4h /,qqwr IRW* of AT.L VOL. 11.-No. 14f0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1893. PRIC , THREE CENTS. TH ER AC. guests were entertained. The gay THE MUSEUM EXHIBIT, ___ scene wvas illumined by twelve large Noalrolcin fSufdMi HareHomae Pad tothe odsarc lights, and occasionsally, by thse mats and Birds for the Worlds- R eomsic ad otheDne.Go psrotecisnics from thse heavens with- Fi- oMuianthDac. out. The exhsibit in Chicago will be__ --At 9:30 thse first couples of theb The Junior Hop of '94 a Magnifi- evening began to arrive, and Mann- containned partly us a case fiftccen hy cent Success- The Glee and ger Cleveland ansd lady enjoyed the forty feet and ten feet highs, partly Eanjo C1lobs do Them- hsorsor of hem0g the initial couple toinasoescarsvtybtvey selves proud. i noe qae wnyb wny.-. _____- tromensade around thse ball room of feet.1 Iis open sqiuarceiwill contain Th reati society ecvect ofitshe the Watermns-g ymallmeanai. collegeya i o aianevcut in j iTHELEE AND NJO C 53 (1L'S. a1Is nns nai t :ocs'- s'r- Ilststih By g o'clock a largeesiiiience hadThi e cas issall he occupliid cliictly Unierit hstry ' ht hih asfilest the ga-lleryiand thc cosncesrtby by liircds. I TictotlsInumnbero oritieis'thy~ (i~ ailIl-illis lub bean ianisstssent is seventy-seven, mid o n Abrs fu hn- ih h elo ndBu. hs -, wt le .ra ntilcipations wias the firest concert of ithecsear and hrynn fwihwr ucae -is c-ain hrhi s nsslde an exceptisunaily good andI mossnteid volthis spsecial pura suit iviti s- ml-oiscss impress0~ iion ith Igh indicaped tsose. Thirty-eight tare taken Ifroms y ill'ihsgnlsces r bytic arr-ageent--of01the tanesmuseumsintutsheJnorHp fsi $ha rety yo eil i issl l~Oi0 ats, and the iesrferece isiti the f( ti h i ic nics c tilu withu uuoidoubt eclitiseilthis faiere-miv-ad Iticacousice en is by the cnl u l-s0I is llo cosrds of ill its srcdeccessorss. 'sany Itstooiilis. A liat sdrili ais to-G'tl5-rcasdth m re im0r hins cnspredto ak ths oe dcedas nenumer f te po-taut oncs are: A cairiboii threecc ofth mIcnost l Ilisnt 'andcsuccessful grmiiand isas carried oiltisiillsa-dieritwo bhaul Oilslynx, twvoisilil vim nsdicthviliood excui onu k-t niawolfiiid ICfshuile 1 sops inithelic stsor y of tetic C iii c in; Ca decicted hit. thin Ser eiiasle," ylc> t i t -nin o-in st waiii Iit -iLst eveninCg 's 0g"arnirlls by Mr.CcGiorge'ail theclbw sa iiiIr,5lii yiili iliite iiiiiii 0 s l i ictiltle sisual ce rt y te ccptionaiy ie iuiiitsir, id EIll cc a--i5 -ilsiclrs li iaioc it aisstisSioi,5Xlii-- 515 va5Ile. ofss tli -ss oi sc Ue ~ IhistunI li-il 5 iic Isi(1 5 ir111s 1 a li ni}). , It el: Us I Is i J14 '- r Top.iorIiluipw t 1 7 ardumcs 5 is cl)i.i-i visssu horposic us, sen sfor aisanss ito 101 las83-13 aiissA-. t.iimond Sf raiglht Q t. "' 1 o.i isisilec M11I '-t o ite s-- - -1rtio s "sssls'e ma e sy til a vacioss co i is he 1)r1:r o bendmeery sccls to irepa lbsh isnillSti gymiii risis t; s s t11s 1'u.s 5il~vr cs ewoiio a ss (la i55 :iiss s ti blro n, atri iid ,-ha 2 1n II t1. II ~ 51C y it tl oss isist i e ,2oiti Cc e !1ti. 1"1 s: T\ or cissn i s is i I soo'C plt)i i si iin tr5ack lwacs Cisiss I Iis i-isl s iosis cl ias s p5 a to snlal t-nioll isremthe holsofamis aisie nI slathentifratleryic Iisis ;Ilsoliesns decgsoatd ivill le ctolor andescuwthfeo of trernty, anssi blisr Ithe eenigt-re tl endofte oatrong s athoiohae o shees ofendscfratrns.tyhiscaste bvasthers ecthat teir niste clr 1.?c 1av I C. it 1.). Citili 0;6 'Chollip;oil's Mull ----_ll rt>tl----------- l11 -.F N t?1-!tit , lik'"o le l ;. l.: tit----------------- PA NIT 117. t tw-osisgsoup's'o wsae exein WI.-)'I 05 lii I 1 r he gos1 - tta d iisn uiiiirili. (-. ofi3li1 -- T h -rc e tr s w -t S 'li [ -lt s l In s'ai5als, 5was (isr is- -V b - xa 's ,... .,isics, ,,+.._ :r,. Illit o h ,ail a v , ,a h it:. 3 .o e t f t i i , t firs st'lso l tic «'re ic rd h s lil a d< o dtse tit. :iI -~-s' L 1 'nl ) tad AphaI t Inl ____ ( upteared p0aliieidoorI isthlea--i' Harvard vs. Penusylvania, i sQ..sF/VENUI cc esiof(lie gCnd5 aisti-csI' -sidi tli 'T'le spectacle ishischflloiPdssis tei e tie gaise at IPsiladclpljhias I is a 00 you s-les 5 Is ihiiastreiei' Iclsy, wih wisas shoutpesIbycdarkess is outi upon itIsi loisrc, I 1prt, and 1 TiceIQiuatersiwosuldshavsse isoilhash osne liinito be ireienhe ' i'll ItsIP IE costus ocscf thin iadies isesic variccd niaccuident happsienlecdini the in coins, irichi in textari;sail bean- thirst insning to 'itchser Reese. A N WOO7=00S tifful in effect, -inteinnsriucaeleitched bill nearly broke liii arnm mazecs of Ithc caniceisid she grace- when thse scoineivan 9 to o. Then a fist civolutiosaandI liiriiiof thiewvastz, 'sub''wasasl inu, and IHarv-ard H VU O ' s lbs effect was most delsghtflfini- oihdbn isfrs us steed. Miss Rebecca iseld, leaider(ocesi pfo us ih ts ntinnies in ---il ne.)-- lanch pitchsedlfor tsecrimson. Detroit, M~ichigan,