HE LU.OF M. DAILY. THE U. OFENI INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATiON Ii etery rnan 0w10) ltas sver lone any work ia toak evets ta 'teaout for training. 'thle iocation of a trips to Chticago) as a scat hber of the Uivsersity tr"ack trimouoght to he sut'ienrt to intlto o iveryone with any taleni t t ll tormeout. Not- artlttttanil pt te' ir'rat entreaties niade to'(et itt the tnientott, tthere ar tsttl'somt,' 50otoroilutdl~rn timiityoridolncedo iott got ia t iii hs sn t )i "it 1' 'ii I I I alile:t)) . l t s~ t it ' I r S. L. A. Ntitco. PR"I NCN-S TYLE S Tthe oridsfor tteVfilsotllletutre- -} 2:-} tt heiif itet st'does tty ttti' ttgt]