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October 15, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-15

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'JC. of W . T eti v ONE of the best competitors who & v =
_____presented himselt for a position on New Firm, New Goods, and. Low Prices.
Published Dily (Sundays excpted during ti paper was a dent. Unfortun-___
the Colsge year, by ately, however, that departmnit has Tlee is nothintg like a SLIM FIGURE to pst it in muotion.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION not a sufficient niinber of subscrib-
___ers to entitle ttem to representation. We lave laid its a very Largo Stock of Seasonable Goods. We
Sscriptisn-pricee $tatiier year, invariably I ought Cheap. We Sell Chea p. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes.
is adaneirnigirespies3 tcets. Subserip- 'ToE DttY has made arrange- -VT.A HYR', cz . AILLI..,.
tsnmrSrmiath iefthOuanien ts whereby it willI receive imme- 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET - ANN ARBR, IH.
tn tafflt's, winath no utshe thditsI rs i RO,.s~si.
auttorized slicitors. thamrr diate atnd full reports of the foot-ballToeAn ArradNrt
Cmmunnications shsid reachthofiebga s durinth tripoftelvn.'ldAnAr radNrh
7no'clch r. . Mitthey ane to appear he netgme te fthMeevnchigan ailway
ta. Address al matter itended frupbics- The reports will be bulletinced at
tinntonthe Managig Editr. Aul business Sthis office. rtl Time Cr n fetSunday. August 21, t892.
cmmutniations shuld be sent to the Busi- ________ _____De0patare at Tais at Anti Arbr.
esbaTHE U.afI . AIYusual fool despay occurred Qan ano
Ann Arhor, Mish, on the campus last night about IT ___ Na. 1.5FratthfortMali and Epres 7 20a. i.
Al..ao.i Paser Ann Arbor Acesm...St 011nasa
o'clock. It was called a "rush'' C N. 5 lire Sit Passenger....4 1t p. i.
EDITORS. ~N. 101.iToletoand Owossoa Suday
F.E.JAETE. Lt.'8,MaagnnEitr btwente oLit.s ndfrs-5nl)................9g22aiag sth LAtNtSHOLtFBUIrS. betweenNthe1sop.uotuore and fresos.soru. . .unda.y m
E. J. O vsTs-.e, SLt. '9, Asitant. nen. siet a n ing;ar nine teceurs large atednace,atlyl. . ............. i 5 p.tt.
(, A.DE______Li__'93_Assitant.god diicine; Supeeeto w attwllsuppied readiug GI~o7
C. A. Ousasu, Lit. '01,Atei~titut.rouatitlyilectures; ntunatevenrig scapitust lta ucn
W. E,.ntitE, LtC'N, Asiest. VARSTYeversus amateur clai- pnttabetire yar; cmeracria grauaesin gea Nt.'2. TleoMMll Epevs. St...It wa. a.
dandat; shorthad graduates altsecauspositos N.s. TtleduMil Exprseoo......,K.s.
L. G. Wsrsssa nTstuit. 't, tBusiness Maager. pions of Atmerica this afternottt at liigtug epeses a. to n.7t peweehtpitva t atotm SddoActnualit 711 .i
w5 . VinEuii avgLit. 4, Atulatat[. te.t as uuovaadLs ttdaaw Na: 11. twousoetandtitTled (Suday
athletic fi ld. Go! tak positioasf o ot Sekitwe, atdress ny) -9?a.m
A. W. Jt~eea~ts, Lute'0:3, Atistuti. ahei ilt.GPaauttuact . . cs.aareeW. N. 11. OwosottdTol. . ..o(Sun.day
J.5R. AitNEIste, ISdv icT. oast)-.------.7 Li . it.
C,5W. RCKTeSu, Lit. 5'94).utAtLY'vacancies are noss-all filled. WePAdvise Students to See I Ca'nal standidimetui.
W.H.r av '5 iti- la rutit etwlieesi AttttAetitt utnd
5.t.E-tSae'. N otice tetnewv namtes itt our eit- 1 7 p Stiltd o In sileeetbtit.
F. A. Istisr, Lii. i93.JDOU)/ JeL1 [e+ 1 Titati l, 512,and1104tunt t titti lToSi--tii
H. tB. eA5nreN, Lt'1. rial coluttn. It io tutut Ottiveo lt)ttiiysolyuee 'rtedcedTattitu..
P. . Tuwi., L-t's3 :F11?.FlibE OES. tOtheeI ittnutdaily i eept Snitiay.
C. N. So-Ittt, Mdiv'tO. w he nunther of registratiotis will TENS SOSw TC . ivHi. csuNt-tS, t. SGREEuNWOODin
M4.tTENNnSe-SC.EStain-,- Lit.K t t. Sas. Aeui. LcluaAges.
C. K. TESA, Homitti % beofficiallyannutncetd today or
NSuntan A. Pet' ite t '96 \tonday. STU!DENTS, S AF HALF 1Y01UR MONEY AN ) BT
W. we'nER anut S-ti
itts MFA t out Steiiit BUSINESS LOCALS.
