi. Capital Stock, V5,000, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! t iN fJO i~YIc
Sxphos, $15,00'x 'tlxOO.lkl' E;
Org'anized underthe Geceral Banking Law 1atch c U Ittxhx'cSi IC-l' ~' xhti'
xi this state. tteceivesa Deposix xts , yanxd
sels xehng o tle rini alcitesof hejRLDsFAI lll
lcxxxxlicx lxxxx. Otitee .- : JSecu .re Rooms ttt u
a i c i ff'tI t c r, .,s_1,D TW T R
vx' - -xx xx x L irl rhg fMaWaPreparation Early!'. Cx~xec~ectcctcaa

Exoelsior La-cc r
x i iC-Necrt Ct' ttlO, S il l i fr
twoi d ('c v e. J1. COV T,xxxo.


(. J1<C' Shoo xx. Aiddr". ,xenlxsing xxxxxp,
F t a IxttSE tclA I ll 76Ch, iry It, Bolxxx i, Fax-2520 CALIxET AVE., CH iCAGO.,
lsx w . iF'xl.(XI E.lIA ii. SAE. LOCAT-S.
rr T A ri It I u r (Ilxxx 1ii 'lxx j,,(- irewi e- ereaxi lllietc. ixxxxlieg' lici.
53't~ Api1-T idlcueb etr ala l cr pi lii
___________ _ u ____ eLaw." s malii ipexrls. Loxst bt-xwelrII8i-
Th r. p i :3- sx'xxxxxi -xxxxxxxiu xx-xxxxxx-xatix- Hixronxt idt inxxexicl iixixg, lixlxx
I) I \ !_a r irtlutt tt _2rnArb r )iiil..ITIililig. Returt0xx 8t3h 1 - ]. 12x'021.
IFts.AN D A LL x3-FxxjxIt ox- cixx. of -' I x l xxxxixx-x ioorns toiletitig:(lex andiiSuite.
FINE PHOTOGRAPH-S, ('oxxxxex lxlxy 3iitrr f xixx' T xxModexxxxrn Cxolllixxtellesxx. 0,,'ixixxxix
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! "li ApiIx114 Uxixexxxxy wxctIii xx-'xxx-untxil110111rontllmpus. 4,) WxxxitexixxcAvx.
i hxxx-y,_\iril>. lix
30 EatxHxuronsee, E. JNioll'l-ix I iiy &xCo.(x1o xil
SProhibition Cilb. sexrvexlloriy's ice-erexani. i~Il
SM HAV11EcxARNExAN 141POJIEML '15, lxxistiirth fthe Pi'xx
*JENIAL ! A tex cti I ' teroixibitlnollhicex ihxs theue .txcict lislcarrxlxiages,
EP Aal ONx !l etnexti.x ohloxrses5c ill till xciy .,ixiix. tfI
EonxxITSx1hxxtixo. -1 yClub iast eveninig tieifolwingxx l4offi-' - .- -
o cYURxA-DxE er cecci'tcIxctxsslcse-x Ccxc Williams in x"April Fx00lx
i'resicient, J.x lV. iParker; vce-pichx- lx i llxtic andxpee l'gcilu(1erixixixi
xicxxic gencrai, IT. 1'.Crsego;ili, to us xext Wedniesdayxilet xitill (xlxxtli
S 1Opp. tourt House.xAl. PxPorter; lawc, Ax 1. Iixxr';Operxa louxse cwith i ical' txxxeltrixx.
_____________________________itxy x'xitti x; xx lxxi it l.l Iice xl
medltixc), t1i I' ohveiani;idintli, xttle xofxxinxe, lie impxiovexxsxxitih age
f1T~fl~flf~1 Gf X. Parumenter;thxorneoip. , LF'. ]'. lxndtixe funxll inxApi l'Foolis saixito
IxhII"riSfl (Lx ixe lalt and fxiotcxi. een sxtooxpin
leelch; piharmxacy, 11.'.xixLexxxis; rec.xtxo tilelurse 1xily xof llegxedxclixeti-
secretary, J.x IL iicharcison; ireas- torsxlie stxxnxcsixre-emlinlentix xigitl
axxiljusxtly pinedlllhI le Prinxce ofGer
(Go to Ileadquxarters for ahl lllV i nie)wlP~lti 'llxttcxiicicxKtteMtiel irr
Theclu apoite 11omi 11e ixxxhod:-'rxixxl (itchexiillietrxude
aseconldhand TEXT-BOOKS. io mlaike finai arraxngexlecnts for iixe Hlably ie ankixexia, llxxxnquetion-
oratoricai roxntest of lAui x2S. Iihr itix Mr. llilsl ll xiii 111111cC x
X~cx ll~ x riecvec 1 lrgeclPxywiii proibabiy ibe six contesianits inxFl" xxa mierry ein~xgs entertxn
menxtt. 'h lax xxy is saidi to be aminp
of Gxeek, LatixI, cGormxaniad till race. ixiexiuxxerxwiii go ailost xWitixut VxIlxigxrity n mlsnxxxi ommdaelxcihctaecots uo aclie leayNexi lxxd Axc
FrenlcllClassics. NEW AND ilxtcili o ieSaecuethxex ctitis ofli'ex i cxlixicxi
andx convtexntionc at Atibioxn, witere a . +- -
SECOND-IIAND. tacoutS cilc bexxnioasthe cxxxvx-xx'xNotice.

>xi ~Cclttnxixxiclc ci-xt't ott
roadsix first onttrta'ctk-, fitrxt111 tixe
strentgth of its iigxtxcssc Cotir-
jatnteei aii ove'r-B~ookc txittit
-4lumb tui ottu--freec atC~o-
two 2-ccit ctattps- Pope Alfttx
Co., Btostox.,N-ewe'Yxxrb. Ciago.
L ~ ~ ~ E 101 ttix txtxxxhi'
10U ii E ].t'Y11i-

W~e otffe' the largest arid best of the faitbfuxl.'The natioxnal coxn-
vention anti conxiest xiii be iteld
Note Blooke in the city for 25ie. June a2830), next, in Cbicago. 'rie
Brin in onr secod-h cd xnnerc at Chticago xiii get a prize of
Bring ut ~oor scondbandfifty ciollars. 'i'hxcmexmbers of use
Text-Books. clutb bere sitow mxuch exnthutxsmx,
axdatihie coxntest cilsdoxtliess be
W ahr's J3ookstore close and interesting.f < Arraxtge-
20 s. State street. meeting, at xwhicb tbe ccxi national
Main StK, opp. Court 150050 platformx will be discxtsseci.

i)lc xicic clxCii tlc-Ax'limoxetin
laxw lectutre roxom at 7:30) this cecxx-
ing. 'Very implortaixt busixness
meeting of all receptioxi conxmuites
just alter clubx tuetingc
AxPrxxci x xesixdent.
'lhere will be xi meeting of tixe
Republiccan('lubthtiis ex-ening ill
Roon x 3
1.x IK. I'lii cixii, i'res.

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