THE U. OF M. DAILY IKnives, Scissors, Shears, Razors, EverySAtic WarantediiPerfect. CRLIDJIN5' PHARM~ACY 34 SOUTH ISTATE ST. FOR~ig Q}{,IAA~ CLIJETTs COON & co.3'S A great big ~ ~~ ~NEGLEGEE SHIRTS Mahogany, Celluloid boundI edges, Inii e new SIPRING STY LES and ILADING SHADES sore arrived. They are thre ONLY $14(00 finest fsttng shirts the country ever producedl andi for sale only at lfIr FELOWS IN PROOR'TION. p L-- A ^ -- ' .f n -r -n- WILSEX, I , X 31 South State Street, - - UP STAIRS. JEDIGCOTIRAM)DiHATTERC. IVB CXLi"B s S MIAIN STREET. U MOO RE &WETMORE BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET __________________ANt) CORtNEtR StESTATE ANt)WILtItAMI STREETS. SECQITD s~x:sExE 0 ocx7 Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Lowp as the Lowest. - REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUYI Call on. Win. Fulde, tire ? ' Traisor, soppostte te Lons ]itlsistrotl 11t. " Tpper Irairsi Solisi met T iotmatos ffloli $1 ,10 iewo. Wileaing eat t ilr!tslanprestsn oetlrs slltt aII (L ssWCsr dptn:tgrLssrnrrtii A8t>At I Ltno i e 5. 5.515 snit(5t order5aspecialty . Atl svortrfirst-class. LAr~l- - - - - ---<5 <<( < IF YOU WANT TO -BO-R ATOR~Y UPPLIC6 - - 110<<< Winss lo t oran1n~ ~o2 .' Lake Shtare, - - - " 1.5o or have someseirinsrsg done go to CttEItE A P'11 Attdlall other(Cansted (Goodstloor ttoate ptlEIrice of WM t. Ar otd . 36 Main Stre It BROWN'S DRUG 'iTOIR. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. R UNIVERSITY NOTES. The new ropes ansd back-sttop ott IAR\IGE - tHO1SE yi]] ou. oo - A ttehttiett11tyld Ote thillk YOre tire carmprs ball field meet a 1lotosWITH SIX LOTS WsYu 1 tsr art ts itrerd, cvrrrtrrr it t t felt want. A. fete co-cr1s iet Iresi A.T7 . T tree1+1tl ret rtrihrkerrsom tin 1. y(se At1r lt itiv f Ittts 'o t r sev t trr. 31'C-5 tvv r t 1i G -TPSI tat bit it5 rrr tearraare reqirestedi to lrarrr hi r 1)rt rt "w 41 i1ret) re t1r rs-sy Irts 11.1>.CoI o. l tt Cicao Dit tarrres to :'essr-s. erier, Motrriso PRP1C ES. trI ollg er c 5 irectedI tit lerstal tt4hitten tt onecre, rrrdi rprirar oirttire ,~ etLibetty 0 etStreet, THtEl1tNN .1A3It Ijit viohAN CO.)drtmet Tesa.rattntsttt totttcitttirSattttrday S. 1 sA SE, AN N Asitotz.,iie >Sotan Sore et. lire Ilostetrrndi errit isiost or t irttt T j rN eatrzeri r omth tit rritig lee- ire Seil M1etroisolitanOpira Itry, Sabbati eo'ertsrg. comptiary still visit 1hitrvarlece, St ""nasz a x.sannu~on Z. I- A \ -'- trT L 5 }art cirart tras agarrruxzzT seers calszzee [tr srtt e tr(~ee t orvArsembter >t},5'S )- alh nha gi encle EST.e )trm.- r; N etc Yon- toie expsert testi- :%lttit_ __ -- --4 ' lia oS)ctl-3 N. U titir 5s S pes > 3)Dt)r est r molyina mrurdier ease. Na.rr~t t . ss beotss 'P'II1jplit irtrliiti ritrerr a > Fxees 1ti 1r earilett is I tofeasrr of Latint itt ') N. sts 31s 5 R 5 tt 555 _, a 55 Chrtsrrte 5 .t xp ar ) 5' O rofC. cre s 11(iSchsiouls. ct lttrtr-t e te 1. tees t f.I' \ ' _ eirt ftrars) g.n rb . P~~ rof. Steee i cirtettpittitg aj tripa to tiremouhoft1tire Antazotn, to FIRST NAFIONAL BANJK sea.rch tot oomte burecitlies, iistrn 550 ANN ARBSOR. tire sumtmner vactionr. spyrir t, SI srt"M.. Srplustantd Prtots, Etit01"Wt. Traito g enerot baringir biusiess, tor 1 ".. L.Lee, l it '89, notc pritncip?1t stron exeloirti sotS, tetters of cetlr tretired of IDecatr> ,Ill., hhsscitoolis tior travelers abroaid.i5 J P.050)0, Pr-es. ciivatot silrs S. SW. CsL niiaorin histvtacationtwithohii S praretnts on Stale sireet. DO0 YOU DANCE?9ITlire Cirerlantegota oreitestra of sesentteen pieces onder te directiont 9R ~ CAUIUJ of I H. lienment, assisied by M'r. 6o ANAS o ST. AN Asitomt. iE. N. iBilbie, violinist, nnd 'Mr. Jay sesnfo cobe ti 8at gty trrrt, tsot. Taylor, Senor, will give a concert s~atvit. before tbe Island Leagne next Moo- 5 $I'az orittt foe Som- day evening. The program will thep3 S AISn Apmeria.ccconsist of nolos for violin and cornet, Put up i nnt bones and Mr strectlypare. Suitable oroneg11by l alr ,with orchestral PEsSENTS. SEress chnrges aerne n ne Frp. Rfrto nalChicago. C~1annet oetrsans olier C. opSerHaE andscotnher C.F U l\'ItR ofcinr iosfo tnado Paut, Mtitneaposrrt, crnrrrra, osannas Citty,(CincinnatriiufftloTorotsto, (Ont.), ITroy aindiotitherltieste- fore relturntns io New Yori. The follisvnga officrseeeelecedel at tir; leffeisorrast society, last 1st 'it Itresteti (a Kutpcr;vice= presient, J. J.lDatitolffnecetarv, A.S ~ al;tetsuret,1. L os-' ten; critieAV. L.I Iartmar IThe ilitior lasohave saisesd$75 iso support thecir baseball Scant. Tihere are about twenty canreidates who appear for practice onSte canmpns fronm 1030 to t2 eacis cay. Tlae Scanm viis e especially stront intse Sieinfield. Tire followving programs will li)e rendierced by te Alpha Na literary society, Satnrday eeningt Music, Mr. McClellan; select reading, Mr. R. 0. Attstin; oration, Mr. C.I George; music Mir. MScClellan; de- bate, "Resolved, ThtS Cromswell was justifiable in accepting the Pro- tectorate." Affirmative, Mhr. Maples and Mr. Martindale; negative, Mr. Russel and Mr. Duncan. Critic's report, Mr. Black. CALL 0ON-..- C-. H. WILD) 1 The Leading Tailor, trri 'It i rr r a -titttss Sri,i"Prw v-, ttssst \comtstso