THE U. OF .. DAILY. FROM SUNF NY ITALY. TI' 11 1rroSTYLES. 1-9 e\"('] =i t e eof 110 0 l ()!11 , f:, .v .:... .,. ,.r .+tr il t Il( l iii :t)ito1I ceo'l e1. o ' 11111~ 11K11 1 10 p{l) fo 1 0 1 I maI I i s~ f1 t 1l'.f t1 lt i lile fo l l a l -I Q ' J J lL Y I ji I j j/ P ql~ulllvpuo 10MeHeptoettou00110.LS I II i ' j.j i .t'~ 110111 t~lO r~f oS all the l 1 lllll laices. rfe reaTle 0001 lp t tis ffie w flllpe f10 of011theflotne{ 011y5Baof f palacs"au is. fioefln. 1 raesae cta n hzsot orly a w xeetsIt Tloc afrlgI G SU T l011s to try thleir metal. Compfaint excrrroioris to Cartharge; we sholood very C YTLD gfl(Ify fhave stayedf lon~ger. is mladfe ff10ttile courts are 1101i111 Very frulfy yourrs;, .V5sae o lyng fl A B '1'.c1 . EE~l 0111101Ifb10loofpef into 11 (1onceand 'T "'1 suitablirl o rlso0111 11110for the ten- lor.. 11 ll. I^i'' MM1 fl~ 1101nthusia0110 00 as asets.0.01 11 1. Il~lf ~ i f '.lo' fl~rino,'.llrsi11 1111 1,10 01100 0lll~r.r1i010011001 01.1 0~i~rrl rerdr' v _T1110111 l dinelloei oollll1llr'a 111.. in o lr'AIi I .11111 Ja0 111111 15y br~rd is e\en~ly C A. D ..rls n, w 1 w w zitctu bildng T .e eacer lageaOttendance 01 1 {10111 1 01 711 , good i icfp-ill; s0111ioirrlclwell upplieroeaoilg No.r! 0000icy State Street. aeeraflfhave askerd ne if threre is f~'' 1('offel. ally doubt about his being oiththfie 0)11' H D LJINC HES Dfemoeratic Club, Ff1r11 az,. 'Pie I)riccs-- - folloswing telegramn, added to a let- T lo And the very choicest Candles fer to me1 1s our assurance: dir.-T "Waoflingtoll, M:arell 22,l1f93. I 'h' ~('f 0StUTI ooi' b, Will attenld ff10stud~enIto' tbanqufet, ~ '0' l April tifrteentfh. MAV. L. W'l rON.' 3Jicliiyrlo. VICTOR CYCDLES I wilf say further thtat tIfhave an- (- falmrT (1fl rthrir nounced no one~ as conming who has H IIIIH\IIl~TIl not accepted tile invitaltion arnd G . USMIiII, SUUI &tJ.ULJ 1!. STAEBI111' S promised to come. ofOr04c.111lo,'rot Cycle Emporiam, 11 W. Washingfon St. J.:A. hfoRlIr.O. DETROQIT, rc~d. a'lMsta fIstUeet t' Dilsoo, FOR~j (ATAI.0(itRE. RENTSCHLER, crt11.010 .111 11110 b10 sGRAlNE OPERA IIO-U3E. WEDNESDAY EVE.1 APRIL 12. t THE COMEDIAN CI'TS-"WJJJIAM)S 11AP RtIL11111 11111)'II Pri ces,, - 35, 50 and 75c.. Secare Seals a ats' Jcrr'lrs Stre. GIBSON, PHOTOG~RAPHIER _i NO. 12 W. HURON ST.