THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class clothing. Young Mcii's made up with all the detail, care anti skill which characterizes the bcst mserchant tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. r= - - T7O s- VfE WE ARE AGENTS FOR Yohumans' hats5 I(io)( Ihats1 silferipan's 1ats3 AND) HODGEMAN'S MVACKNTOSHIES. EXQUISITE FURNISIHINGS. :VERMIN'S GLOVES. We wish to announce that we are going out ot the Ready Made Clothing Business and substitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine Shoes. On account of this change we shall sell all our FINE BOX OVERCOATS ANI) SUITS AT ACTUAL COST. Call and examine. AT THE TWO SAMS. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE AnSAbr Mi.piu tick,000. SSSOWEN'S BARBER SHOP !__ _ _ _ _ _$P1ICIA e sUIL~W d Organized unerti ne iCenin Lws NoUuNndreriwsieaire une h eea akn as N. ATHRNSRE.A L ftis sitste. Receives Ceposits, buys and ____________________ sells exciange nn the prinecl cities ofcthte United States. urafts casied upon proper --THE ARGUS,%- ON SATITRI)AY, OCTO3ER 1 ). dentificatin. Officers: CHRoaISTIACK, P HRe.I, Vc 11 N IOZ p ?IT'lIN (1 w.a.HA,;O IMAS , Cs is i-niucs5'XWAGINER & CO., - Tailors and Furnishers. M. 7. P55ez,, Asst. Calies. AT LtOW PRICES. I RENTSCHLER, MANN ~pOFE~iLA iIOIISOl. K. BARBER SHOP. ANN ARBOR~lt Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain jS h toijaper atui'day, October 15th. "101+. WsingtonSt. J. it.'JTOANxOWsKis. 1(15 NI 1 AIN ANiDllIRON STS. TIlE ('LEMENT COMPANY $A !r "u ,0ana ak - IIN- Capeial, $50,000. NSplucsod Profits, $17,000. as racrc N a- Does a general Baninsg business. Pays in- GIB s O F ttsnSavisng Ceposits. Has safety 1'0® R. KEMPF, Pres. P. H. CELSER, Cashcier. P__________ O GRAPHUE ----Haineen Saturdav evecting. ~YL7J Lk .L 4 k Ms. CCli lem ensported by MNut Adelaide Picz-Allet, ceihca strong ciupany ii NO. 12 W. HURON ST. Itracined an su cl plcayers. s.Wicntccet FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. 1Prices, 50c.75c and $1.00. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS l THE CAMPUS. Seatsc cnisale ats cuilice Newstiai. 30btS1, tcaAscrvice at thc Finst Baptist I ANNOUNCEMENTS.ed& H FRcUSiFOR2 3 YR. * 0 YOccsTRAD EA, D. eler & So S Opp.CutHuse. BOOKSTORE Special Disccut eonsawBooks, Medical, Deital anicAl Usiverity Teat-Booeks. T'larigest Stl~olts' Note Book! chuirchc in observaicce of ccColunmhi- '95~ FoloiLl.--Let every mcanc an Sunday," still be heltd tomorrowv who can play hand in hcis Canme al evening, and the pastor, Rev, A. S. oncc' to Captain Holt and appear Carman, will speak upon cc The daily on the campucs at 4 p. Cc. It L essoes of Four Centuries.'' is desiretd to have two ipractice teams >lic' icr cec~i if enoughc players appear. 'l'eano 1>ard ijur icuredon hetralining 0an1d lractice gacmes oill he- football fct11 a fesv tays sinoce Ott)- gin immicetiately. iyears to be more serioucs tan at Clrcc