.7"'HE U. OF M. DILY.
Th -c-- Thilctiar(0 Bi . rice,27013} i
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+ ti ° § T3" i ol
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ofCtie i Indepndent Associationi Ii a loi
STYfLES 1893
48 8Oi,"IIl MAIN48tE~
en dcil~ndIrninoeients, Notire. 170 T1TdTSaturday tpitr:o.
Salrdy o sn nai t indting andilciction '. J1 "" D U t'1I6"' D.e
iio: board of directoirs of tie of the U. of ,. Independlent Asso-
noiisciation will be helid Saturday, April 2 .Mi Street. WAGNER & CO.
Aliitic ssaoiaoion mare no i 0s-i, at ino:3o a. mn., in rona A. Only .
tke in nlhoosinge a football manager. paid-up subscribers to the DAIii c are
11r. Blairdl his alway s ben activelyenctitledl to vote for editors. R . Toledo, Ann Albor and Norti
idcnifmn sowih all i liltc ie s, --M chgn Riw y
especially ini football and is adsi- Mcia.Riw
7 r 'i'l11I o O ~ t F ~
Itist i0tc a rt<,,1, pit 'iO11S 1111
usi lI i ofii) ci
be1 no ')c* ,id
ni. lm~ ilbecil-(
Choral LtIns, c
liiiiii lii 111$2I.is ort 59 S GDi
mo:i ot1i '1?' e ionleEtii gc.i eV lmi m. T- sfo-lto- t e n e
E;'imd l olptice. Itn miibePlmlmi
1111 Ci t n t ire d ; i(1, mii" l b ii]ifr liii
rstretnwd imeorgytaimihesiliit(, vnd 5 E E A. in
'enites the trdbai bdili a-
o ~ ~ ~ ~~~c iinta O ii
Co Ii361iii WC 1 l A l i ,1,0
caia buy altickt iforaidolla, aini
Cholinal IUlion seasonlicilkts ido 1111
itilto this concert.
Tlim.IKKKi nakecs theIfollow ing
tesamiifor tis 1ye ar:
Cn) IE' b 'i lilwa ii I iare Ii11111111
1l~m m :glim' uI hi 'Ibe' illhlec
aU iii I Ithe te m iie lite
D~sllsie iaipiliei iii~c , liii :ie~iie oll to
Rumford. Chemnical Works, Prop; j-
deuLe, Rt x.
iic.cvais: of 511lsittiilsl,, 1 1it: i! llls
r . HI1AUL>)
--ARlS s(iAt 101. nTscFlit
e ssilm c i 11I \ (
ths l ' 1, 11 ,0 l C'il 11"i A
W lne lSCillls'ili ; lct)Itsl Poling 'on
ill i~c ilu ht oo nille vi iibe oiltheb
lto, a<im 1 Several 11h11 ie tles ie).(
Aitiion vs. U- or47ii., Sa-tni 0,-.y
_. n. _ ..... . ...59 ) ..._
.T .e+r, sii Eo :.i
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+ iii I li:. } .n .initca 111,ulre 1 .t i iiii si
- ,I 5 0 C E ii 0
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'I'ill firsitir.gulare 1,2111 of01 in. Sea- rivc it to 1(1,e , , liii t}.0 ij4 ne--il . ( iiie, 1ii le ',
on swill 1)e llayeid Saturday,.1Lit "O - clU " '' i ite. -c i ill ioi,Ii .1 t 0 tii 01Y4 'v1A11 1* _ ~jz_
.\12 CO on fUoisinli Iis ". E . ¢a Y:iii 11vY , .= f. , ,,x
01 h tnl t c fed LLO;e ltt h: s~a bD T I S RT.V I0 lvlm icl ksha iln i lan lia k I , Xwiit '( o t I. u,1> rat il -o uieo ;m
s-ill 110e i ifift l(itslI on e tt0 le ic les7t tt f 'on-id.a I Si U Ft
P11 __ Prices,, - 35 50 and 7c
1o it . 5,f 7,,1,,c2I 11122OianSa- I i Cil 5 c.
Chsoral Union Eliection. 2122.2 12021212 VICTORCYCLE
Atih Ili - s alelcionmim asl night, <GS frl!fH i , IJ} 0. Cm j n . i
tills~~~~~~~~~~~~~ foi'CycflceXcr hsn i5~i'.11.nmiNle iI ~ 1 Empun , ,W.Wathintas St.I
for thie cnsuincy )-ear: liresimlent, iT)E iIT, - - lhICIltlINIGC:polinNhO. -~12 W. i I N ZO Sp