THE T, OFf'M. D AILY Shears, T 1 I~NEGLEGEESisr,'i 1ethpSIJRT itahogaay.iCeluliboundtedgesi, In the elPRING STYLE S ad E AsDING SHA'DES hv ive dTeyl are the Everey Articlie Vasested erifOctY finest itt sharts tiescoutryp eeererlacedleant toesale tatly at CAI1 L ITLEs FELLOWS IN PROPORTION.I' It34heathhState Street, .- lUt'sTrAIRS. I EsAtItNG C(9TItttttst ANt1) SlATt. IJuS NAIN STRSEET. mOORE& WETMO RE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___ ____________________ANT) COtCNER OF STAAND WI5SLttAM STREETS. NEW AND SECOND 11AM). Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. And Many ii Ofher M Nakep BicYCLES. HOW Drg N Will You Lookr At our Shop. Wintdowv? It tolls il's twi tostsry abot GUITARS ANTi PRICES. THlE ANN Allil0lt ORGAN CO., 51Stasstntt tStreet. TXGHIGAN NT I Titer Table tRevisedt)Naovemher 201892t. tEAST. p. '. WEST. a. m Matil------5.. 4 t5tihcaoStpeciatl-C3 08 ttat Extpress----till30DayNEpress--S CC2 N. S. timited---- iS Nesthai---------93 N. I. tiasitest .9 45SN. S. Litmitest-.-til51) Stepgara Ftlsei la1atte7 p,. t tt. N. Ex1sreCSa---:10:38t. it. IEtpres --5 t8 AtlsanticExpatess--58105Chi. NightNEit-- 59105 ti. ttEixtress-_-t_10t40 taciitc IEpress--ti C7 t. W. it TGLStte. 14. NW, ltAYt, , G. .1.A'et Cicsago. Agt. Astt Arisar. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AtRBOR. Trisctst.gettereltbatning htusitss, tor- eigns exe-hatn-aoid, ltters af creditptreiaed tortaveltresatreed. P. 13tACat, Pres. S. W.tie sARsONash.Cttier. DO YOU DANCE?. RANGER'S ACADEMY, £i M ASNARD ST., - ANN Aitot. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY 311lb. "Clippet-rrnd"Solid mteatToahtoes tar $1,11)pet -doe. C " Dolphitn " " 1.5 tRiverside c " " " "c" cc 1.0 " "Putmpkin,, - - - - 11.0 C''Squtasht,------------------10 2 " Winslowv Cortt - - - '= 1.1.5 " 2C" Primrose " - - - - " 1.8 " " 'Ltake Shre" - - - " 1.501 And all othter Canned Goodestat proportionate licesat I44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. j UNIVERSITY NOTES. Chit ssssssi ttad isctedlts t s-he -sc p Fos.etety tisshe"s ist-"etnttttp, lie ttke ssndropt-,. I'. Pus.. Fl emley, ieee 554, lies gotnelhomte. Siare s373lice Cornell crewv has evots2at races and lost 6. Thita:Probibition club will ltoltl a mseeting in the law btiildling ths eventtng. M~r. Lloyd has hseard Prot.Deevey's class in Ethics during thte letters absence. For thec first tite in the history ot Vale, courses in lphysical culture will be offered next year. Htereatter tuition toe the Univer- eity ot Pennsylvania latw school will be $t50 instead ot $tzoo. 'There will be a demntration this eveninig betore the Dental society by Dr. Moore leonm Detroit. All are invited. lerot. E. D. Cane Phell will read s Taper betore tlee Iron end Sledl club thi eveteing in Roone C, Chem- ical hbuilditeg. Four cars loaded weitite U. ot M. exhihit at the Words Fair are standing in thse 1. C. yards swell- log shipmnent. Hon. AV. L,. Silson heas tele- graphed the S. L. A. that lee catnot be here April ta. lie viii deliver his lectare soneetime in May. The FreshmneaNtandouts Club is contemplating a trilp during the spring vacation. Already they are billed io aipiear at Jackson and Adrian. Te Wotld's Fair athletic groutnds wiii seat 35,000 peopele, aoil contain a halt-mile oval track, 440 yards with one tuirn, aao yards and too yards straight-awvay, all htuiit ot clay. The 1\ichigan Schsoolmasters' club held their session in Roone2a, Sal- urday neorning. Amotng otlier ica- peru read sees one by Prot.'Teomeas, on "Germnea Bhelowethe Highe Schsool." Call on Win. Fulde, the Tailor, opposeite the Law Bailitteg,0ot Wiiamen-st., first dose west at State-st. Clteasing, repairing antepressing dane neatly-. Sits to order a specialty. Altark fisa-class. IF YOU WANT TO Buy a.Alai'm Clock. er have same Itepairitng dane go is 'W'qi. Ariolcky 36 Main Street 1(ARGf - HOUSE WITHSIX LOTS Aor sta eseet sixsl t swie butt is imlproving. His swork wall 'isttsv-.teti-tttsu crcot iciis- s-thsi continue as usual theis week, b eineg tn charge of C. 31. Molt. No-2 E. Washington-St., Near Ma As bot the Colunebia uter Yale freshmnn"lave accepted the deal- t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Issee~ lenge tronetlee Harvard Freshen crewv, thce triatngular race will be rosved as usual at Newe Londion a trw days i~tore the 'Varsity race. Tite class lee Attericatn contitutt Catsa 5ssX. Surplsg aad Proste, $17,(X, t sin. ilk. from OcIttobe-e tee ils oAhisciy lit ,l 8<3. It has been decided at the Johns 5 ssstiess cletlait stot a ttulic tstti. ___________________________Hopkins University that every doe- Senti -It25., seorV3 CI Cr arae- toe ot philosophy shall be entitled ple RilBoIta by expresisi Til? theiBESIT CANDtIES in America. to wear on all fitting occasions a ULijV Peecttta n elegant bteatd stttetly lute. SuialSelfar gowen made either ot black silk or PRESSENTIS.Expreas charges prepaid. RefertoI alt Chicao'. black stuff, and a hood of black FlITtyartnee Adidres jfl7 C. F_ _GtJtttIlSRdConfectioner, silk, lined withe scarlet silk and tiC State Street, egdsil od tionel history leave bosight about $70 cworth ot new books to assist thene in their awork. At the end ot the year the books wviii either be divided, according to lot, among the class, or will be presented to the I department of American history. Dses a general Bannking business. Pays in- tereat an Saving Deposita. Baa safety DepositlBoxea Car :Rear. it. KEMIF, Pres. F. Si. BELbER, Cashier. Hank aces Saturdav evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. aN CONNECTrION, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs. 30OE. Washington St. J. N. TROJA\ONVSKI us Blaths far 15.00.