NEGLLuGESrHIRT k 7 1L2 .2 }A , ,.j..jfpl >r 1.1 lIT I ' .1.55 . t O I'O fI ._ (r 'i I S? O.N .Il. . ~ ' G - 1 l F L A I N H D S h v r i ed t i _} Ie CALKINS' v~L NOL d PHA AC. icLiv(IiSiE S I YMINSPyE SA. O St-ate S ir(= , - I I> TiRS. ';rI{ LT IR AD H TE .> l I T i. OORE _:. wETMOREBOOK STORES(NO-I SOUTH MIN STREET s "A 4 , E31\A- =qST'2I 1307 ,NEW A XND )SIECb.NDI) AN11 Otn ~tc> illbe -found Complete and 0ur Pricsa o s h oet ,oyri\,>--,TSiu!REM'EMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY j > lt1 G'C(lippe r lraiid >oiii meat T-niiat((e r. i 1,1(1lc loz. :1 Dolphin ' I i li S .I GcVI S'i i e C GL " ' ' 1.20 t L A B OP m p k inO-R Y I.1 1 £ tATiY$U PLC 2"winslow Cornyt. P1 I C - - _ -11.* G t 4)' Primnrose - - - - 10 2'- Lake Shore,- - - - 1.50 G CUVEAI AT And all otlier Catned Goods at proportionate price 0f B3ROWN'S DRIUG STORE. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. IW UNIVERSITY NOTES. The rain prevented a regular o ihere'o 00-Cf-oir maiden pererse game yesterday, hot did not keep W JilYo L r-) k 1Yw o n Smition o nins i~li ic-) Itiivntsh do-v-o11n oaoin. 0 -woo the mien frons practici ng hatting, T' 01S(( WdiDrefIrIlo Inadcatching and throwing. it'sow001 ll o iitosf ol 11( naoddxiII U1((1"0. Prof. CLonely compllcied his IThere are seventeen canaiclates lertures today, tbothi to the senior GUI A R S far the 'g5 hallIcens. andr junior usw clases, laring the ANDi .Prof. Counely closed his lect-ures first one to complete the entire rRC S est erilay cn Constitutional Lavw. course of lectures for thie year. PR CETS. Prof. K-nowvton'a next lectr e010 Prof. EuwelI, o1 Chic ago, swill lee- 11l-1] .AN . I i tiWOIGAN CO.,0 ,I-outh(1-1lain sStreet. Stosiac lasw sill not he givens this tcire to P. G. lasws ansc seiiior maecl- _____________________seek. ifs ona "Moedical Junrisptrudience" 1 I. Evans, captain of '95 hase- every afternoons this weel from 4 to ICH IV ~ . hbll teama, is gettinsgIsis msen ((ct for 6 Irlm..ia the mecdical huilcding. t-eS ilil (ilsi-t >> ChN avspcisl 808 Thiactice. cio o heOr- addcitional voces are xanted on Dayi 1P --- 50 f Ers s -I is aana letono2tebr the Freshman Glee Clula. Any fresh- IN. ttk~t d - 6N Ld -- --- x7 orial Associations take .s tplace this is to I::!.SQ.atIT? eseising in IRoomo a./lnan oishingitotry for a piace miay 1111 Nlia f 0 oiivlaiia lceaeelSie ldli so hy railing onsthe Isresidleit, tit l~t nt I~.N Ih t E1) _u 0 ,tMr. Dykemna, at71.Southtrei t so- ii h-ib aial, Tisdayc s, atI)_iiilacietpitia ste. by ao sicoire of si ito C. l1ve-rctridy afterniooni fromsi11 PrOo00Teof. Psiiiipson vs ilenicteid . I. iin., lte co-eds 1tieca1 IIRS P isATI1NAL 3 NK nxo fAi co seca-l.asociastitdane at Nirchos' all.i1001 o i/c A.1t5130- -cacmission it chiargcil to pay ior tsc Csjit S 1 / tiI(1(11 nI ftosl ,,1000 ii mnilorily cii tiirty-siix. Datsc o cnro i 5n'jimsu5 ~iz (or I'1lie S. C. A. recendly snciii1 o f ttic tail. Notneh/It co-nits-ire, 1, o travr s aa. Piiciio of fine surg-ical insstrutineis aisd ,inus-ieu. CItia Lycurkus Todd wvas lheld in l p- JDO jYOUJ DANf\CE ? Cards are out announcing the wvorth Leaguie parlors, Suntdcay last. GA AEM , -marriage of A. E. Living, lase 'ga, The varions organizatioons vith a "A U ADM I atid Miss Carlotta Bailey, of Grand which Mr. Todd lias heen connected 'NI N xosRt STr., - ANN Annose%. Rapids. weere repreenedi. i-asn- ioi ii 50to i lst 0- 2ola1tb- , i- . G . It. Aihers anad A. K. Hitch- At a called Riveting ofte junilor (asn _oiir11 olo iiilri! cock lvift last night for Miaysville, laws last afternoon, an assessment - Send $2a50V or it50for Sass- Ky., to attend the wedding of Mil- Of'2 5 to. ovas made on earls mom- theBES CADIS imri c.ton Johnson. her, to support their hasehall teans. UllIIU pust opts io lgant baos and srcl ue utbetr At 5o'clock tissafternoon, in Also a vote of thanks was tendered Epesp piTlee oalCiao h hpl rf tne ie rf ehmfrtefv xr f1.1 Tr itonce_ Address, lecture on Warner peaaoyt etrsh a eiee ndmsi C. FGUNTHER,(Csafectioner., rpraoyt lcuebh a elvrdondmsi 212V55 State Street, th I1i ~r.rltos CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. t otigCOncr. eatos Z l1 oni Win. Fulds. tile 'tailo-, opplosite- the Lasss- liille, 1oil Williati-t o., llrsotllor wcest of State-St. 05annrpi51in05111111n100oOne 110111. Suits to orider a stpecialty. All «c01ti ftc-lass. IF YOU WANT Tb B3uy ra~xA&lr ClOack or have Os~oe Rpairing donie goto Wil._ Arinohl, 36 Main Street WT3SXLOTS .5 limo, Ilodi~ilot(s1(fori; toutonily 10. price lo (iI irtol tof otuei. ANusry lir..e lall. l'olo-ily Pin. lihape. 1 ((IShi o!)thir floor fo (Mlicei1:111 o (0(00 ad r ((m. 1 (1lt ntatCo aiil (110(ent((l(0eiiir ScOiC/tyIhise. 56 West Liberty Street, S. I'AUSE, ANN Assioiz, M-ti. ___CALF, -- G. H. N/VLD) The Leatding, Tailors ii o. i.i ((1 -c.Co~ N. 2 E. Wshlington-St, N erMain. Caplital,5,00a0.5SuplusoadPrfi~ts, , fi. Does a general Bantking buainoss. Pars ill- terest on Saving .Depsits. Han safety Deposit Boxea coo Rent. R1. KEMPF, Prea. F.1H. BELSER, Cashier. Bask on Saturday evening. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Is CONaNEnTON, Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain as~ -- Tubs. 3E.Washington St. J. R. TROJANOWSKL, 30 Oaths for $5.00.