T...a." - - . .... Tpe wsriting dtote att d8 E. Catte-
tt--arie street. 3-0 __AT TE--
STUDENTS AND THE THEATRE. Thte Detroit Evenig News is nitu'a
A goodly proportion of thte tlea- ~lrsl paper, atnd will be deleiverdruln h it ttcnsf weS U E T , OO S O E T T T
Ire-going people of Atnn Arbor are daily ad Sunday, l0ts a swek. F. T D N S B O S O P.E T T T
students. We shall not be going Stffit.7-
afildthreor i westp heprss Look at the Miamnmthl ine of Over- Grek, Lautit, French, German attd all College Text-Books, New
afedteefrifncctpth orsseats, Gloves and Mittenms, U'nderw'ear,
long enough to venture the renark, Mans. BIoys' arid Clildrens Suits, at attd Secod-Hatnd
Slut te tudtt boy iil aptci-'Te S. T. Jacobs &c Co.', 27 and 29
thttesuetbdywlMprcPai stret. -id LAWX AN7D MWEDICAL BOOK~S
ate tite enterprise of tite local thueat- Bluy your Books at whlsesae Sries
iclnaanenineggnClyfrom the Natioinal Library Assoititn,>
rc mngmnineggnCly242 Wabash avenue, Chiag, ll. Ad- AT WHOLESALE IPRICEUS.
Clement. dress ther Assciatiotn tr particulars.
M\r. Clement is a trageediantof a esd-lmSn= = ziQ F6 oc os
AGeENTS WSANTED-Liberal salaury-
highs order of oterit. IHis talents Itaidtotsactive, side-awtaetug mien,
lhave been systemaitically cultivatcc; studenets preferred: empsymttileavs-
att andilpermianet.tnoitblitheddteleing. '
hte is a gradutate of Chicago tLniver- Aucltless,NatittalI itralryAssuiattii, s
sity, and a post-graduate of Hartvarc. 22Wial ~ntirCtui~Il
'heatrical critics lave proncuetittl sl tu-
Mliss Itertitia lI. Bliss. tetueher of the hi th omn mn" ophs
luh 'hecossngnuai.'''lt useGuitar uandelBtnjo. 17rSsoath Mtait ..
wvho are htonesty devoted to the art, treet. tts 1-1t-t
the appearance of a talented and B. NCIN.-Brls. Atntie W~rul Fos. I '
ter will be herue the last itt this Sonthtutyi
cultivated artist will be regardedh as to formu clases itDancling autel e-
a ret.sarte. Mrs.Fo~ster csmes sneli riessi-
atettesded. She hus taught n-tli success
YE EDITOR ROASTED I ins differenu ti~es, an~dl laugisen large I
and beautiful entertainmuets. Noticec
Sotue iliour galoot wvhose gall of date given later. ss.t.-f.s. ____s-
iso only exceeded by the immensity GEHISLA.-Stutdetts whos wish to joitn tit -s d
of hi ideaof ow persnalit it lasses its Germanasteotversatiotiad "'ushd
ofhsie fonprotiyhtreadin~g senestific Germtansp lecityt) __1
signing hinmself " Several Subicrib- apply to ---'
es"sends us the following literary KARtL . GIUTSSE, Ph. ..- '_
er, .o.s.--t 72 South State street. vf ;
Ass ABOR, Mihel., Oct. 0, to'. CLAY CLEMENT IN VIRGINIUSS h aaigEitro h U fM
o~~ ASix:n-we r, surety, ver much Su-
prued that ran devote s much space in ror Miss Adelaide Fitz-Allan an~d aii
ppr-whrermre valuable readiag culd hr strong compansy of trained and careftl
given--ta those infernal, god-for-nthing al players, have beets engaged o support ST THO MAS' MUSIC H ALL
games. Du run suppose that ever student is Mr. Clement on his presest tourwhsich
interested in tis Psls spart? iWe strang- will embrace every large city in the Thuc 'abotve isua cut oh the ess St. Thomas' Msi Ba ll onaElizabethtrsieet
Sr believe that net time all th participants United States. Bides "The Bells,'sear thecCttoliteSchoo.It is usd st preset as a Catholic churchs ad owng
in he game-vr Sn ral them paers wuld Mr. Clement has included in his reper-
bc a sin- will be illustrated in ror paper toire such plays as"a Iumlet, "Thte to its isussurise stisig'ceasaiest very Catholic inS Slur nity of tAllSArbor,
and critriard eachrelpaeately; the, wesuppse,.Montebank,'" "Narciae,' "Corsicansushether studene~t05rSot ciiibe accommodated. Thlee ae ttwo imorning sar-
thechief arm oP your paper will be achieved. Brother," and "Virginius," all of
tad prtect s rm the gracefl all ickus!t which are recognized as stasndard vcea015 Susndays, oe5t £ .it n.llthe other at 1:30. Vepes utd Benedctons
ScvnnA Se~scaanas. works of dramatic fiction. eveiy Sn~day at 7:I30 pm

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