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April 05, 1893 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-04-05

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N' ~.,' ~ O1 v ,NEG-LLGEE SHIT
.E tiv 4 i' :I iS T 1.E " + LEADING -SHADE hvel'5 c~1 tto
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Anod all other Cained Goods at
Main Street, South.

a 0 it it i f il1. \5( ~ t1ti' o f
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lit, is tpromint ily menlltioned lin
connectioss 1i111)the lpresidlen)cy- of)
11he Athiltc Association.
Ms~ls M1arn111Cumngsformersly
94 lit, has heen visit 'iCCher cousin,
Sliss Wells, wh1 i i colee. ;e
retulrn~ed elstwss toherhomein

Pvlriv iNo ) h lx ,r. I~e 1:.1 i i li
!looyfor(Inc e ralof )l-. 1 11()~i oo
56 ~o- Liberty Street,
S. KiiAR:SE, o A 1iuio, llo.zc

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f) 1i ?stateC orc
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- 5 e1 11)11coc 11ntec a 1 ''
T 0.,w1711 eah (t'ln huch Cof
D O 1A CE .CrstnUtSo 4 11trnz n
he hoards for tse Wilson lectusre,
Ii N~oxN~iic o.,- AN Al~lsi.whicti wilil probahly he giveno April
:^, i' )fomOco r10 i1 l0iS2t,1 :1 Il'l sa, score opensedltlissmorning aI the
Seni ? 1st 2 or °31510for Same- 110n. AW. L. Wilson, of West Vir-
ths. ESTCi15 ,,,L3051erica1lgisia, will prohahly deliver Isis lee-
Put ap in lilaut boxessiasd thlatfteS.L
sity Ipasre7SuitabSle or lure, oa fseS .A. course,
C. _ UN~iE, onectonrwill spoak at the Democratic Club
CHCGILIO aiq ,Apil3.

0tF) sct '0)..is, c sr~ ,;n
ato))rceiicl sl, sintrl Ii ; 115151l5
te bl, -tomoro acnd s 5 '11
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arm nl. 5,

'"'The Arnericasn Idea,'' 10 11D1 ioe 510,010.ra 011011' in us J5-1l.le $11)in-
Tuesday evessing susject: "A World 100,1 051 Savisng Ileposits. Sats safestsr
Where all Thsissgs are Tied Togethser.''It. KEMPS, Pres. 5'. It. idESEt, Cashier.
lBarn oen Saturdlavevenisng.
The last nansed lecture is really an___________________
extra, hut holders of cousrse tickets 0. K. BARBER SHOP.
will he admitted withsout oxtra Is roNNE ON,
chage. Genraladuissoss IgFine Shower Baths, New Porcelain
30E. Washisgtons St.I. A0. TIIOSANOwSFi
cents. I30 Bathsfone $5.00.

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